1st March 2013

Spelling Survey

Thank you to everyone who completed the recent spelling survey, many of you did respond. It was quite clear from the responses that 100% felt that learning to spell was very important. There were  mixed responses re: your understanding of your child’s spelling development and how we teach spelling at school. So we have a few areas to work on and improve to ensure you have a good understanding of your child’s achievement in spelling and how we can support you in helping your child at home with spelling.  

Brighton V Huddersfield

A group of children and school staff are attending the Amex stadium tomorrow for the Brighton v Huddersfield match. We are all very excited about this opportunity to watch the Albion play. We are hoping Andrea Orlandi will give us a wave in between scoring goals!

Thank you to all those members of staff giving up their Saturday to take the children along to the game.

Brighton and Hove Albion Women’s Team

The Albion’s women’s team play regularly at the Withdean Stadium on Sundays at 1.00 pm. I believe it is free to go along and watch so if you are interested do look on the Albion’s website for fixture dates. Middle Street is linking up with the women’s team after Easter. There will be after-school clubs and an assembly or two to promote women’s football.

Parent Consultation Evenings

Our spring term consultation evenings take place on Wednesday 13th March and Thursday 14th March. Year 3 and Year 5 will have slightly different arrangements.  A letter with more details will arrive home on Monday so do look out for it.

Attendance and Punctuality

For some families regular attendance at school and for many families punctuality continues to be a problem. At school we know what a negative impact poor attendance and regular lateness can have on a child’s self esteem, well being and learning. It is the responsibility of the adults to get their child to school on time and there are no excuses for regular lateness. If your child has poor attendance we will look into the reasons why and you may be contacted by the school and later if things have not improved the local authority will be in contact. Punctuality is monitored by the school and if there is continuous lateness the school will be in contact and action taken to help you improve and get your child to school on time every day. If you are having personal problems which are causing your child to be absent from school or late please lets us know we may be able to help.

Gardening Club

Mrs Purdy has gardening club spaces. Do let the office know if your child is interested in joing the club.

Family SEAL Introduction

A reminder of the Family SEAL introductory session on Tuesday 5th March at 2.15. The session take splace in the Family Room.

Red Nose Day Cakes and Flapjacks

Emmeline, Bronnie, Flo and Marli made flapjacks and cakes in the half term holiday. They then donned red noses and sold their special bakes to neighbours and friends raising money for Red Nose Day. They raised £25.40p. Well done girls your mums are very proud of you.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 1 late mark  and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 4 with 2 late marks. Well done to both classes for being very punctual.

Guide for Parents and Carers

Sara Bragg a Year 1 mum is interested in putting together a guide for parents and carers on educational terminology and what it means. Sara already has some ideas for the guide but would like to hear from other parents and carers about what they would like in the guide. If you would like to contribute you can either note down your contribution on a notepad provided at the school office (it’s on the front desk) or email Sara at: s.bragg@brighton.ac.uk

Red Nose Runway

Ruby’s mum: Alison has asked if I could tell you about a fashion show in aid of Comic Relief. The fashion show takes place on Saturday 2nd March at All Saints church, The Drive, Hove. If you are interested please take a look at the large poster on the parent’s notice board in the foyer

Space Invaders

Children and young people age 6 to 18 years can enter a competition about their use of social media and online gaming. This is part of an initiative called ‘Space Invaders’, a collaboration between the School of Education at the University of Brighton and CIRCY (the Centre for Innovation and Research in Children and Youth) at the University of Sussex. It aims to facilitate children and young people’s interventions into public spaces and to engage with adult anxieties about social media and new technologies by helping young people educate adults about some of the creative and innovative ways they use them. Winning entries will be screened at a debate event that will be part of the Brighton Fringe, at the Sallis Benney on May 20th. More information can be found here – http://www.sussex.ac.uk/esw/circy/communicate/projects/spaceinvaders.


Jody has lost a grey puffer jacket. It has her name in it. Please return it to Jody or the office if you find it.

Easter Break

The last day of term is Thursday 28th March and we return to school for the summer term on Monday 15th April.

Nursery Return Date Tuesday 19th April

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