Halloween Disco
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the School Associations Halloween disco from the school office. The disco will be in the school hall on Tuesday 31st October from 3.15 until 4.15. There will drinks and snacks available including tea and coffee for the grown-ups. The DJ will be giving prizes for the best Halloween fancy dress and for the grooviest dancers so start practising those Strictly Come Dancing moves!
Black History Assembly
Key Stage 2 children very much enjoyed listening to 3 speakers in assembly on Thursday. They told the children how their families, who originated from Africa and the Caribbean came to England and then eventually to Brighton. The 3 speakers who come from a traditional background of storytelling captivated the children with their stories of new beginnings. They encouraged the children to imagine how it must have felt to arrive in a strange country with different traditions and cold weather! Our current PSHE topic: New Beginnings links well with the stories of our visitors and we have encouraged the children to ask their Parents and Carers to share their stories of how their families came to live in Brighton.
Parents Consultation Evening
Thank you to all those parents/carers, who attended Parents Evening. If for any reason you were unable to make either of the evenings please let the class teacher know and arrange another time to meet.
Cinema Visit
Years 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 have all enjoyed visits to the cinema this week. Years 1 and 2 saw ‘Over the Hedge’, 3 and 4 saw ‘Ice Age’ , and 5 and 6 saw ‘Thief Lord’ which they were very excited about seeing. Many of the year 5 and 6 children have also read the book.
Bike It
Gary Ship, our Bike It representative, will be running a Bike First Aid after school club for children from Years 4 to 6. You should have received a letter about the club and a form to complete if your child is interested in the club.
Nursery Celebrate
Nursery children had an early celebration of the shortest day of the year on Wednesday. They enjoyed a Persian feast prepared for them by Minoo and her mum Phillipa.
MSSA Coffee Morning
Parents enjoyed a coffee morning today organised by the School Association. It was lovely to see you all there and we hope to run more coffee mornings in the future.
Time Out for Dads
A parenting group just for Dads is to be held at the Tarner Children’s Centre for 6 weeks on Wednesday mornings from 9.30 to 11.30 starting on 8th November. If you are interested and would like to know more please call Steve on 295362.
Congratulations to…
Meg Ward who has achieved the Swimming Puffin Award. This involved travelling 5 metres in the water using a buoyancy aid. Well done Meg!
Hardy Churchill who has achieved the Yellow Belt in Aikido and the 10 metres Rainbow swimming certificate
Well done Hardy!
Half Term
We close for half term today and open again on Monday 30th October.
The Autumn term ends on 15th December for the Christmas break and reopens on Thursday 4th January
Have a fun week next week, hopefully the weather will be kinder than today! We’ll see you all again on Monday 30th