20th January 2006

TV Stars!

Well done to Stanley, Charlie, Leili and Jem for their confident performances on CBBC Extra Xchange Programme. The children told viewers about the school’s Bi-centenary and about the research they carried out on the history of the school. The programme was broadcast last Monday at 7.30 in the morning! Mr Dyer fortunately was able to record the programme for us all to see.
Check out our website and have a go at ‘fling the teacher’ if you want to test your knowledge about the history of Middle Street and watch a video of the children being interviewed on the programme.
We will be showing highlights of the CBBC programme to the children in Monday’s assembly.

Cricket for Year 4

Year 4 enjoyed their first indoor cricket session on Tuesday morning. Dorothy Stringer Sports College provided us with a cricket coach.

Dinner Money

Mrs Walker says; please can you keep up with dinner money payments. The improvement in the school meal’s service and the hard work put in by our wonderful kitchen staff has resulted in more children choosing to have a school dinner. The dinners certainly smell and look very delicious. Lots of healthy fresh fruit and vegetables too.

Year 3 and World War 2

Whitehawk Primary School have an air raid shelter in the grounds of their school. The shelter has been set up as a museum with information and artefacts related to World War 2. Year 3, as part of their topic research on the war, are visiting the shelter next week. The opening of the shelter’s doors to class visits is to mark Holocaust Awareness Week.


Congratulations to Kali Holder in Year 1 for gaining her ASA Level 2 swimming certificate. Well done Kali.

Parents Top Tips for Learning

A reminder that the school has 30 copies of “Parents Top Tips for Learning “ on sale from the school office at £3.00 each. They are produced by Brighton & Hove ‘On Track’ Partnership for helping parents support their children with learning.

Maternity Leave

Ms Julie Layzell will be going on maternity leave from next Friday 27th January. I am sure many parents will join us in wishing her well and look forward to meeting the new baby.

Time for Dads

A group just for Dads has been set up by Sure Start and will run once a month. The group will meet at the Tarner Children’s Centre. If you are interested please call Steve on 296411 to find out more. A poster about the group can be found on our Parents notice board in the school foyer.

School Photographs

The photographer will be in school on Friday 3rd February. He will be taking individual and family group photos.

Half Term

School closes on Friday 10th February and reopens again on Monday 20th February.

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