Musical Celebration
We all enjoyed the children’s singing and performance at our annual musical celebration. The singing was beautiful and at times very exuberant! We hope you enjoyed it too. If you were not able to come along this morning you will be able to see some of the performance on our website. Thank you to all those parents and carers who were able to join us, you were an excellent audience. Your clapping skills are fantastic!
Year 6 at Little Canada
Year 6 and the adults who accompanied them had an absolutely fantastic time at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight. They all worked brilliantly in their teams and got fully involved in each activity they took part in. They were a real pleasure and good fun to spend the weekend with. Thank you Year 6.
Summer Fayre
We look forward to seeing you all at the Summer Fayre tomorrow. The Fayre opens at 12.00 until 4.00.For more information please turn over.
Nursery and Reception Sports Day
Nursery and Reception will be holding their Sports Day in the school playground on Wednesday 12th July. If you are a Nursery or Reception parent/carer please come along and cheer the children on.
New Classes
The children will be visiting their new classes and meeting their teacher on Tuesday next week. The class teachers next term are the following:
Reception: Mrs Noble
Year 1: Mrs Denyer
Year 2: Ms Moriarty
Year 3: Ms Busby
Year 4: Ms Whiting
Year 5: Mr Collins and Ms Layzell
Year 6: Ms Stewart.
Mr Brazil will continue to teach music across the school. Ms Glyn-Wright will also teach across the school releasing teachers for their planning time.
Pyke House Residential
Year 4 are very excited and looking forward to their 3 day stay at Pyke House in Battle. Please could we have any final payments for the trip and any outstanding medical forms.
Open Afternoon
will take place on Friday 21st July from 2.00pm. You are invited in to class to spend time with your child who will be talking about and sharing their work with you.
Class Photos
Please return orders and payment for class photos at the latest by this Monday 10th July.
Dinner Money
Mrs Walker says can she please have all dinner money paid up to date. If you are able to pay in advance Mrs Walker would be very grateful. A 0 balance is required by the end of term for each child who has a school dinner.
Amazing Circus Theatre Extravaganza
We are very lucky to have so many talented children in the school. Kai Scott-Bridge in Year 4 will be performing with the Whippersnapper Youth Circus on Sunday 16th July at the Pavilion Theatre. Kai performs a solo rope act high above the audience. Tickets can be purchased from the Dome box office.
Race for Life
Well done to Delilah Lewis who ran the Race for Life on 2nd July. She did very well despite the very hot conditions. Delilah says thanks to all who sponsored her. It is still not too late to donate money. Delilah and her sister Issy are running the Sports Relief Mile on 15th July and would love you to sponsor them for this event.
End of Term
We finish for the summer break on Wednesday 26th July and open again for the new term on Wednesday 6th September.