Summer Fair
The sun shone on the School Association’s Summer Fair last Saturday. Everyone enjoyed themselves with lots to see and do. Mr Brazil and his band entertained us with some great singing and playing. Thank you to every one who worked so hard to make the summer fair such an enjoyable and successful occasion.
If you want to hear more of Mr Brazil and his band they play regularly, at two restaurants in town they are La Bordeaux in Hove and La Petit Bordeaux in Shoreham.
Pyke House
Year 4 have had a fabulous time at Pyke House in Battle. Once again we chose the sunniest week to go. The children enjoyed visits to the Smugglers Caves in Hastings, a walk round the Battle of Hastings battlefield and a trip to the local Fire Station.
Healthy Living Week
Next week is Healthy Living week at Middle Street. Mrs Noble has organised the week for us. Each class will be looking at how to stay fit and healthy. Our school nurse will be in school on Monday morning at 9.15. She is going to be offering advice on how to deal with those pesky head lice. Please come along on Monday and hear what she has to say.
Bike It
Gary Shipp from Brighton and Hove’s ‘Bike It’ project spoke to the children in Monday’s assembly. He is encouraging us all to cycle to school. The project is providing the school with cycle racks, cycle proficiency training and is also able to offer adults and children discount prices for bicycles. The school joins the project in September. More information to follow next term.
New Classes
On Tuesday morning each class visited their new classroom and met their new teacher. They had a busy couple of hours talking about and preparing for the new term.
After School Clubs
All clubs except for Cabinets and Pods have now finished.
Lost Property
Please check lost property for any lost items before the summer holidays. Everything that’s left is donated to a charity shop.
Congratulations to…
Hayward Lee in Year 3 who has completed 400m swimming distance at ASA Level 9.
Open Afternoon
will take place on Friday 21st July from 2.00pm. You are invited in to class to spend time with your child who will be talking about and sharing their work with you.
End of Term
We finish for the summer break on Wednesday 26th July and open again for the new term on Wednesday 6th September.