Year 5 Booming Assembly
Year 5 parents and carers are probably still feeling amazed by this morning’s assembly. As part of their assembly the children performed the Star Wars theme tune using long coloured tubes banged together. They sang brilliantly and also shared lots of information from their learning Journey ‘Lost in Space’. Well done and thank you Year 5!
On Time Teds? What and Why?
Many parents and carers who are relatively new to the school are wondering what the On Time Ted weekly awards are all about. Well let me tell you. The aims of the awards are to encourage all children to arrive on time for school in the mornings. Children must be in class and ready for register by 9.00 am. Each week we check the registers, count up the late marks and the 2 classes (one in the infants and one in the Juniors) with least late marks wins an On Time Ted award. The most exciting part is that the 2 classes who won the most often in a term are awarded £25 each to spend as a class as they wish.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 1 late mark. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 1 late mark. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.
Gully the Seagull Surprise
Yesterday afternoon a six-foot seagull arrived as a surprise at school! He came along in place of Will Hoskins our Albion player who usually joins us every other Thursday. Gully as we fondly call him (along with the rest of Brighton) spent some time with Years 1 and 2 and then decided to pose with the office staff for photographs and have a few cuddles then finishing off his visit with his favourite act of mussing everyone’s hair much to our delight! No doubt there will be photographs on our website shortly. Luckily he didn’t a make mess as most seagulls do on my car and others cars!
Halloween Tea
The PTA has asked me to inform you that the Halloween tea raised £320 for the school. Our current focus for the PTA is to raise funds to make improvements to our outside areas.
Christmas Cards For Sale Soon
The PTA will be asking children in every class to design their own Christmas cards. The cards will then be professionally printed and offered for sale with the proceeds going to the school fundraising pot. Cards can be ordered in packs of 12 with the child’s name and school name printed on the back. What a lovely keepsake and a way of sending the season’s greetings. We’ll let you know when they are on sale.
Christmas Dinner
Our school Christmas dinner will be served on Wednesday 7th December. Please put in your child’s order at the office if you haven’t already done so. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals then do let the office know and they can tell you how to apply.
Emergency Contact Forms
If you have not done so already please return your completed emergency contact form a.s.a.p. We can then update our records.
Book Amnesty
We are holding a book amnesty in school. Please have a good look around at home for Middle Street library and general reading books. If you find any and I hope you do please hand them in at the office. Thank you
Argus Vote Tokens
As I explained in last week’s Friday News we are collecting vote tokens from the Argus newspaper who have teamed up with Barclays Bank. The tokens are blue and entitled ‘Money Skills’. The tokens enable us to compete for a share of some funding to improve our outdoor areas and we can win up to £3,000 if we collect the most vote tokens. I am not suggesting you begin buying the Argus if you don’t normally do so but ask friends and relatives who read the Argus to give you the tokens look out for abandoned copies on the bus too. The scheme runs until Thursday December 8th. Information can be found on page 22 of yesterdays Argus or on our parent and carers notice board.
Possible Strike Action
Just a brief reminder of the very strong possibility of a school closure on 30th November due to strike action.
Congratulations to….
Eden from Year 1 who has achived his stage 2 swimming certificate. Well done Eden!
Christmas Break
We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.