25th February 2005

Brighton Science Festival

There are several interesting Science events happening at City College, Brighton, this weekend. Apparently there is a real piece of moon rock for you and your children to see on Saturday 26th February as part of a Bright Sparks science session which is free to under 7’s. Leaflets are coming home today.

World Book Day

To celebrate world Book Day next week, children are invited to dress up as a character from a book on Thursday, 3rd March. Homework this week will be on the theme of World Book Day.

Congratulations to ..

Callum Etherington in Reception class for gaining the Level 1 National Swimming Award. That’s wonderful Callum, you should be very proud of yourself!

Illness in School

There has been a lot of illness at school recently. Some children are still being sent in with infectious or contagious illnesses. This is not fair to your child who should be at home being looked after, to other children who then get ill as a result, or to staff who have to clear up and look after poorly children who shouldn’t be in school. Please keep children who are unwell at home. Thank you.

New Musical Instrument

Mr Brazil is delighted to have been able to order a magnificent large xylophone with the money collected at the Christmas shows. It will enhance all of his music teaching around the school.

Food Dye

Please be assured that no food used in the school kitchen contains any of the banned food dye or its derivatives.

School Food Action Group

A group of interested parents, governors and school staff from Brighton and Hove have been meeting regularly to discuss the “Healthy Food In Schools” agenda. There is an open meeting on March 3rd between 4-6 p.m. at Coldean Primary School, entrance in Kenwards, off Beatty Avenue. If you would like to go, please contact the office where you can fill in an attendance form.

School Association

There will be a meeting next Friday 4th March for anyone interested in being involved in the School Association. It will be upstairs at Starbucks, Western Road, at about 9.15 a.m. Please come along to share your ideas, you will be made most welcome.


The Valentine’s Disco this week went really well. Again, thanks to the parents who put in all the effort to organise and run it, and to staff for supporting the event with their time. It raised over £100 for our playground improvement project.

DT Week

We will be having one of our special whole school curriculum weeks starting next Monday. The children will be taking part in lots of exciting Design Technology activities in class, in the playground and in the hall. There will be a display of the work from the week in the hall on the following Friday, 11th March, when you are invited to come and share what the children have been doing.

Dentist Visit

There will be dental screening in school Monday for all pupils, except Nursery afternoon. If you do not want your child to be seen by the dentist, please let the office staff know.


There is letter coming home from me with the children today about next school year.

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