18th November 2005

Bert Williams and the Black History of Brighton and Hove

Bert spent the day with us yesterday. After taking Key Stage 2 assembly he visited each class to share with them his fascinating stories. Children heard about the use of the Royal Pavilion as a hospital for Indian soldiers during the First World War. We also heard about Sake Dean Mohamed who introduced shampoo and soap to the (rich) residents of Brighton. The younger children heard all about Mary Seacole. Year 2 were eager to tell Bert what they knew about Mary Seacole as they have studied Mary Seacole as one of their topics. Bert also gave the children a piece of sugar cane to try whilst explaining how sugar is produced. Bert is a great story teller and we all really enjoyed his visit.

Year 6 History Walk

Year 6 have been finding out about the history of Brighton. So far they have compared photos of Brighton past and present. To help them with their studies they went on a walk around Brighton. A guide from the Museum accompanied Year 6 on the walk. The guide told them lots of historical facts about Brighton and one or two ghost stories.

Jean Ure at Borders Books

Year 5 and Year 6 spent the afternoon at Borders Books on Thursday listening to the author Jean Ure talk about her books and her passion for writing. The children asked her lots of questions and it certainly sounded like we have one or two children interested in becoming an author.

Year 4 Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the Booth Museum in Hove and have found out everything they need to know about bones and growing.

Learning Mentor

Mr Ben Dew our additional Learning Mentor, starts work with us this coming Monday. He will be working closely with our Learning Mentor Mr Tim Owers providing support and guidance to children in school.

Year 3 Indian Drumming Workshop

Year 3 are looking forward to their Indian drumming workshop on Monday.

Lost Game Boy

A Year 6 boy is feeling very sad this week. On Tuesday during Football Club he left his Game Boy on a piece of apparatus while he played football. When the club finished his Game boy had disappeared. Someone may have picked it up by mistake or found it on the floor somewhere. If anyone has found a Black, square GameBoy with a game in it (Advanced Wars 2) please return it to the office.

Christmas Dinner Forms

Mrs Walker says if you haven’t already done so, please can you return your child’s Christmas dinner form. Thankyou

Governors Shelf

If you wish to read through the minutes of Governors meetings you are very welcome to do so. The minutes are stored in a file and kept on our Governors shelf in the meeting room. Mrs Brill will point you in the right direction if you are not sure where to look.


We’re very sorry if you received your Friday News later than usual last week. Our photocopier was having a temper tantrum (as it does often) and refused to print enough copies for everyone!

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