Arundel Wetlands
The children in Year 4 had a lovely day in Arundel on Wednesday. They were able to feed some birds and do lots exploring and finding out activities. The day was enjoyed by all and they were very lucky with the weather.
Meet the Author
On Thursday morning Years 5 and 6 had a fabulous time at the Old Market Arts Centre. The morning started with a musical recital and some musical games by two members of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The above was then followed by the author Michael Cox reading some of his material and sharing his skills as a writer. The children were also treated to a buffet lunch before returning to school.
The children have been writing e-mails to Michael Cox. You can read the Children’s and Michael’s e-mails and the replies on the school web site.
Murderous Maths
This morning the children in Year 6 were once again at the Old Market Arts Centre, along with the children from year 4. They were there for a wonderful performance from the best selling author and maths magician Kjartan Poskitt writer of the excellent Murderous Maths series.
Dentist Visit
Year 3 had a very interesting visit to a local dental surgery this afternoon learning all about dental hygiene and how a dental practise works. All the children were very well behaved (no fillings were required.) Ms Busby was very proud of them all.
Withdean Stadium
Year 5 & 6 were the first two classes to go to Withdean this week for their P.E. lessons. All the children in KS2 will be taking it in turns to go to Withdean. Next week it will be the turn of years 4 & 5 so please make sure your child has their P.E kit in school with suitable footwear and a light weight coat in case of rain.
Guided Reading Books
We are in the process of organising our guided reading books. Please check your bookcases at home for any books with the Middle Street stamp inside. Please send any you find into school. In future, group reading books will have a special guided reading sticker inside the front cover.
To Dillon and Roman both in year 2 who have gained their 100 metre swimming certificate. Sophie, Ruby and Fabienne also in year 2 have passed their 25 metres swimming award. Well done to you all, what fantastic swimmers we have in year 2.
Playground Development
There will be a meeting after school at 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday 25th May. This is an opportunity to discuss plans for the playground. Anyone interested is welcome. The meeting will be held in the Library.
Tuck shop
We have a selection of fruit for sale each morning at break time. Bottles of water will be available for purchase after half term.
School Milk
We would like to know your views on milk being available for purchase from the tuck shop. Please let us know what you think.