9th September 2005

Welcome Back!
We have had a brilliant start to the new school year and are all very pleased to be back. The children have settled quickly and are getting to know their new teacher and education assistant. Two new talented teachers have joined the school this term. Miss Dawn McNally is our Year 6 teacher and Ms Sarah Moriarty is our Year 5 teacher.

Ms Julie Layzell is our acting Deputy Head and has also taken on the role of SENCo.

Building Work.
You may be aware of the building work being carried out in the school at the moment. A new office has been built and is now almost completed.

Water Bottles and Snacks
All children should have a named water bottle (with a sports top) in school. We are encouraging children to drink water throughout the day. As you know dehydration can affect children’s learning and behaviour. Water bottles can be purchased from the office.

Fresh fruit is available to buy from the office at playtimes alternatively children may bring in their own fruit from home. As last term no other form of snacks are allowed.

Children are allowed the following in school if they wish and they have your permission:

A small toy that fits in their drawer.

Gameboys are allowed in school but children are responsible for the safekeeping of their own Gameboy.

Mobile Phones are not encouraged but are permitted. Mobiles must be switched off at all times during the school day. Again, children are responsible for their safekeeping.

No type of collecting cards should be brought into school as they seem to cause so much upset and distress.

School Council Elections
These will take place shortly. Two children from each class will be elected and will form the new School Council. Reception children choose their representatives later in the year.

Meet Your Child’s Class Teacher
You are welcome to come and meet with your child’s class teacher on Tuesday 13th September at 9.10 am. The meeting will last for 20 minutes. This is an opportunity for you to find out about class routines, topics and have a general chat.

Parent Consultation Evenings are being held on:

Tuesday 18th October 3.30pm – 6.30pm and Thursday 20th 3.30pm – 6.00pm.

Ms Layzell will shortly be sending home a letter containing more important dates for your diary.

Swimming Lessons

Year 6 will begin their swimming lessons with Ms Busby on Wednesday 14th September. A more detailed letter will follow.


Curtis Barrell Shearer who has been awarded the Rainbow 10 metres swimming certificate. Well done Curtis!

Well done Hannah Buttle on achieving your Grade 2 Piano certificate


Please do not use the Nursery gate to enter or leave the school grounds unless you are dropping off or collecting a child from the Nursery. The Nursery outside area needs to be safe and secure. It’s difficult to ensure this if main school parents use the Nursery gate as a short cut.

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