Parent Governor Elections
Due to an administrative error current ballot papers are null and void. Today you will receive a new ballot paper. Do accept our apologies especially if you have already posted your ballot paper. However we feel it is important that the elections are fair and procedures are followed correctly.
Food in Schools Workshop
Children from years 1, 3, 4 and 5 took part in healthy eating workshops with the Food in Schools team. Several parents and carers joined in the fun too. Next week on Wednesday 9th February years: nursery, reception, 2 and 6 will have the opportunity to take part in the workshops. At the end of the day children share their learning and understanding in a special assembly.
Year 6 Assembly
Year 6 are preparing for their class assembly which takes place next Friday 11th February.
Investigations Week
Throughout the week beginning 14th February all classes will have a change to their timetables. The week will be spent having fun and learning lots through science and maths investigations. Parents and carers will be invited to come along and join in with various activities on the Monday and Tuesday. More detailed information will be sent to you shortly.
On Time Teds
The winners this week are in the Infants; Year 2 with 1 late mark and in the Juniors year 5 with 2 late marks Well done to both year groups!
Bikability Cycle Training
There is to be cycle training available to children during the half term break. The training will take place at Preston Park from 10.00 till 12.00 beginning on Monday 21st February until Friday 25th February. The sessions are aimed at children age 9 -13 years. Places are limited. For more details and to book contact Emily Tester on 01273 293847.
A reminder of important dates
Parent/Carer consultation meetings: Tuesday 22nd March and Thursday 24th March
Easter Holidays: School finishes Friday 8th April and opens again on Tuesday 26th April.
Royal Wedding Bank holiday: Friday 29th April
School closures for Polling day and INSET: Thursday 5th May and Monday 23rd May
Half Term Holiday
We finish for the half term holidays on Friday 18th February back on Monday 28th February.