12th October 2012

Cheerleading Assembly

Monday’s assembly features a cheerleading performance by the Brighton and Hove Albion’s cheerleading team. Children can find out what’s involved in cheer leading and consider whether they may like to join a cheerleading club which will hopefully run in school very soon.

Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 will be performing in next Friday’s assembly. Year 5 parents and carers are welcome to join us for the assembly which starts at 9.10

Parent Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October (next week). Letters have been sent home. If you did not receive one please ask at the office. Year 2 consultation evenings take place after half term on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November.

Parent and Carer Group

The new Middle Street parent and carer group met for the first time on Wednesday. We discussed many aspects of the school and will be meeting again next half term to decide on a project to investigate and work on. You may be approached in the future by members of the group requesting your views and ideas on a school improvement issue. Thank you to those parents and carers who came along your thoughtful insights are very much appreciated. Once we are fully up and running we will be able to give you more information on group members etc.

Warm and Dry Clothes Please

Children at Middle Street go out to play whatever the weather. So please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes rather than trainers. Wellingtons to change into on a wet day are always a good idea. Please ensure everything is clearly named.

School Opening Times

The Middle Street side gate opens at 8.30 and the main gate opens at 8.45. The school building is open from 8.45. Children should not be in the school building itself until 8.45. If children arrive before 8.45 and they are not attending breakfast club they should please wait in the playground until 8.45. Thank you


Please, please do not send your child to school with nuts in any form. We have several children with nut allergies and for some this is life threatening. Please remember that even spreads such as Nutella and peanut butter are dangerous to allergy sufferers.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 1 late mark. Well done to both classes for being punctual.

Diary Date Update

The Middle Street Christmas show will now take place on Tuesday 18th December. The infants perform at 1.15 and the juniors perform at 2.15. Please amend your diaries.

Comic Book Club

Next week comic book club takes place on Tuesday 16th October due to parent consultation evenings taking place later in the week.

Community Compost Scheme

150 litres of compost were donated to the school by the North Laine Community Compost scheme. The compost is for our raised beds. Anyone interested in joining the community compost scheme can find out more from the Food Partnership on 01273 431700. The Disney group who built our raised beds were so impressed by our gardens they held a fund raiser and raised £60 for the school to buy fruit trees. Thank you so much to the Disney Penguin Team and a special thank you to Paley O’ Connor who even though she is an ex parent of the school is still working with Mrs Purdy and Mr Daly on our gardens and building up links with various gardening community projects with our gardening club

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.


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