Blue Friday
We dressed in blue today to mark anti-bullying week. The slogan for the week has been: ‘the future is ours, safe and fun connected’. Throughout the week children have been working on team games, working with others activities and special golden time activities. Hove museum loaned a box of blue artifacts to the school which has been used by the younger children to explore and talk about bullying issues.OTG
Book Fair
There will be a book fair in school from Monday 25th – Thursday 28th November. Do come along between 3.05 and 3.45 and do a bit of Christmas shopping. We get 100% commission which is all spent on new books for our library and book corners.
PTA Festive Fayre
Date for you diary: PTA Festive Fayre – Wednesday 4 December after school. Come and enjoy Christmas crafts, winter BBQ, tombola, games and much much more. Including of course Santa’s Grotto! It’s all in a great cause – this year we’re raising money for 500+ books for the school library.
We need your donations for the fayre to the school office of: wine, unwanted, unused gifts, sweets/chocolates (no nuts please).
Mrs McGeachen would like donations of good quality and good condition second hand novels for a stall she will be running at the Fayre. All proceeds will go towards buying new books for the school.
E Safety
A message from Annie-Mae’s mum, year 2: a colleague has just written a book called ‘From One Parent to Another’ offering tips for parents to help keep their family safe in the digital world. Please go to to get the free download. It’s brand new and is a hands-on practical guide and discussion of the challenges parents of all ages are facing in today’s digital world. Especially useful for those parents thinking of buying internet connected devices for presents over the next few weeks!
Anti Bullying Junction Box
You may have noticed the junction box against the school wall in Middle Street which has been decorated to raise awareness of on-line bullying. A group of children aged 12 – 14 were supported by Safety Net staff in exploring the impact of online bullying and why someone might become an online bully. The children created some key messages, tips and strategies and with help of artist Daryl Bennett they designed images to bring the messages to life.
Maths Workshops
Parents are invited to come to school for the afternoon on Wednesday 27th November to attend a maths workshop. This is an opportunity for you to be shown, by the children, the calculation strategies they learn throughout KS2. You will receive a letter with further information about this afternoon.
Middle Street Football
Our football team played really well this week against St Margaret’s Primary. They were defeated by 6 – 2 games but were pleased with how they had played. The next match is tonight against St Bernadettes primary. Good luck team! Next week they will play against St John the Baptist primary.
Typhoon Haiyan Appeal
Please come and join Christina Williams and Christian and Charlie on Tuesday 26th November in the afternoon for a ‘bake sale’. The bake sale will take place in the school foyer to raise funds for families in the Philippines affected by the recent devastating typhoon. Your generosity and donations will be very much appreciated by those families and will help with providing life saving aid and the rebuilding of homes for those who have lost everything.
Volunteer for Nursery
Mrs Denyer is hoping there is a parent or carer who would like to regularly volunteer to help in our nursery on a Thursday and Friday. Do let the office know if you would like to do this. Mrs Denyer would love to hear from you.
Free School Meals
If you are eligible for free school meals could I encourage you to take a few minutes to sign up for them. Please do so even if you don’t take up the offer of a school dinner. The number of free school meals directly affects our budget and, as we are finding the school budget very uncomfortably tight, every little helps. So please help if you can by carrying out this small task. The online link is:
Teaching Assistant Celebration Day
Next Friday is the time to show your appreciation of the teaching assistants here at Middle Street. You will be aware of all their hard work in supporting our children with their learning and their happiness and well-being. In addition TAs carry out many other tasks often in their own time to make Middle Street the fabulous school it is. At the moment there is the suggestion in the world of education that TAs are not necessary and have little impact on outcomes for our young people. We know that is not true so please show your support by taking the time to say a simple thank you to our wonderful TAs next Friday (or on any day you wish). I really do not know what we would do without them!
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!
Christmas Break
The term ends on Friday 20th December for the Christmas break. Children return to school on Monday 6th January.