New Site Manager
I am delighted to inform you that we have recruited a new site manager. Mr Tony Evans will begin working with us after the Easter holidays so look out for him on the school gates. During the interim we have been very well looked after by Joe and he will continue until Tony takes over.
Strike Day Information
We will be closed to children on Wednesday 26th March due to teachers strike action.
Nursery Open Day
Our Nursery is holding an open day on Wednesday 2nd April 3.30 – 5.00. If you know any families looking for nursery place for their child in September please tell them about our open day. Refreshments will be available and staff on hand to chat.
Front Playground
Our plans for the front playground are to remove the equipment as soon as possible. Most of it is now beyond repair so now is the time to rethink the area and begin fundraising to buy what we need to develop and improve the gardens and play areas. A couple of parents have spoken to me already about how they maybe able to help re: design etc. The money we have in the PTA account will go towards the project. If you have any ideas on where we can secure lots of money to enable us to really develop a fabulous space for the children do let me know.
Run for Middle Street
Cole’s (from Year 1) dad is running the Brighton Marathon and will be raising money for Middle Street. Any money raised will go towards our front playground developments. When I know how you can go about sponsoring him I’ll let you know.
Children’s Parade Workshops
Middle Street will be doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you want to be involved please let the office know. There will be some workshops held during the Easter holidays, dates to be confirmed.
Anti-Bullying Workshop
We are holding an Anti-Bullying workshop for parents and carers in school on Tuesday 1st April. No, it’s not an elaborate April Fool’s joke so do look out for further information very soon.
Easter Holiday Multi Sports Club
Wayne Potbury our schools partnership sports development worker will be running a sports club during the holidays. The club is aimed at children from years 3,4,5 and 6 and takes place here at Middle Street. Wayne needs at least 12 children to attend in order to run the club. The club runs on Thursday 10th April and Friday 11th April between 9.30 and 12.30 (children can be collected 1.00 pm at the latest) the cost of the club is £18 with a 10% discount for siblings. In order to gauge interest and help Wayne decide if running the club is viable please could you let the office know if you are interested in your child taking part in the club.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3. Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!
Clothing Sale
Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale in the school hall on Tuesday 1st April. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA. Children can sell their unwanted toys and books etc and earn some extra pocket money. PTO for more info.
Head Lice
The head lice are busy reappearing on heads. They are especially enjoying the juicy heads of children in year 5! Please, please check your child’s head regularly even boys hair especially if you have long hair. Head lice have a great time on long hair as it makes it easier for them to travel from head to head. I had 22 on my head once and although I felt a sense of achievement as I counted them I was glad to get rid of them.
Governors News
The governors held their spring term full governing body meeting last night.
Rafi from reception has lost his Spiderman scooter. It has his name written underneath the scooting platform. If you find it please let the office know.
Easter Break
Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.