Christmas Fayre
Once again we enjoyed a fabulous Christmas Fayre. Thank you to the PTA for organising the Fayre and ensuring it ran so smoothly. Thank you to everyone who came along to join in and enjoy the event. Well done to the children’s choir who as always sang so beautifully and for the entertaining adult choir who also put on a stunning performance for you all (and didn’t they look gorgeous too?)! If you enjoy singing you are welcome to join the adult choir every Thursday at 5.15. The raffle will be drawn on Monday. Kane in Year 6 won the guess the number of sweets in the jar prize of the jar of jelly beans.
Nursery Says Thank You
The Nursery children and staff would like to say thank you to all those who bought raffle tickets in the summer. The money raised was used to buy a CD player and headphones for their book corner.
Christmas Performances
We are all looking forward to our Christmas performances next Tuesday. Please make sure you collect your tickets and remember to bring them with you on Tuesday. The Nursery and Infant performance of Rapanzul begins at 1.15 and the Junior performance of The Tempest begins at 2.15.
Violin Performance
Our violin players performed to the whole school on Tuesday. There are a large number of children learning the violin at the moment which is wonderful. Their performance was excellent and I am sure has inspired others to learn to play this instrument.
No Guitar Lessons
Guitar lessons have finished for this term so there will not be a lesson on Wednesday. Lessons resume on January 4th.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality. The winners of the end of term prize of £25 are in Key Stage 1: Year 1 and Key Stage 2: Year 3. Bothe classes win £25 to spend as they wish. Congratulations and well done Year 1 and Year 3!
Sequins, Sparkle and Santa Look- a- Like
Next Friday, to celebrate the end of term everyone is invited, if they wish to dress up for the day. Our theme for the day is: sequins and sparkle or Santa look- a- like. Please remember to collect your child on time on the last day. There are no clubs or choir. The School will be closed at 3.30.
Lost Property, Pegs and PE Bags and lunch boxes
Please check the lost property boxes and remove all clothing, PE bags etc from pegs before the end of term. Please could you also remember to take home lunch boxes before or on the last day. I often sort through them and end up throwing several away as they have become rather mouldy and unpleasant. Not one of my favourite jobs!
Year 5 Swimming
Year 5 begin their swimming lessons at Prince Regent swimming pool on Monday 9th January.
Congratulations to…
Surranne in Year 2 who has achieved her first stripe in Karate. Well done Surranne!
Reception Class 2012 Applications
Applications for Reception places in Brighton and Hove for next September will now be accepted after 16th January up until 23rd January. This is due to additional classes being added to 4 schools to cope with the rise in numbers this year.
Martlets Hospice Collection
We now have a collection box for the Martlets hospice. If you wish to make a donation you will find the collection box at the school office.
Christmas Break
We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.
Nursery returns on Thursday 5th January
P.S. Remember children Santa rings me everyday….. I don’t think I need to say anymore!