It’s been a long, busy and wet half term. Hopefully we will have some nice weather for the week’s break. Today we are saying goodbye and good luck to Mrs Coelho who is leaving to have her baby and we are also saying goodbye and thank you to Ms Slacksmith who has covered Mrs Busby’s absence. Mrs Busby is looking forward to returning after the half term break. We’re all looking forward to next half term and all the Christmas celebrations.
Our school choir will be singing at the Brighton and Hove schools carol concert which takes place on Monday 3rd December at the Brighton Centre. The Christmas dinner takes place on Wednesday 12th December and our Christmas performances take place at the Sallis Benny theatre on Tuesday 18th December. Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 children perform at 1.15 and Key Stage 2 children perform at 2.15. We will send home more information nearer the time.
Fly Away
Years 1 and 2 visited Shoreham airport today as part of their Learning Journey ‘Up, Up and Away’ They went along to find out more about flight and the history of flying. The children had a tour of the airport and had an opportunity to ask questions.
Year 2 Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings
Just a little reminder for year 2 parents and carers of your consultation evenings after half term. They take place on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November. You should know by now your appointment time. If you do not have one please contact the school and they will book one in for you.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 4 with 2 late marks. Well done to both classes for being punctual.
Congratulations to..
Eve, Charlie and Dolly Roc in Year 3 who have successfully completed lunchtime Buddy training. Well done Eve, Charlie and Dolly Roc!
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break today. Children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.
We are also closed on 15th November as we are being used as a polling station for the Police Commissioner elections.
Winter Break
We finish for the Winter break on Thursday 20th December and return to school on Tuesday 8th January.
Nursery children return to school on Thursday 10th January.