Bye for Now and Good Luck Ms Mason
We are saying goodbye to Ms Mason our reception teacher who is leaving us for a while to have a baby. Ms Mason’s baby is due in March and we are all looking forward to meeting another Middle Street baby very soon.
Family SEAL Logo Competition Winner
The winner of the Family SEAL logo competition is Lucy in year 6. Lucy won a £20 book token for her brilliant entry. Please turn over to see Lucy’s design and a reminder about the next Family SEAL sessions.
Albion Tickets
You should have received a letter home today with details of Albion tickets for a game at the Amex on Saturday March 2nd. We have been allocated a number of children’s tickets for the match and school staff have agreed to take the group of children to the game.
Spelling Survey
Thank you to everyone who has returned the spelling survey. If you have not had time yet please try and complete over the half term break and return in the first week back.
Parent Consultation Evenings
Our spring term consultation evenings take place on Wednesday 13th March and Thursday 14th March. A letter with more details will arrive home after the half term break so do look out for it.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 5 and 6 with 4 late marks each. Well done to all three classes for being very punctual.
Comic Relief Fashion Show
Ruby’s mum: Alison has asked if I could tell you about a fashion show in aid of Comic Relief. The fashion show takes place on Saturday 2nd March at All Saints church, The Drive, Hove. Tickets will be on sale after half term.
Spring Half Term Break
We finish for the spring half term break on Friday 15th February and return to school on Monday 25th February.
Easter Break
The last day of term is Thursday 28th March and we return to school for the summer term on Monday 15th April.
Nursery Return Date Tuesday 19th April
Have a fun and enjoyable half term break!