10th November 2006

Book Week

We have had a fantastic book week and the children have enjoyed many different activities in their classes. The whole school also enjoyed a talk given by the illustrator Nick Sharratt on Wednesday, who showed us the different illustrations that he has produced over the years, as well as asking children to act out some of the characters that he has created. The week ended today with a ‘Dress as your favourite character day’. Thank you to all of the children who took part in this, you looked amazing!

Woodwind Recital

Yesterday KS2 enjoyed a recital given by the Brighton and Hove Woodwind Quartet. These talented musicians put on a wonderful show and have hopefully inspired some of our children to take up a musical instrument themselves.

Julia Donaldson

On Monday 13th November, Year 3 will be meeting the author Julia Donaldson at the Jubilee Library. If the children have any books by her at home, they are allowed to bring up to 2 of them to be signed. If they would like to buy a book then please hand £5 in a named envelope to the office on Monday morning.

Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 have been working very hard learning their lines for their assembly which will take place at 9.05 am on Tuesday 21st November. Parents and carers are welcome to come along and watch them perform.

Magic Lantern

Next Friday morning, all year groups from Year 1 up to Year 6 will be visiting the Odeon Cinema to watch a presentation by the Magic Lantern Cinema group. There will be leaflets coming home to you on Monday of next week, so please find the time to have a look at them with your child as this will act as a good introduction to the visit. If there are any parents with CRB checks who would like to join us on the trip, please see your child’s class teacher.

Free Christmas Party

A free Christmas party has been organised for children whose parents are unemployed or unwaged on Sunday 10th December at the Brighton Unemployed Centre. Families Project on Tilbury Place. If you would like your child to go then please contact them directly on Brighton 671213.

Can You Help?

We have had a plea from a parent who is looking for someone who would be able to pick up a Year 6 child from school and then look after them for 2 – 3 hours per day. If you feel that you may be able to offer this service then please contact Jules on 07986173982.

Parent Governor

A reminder that the closing date to return any parent governor application forms to the headteacher is 3.30pm Friday 17th November.


We have had complaints from businesses on Boyces’ Street about parents parking on the pavements and causing an obstruction at certain times of the day. Unfortunately they have also been concerned about people being quite confrontational when they have been asked to move. As a school we pride ourselves on the links that we have with the local community and would like to see these develop even further. Please be considerate to our neighbours so that this can happen. Thank you.

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