School Closure
The school will be closed on Tuesday 28th March due to strike action. You should have received a letter earlier in the week explaining the situation and reasons for closure. If you did not receive a letter you can obtain one from the office.
Maths Week
This week all the children have been enjoying extra maths activities and having the opportunity to explore and investigate mathematical problems in more depth. They have ended the week with a visit to the hall where Mr Dyer has set up lots of challenging maths activities and puzzles. Some of them are really hard!
This Is How We Do it
If you would like to know more about how calculations are taught in school there is a booklet that you may find helpful. The booklet is titled ‘This Is How We Do It’ and can be purchased at a cost of £7 or £8 if you would like the booklet and CD rom that accompanies it. If you would like to have a look through the booklet first please ask at the office where they can show you one. Please place your order with payment at the office.
We also have on sale a book that can help with general learning. This book is called ‘Top Tips for Learning’. It can be looked at and purchased from the office at a cost of £3.50.
Ms Whiting’s Trip to Uganda
Ms Whiting has been overwhelmed by your generosity. She has been given many many donations of a variety of items to take with her on her trip to Uganda. She now has three very large full bags to take with her. Ms Whiting would like to say a very big THANKYOU to all who contributed.
Cross Country
Well done to Josephine, Aaron, Daisy in Year 6 and Jasmine, Delilah, Sasha, Nathan and Zeke in Year 5. They ran really well despite the cold and uncomfortable conditions. A special Thank you to Ms Busby who organised the runners and attended the event with the children.
Brazilian Football
A group of Year 5 and 6 children are competing in a Brazilian Football tournament at Sussex University to day.
Are You a Drip
On Wednesday, children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a show on water conservation. The show was put on by Face pack Theatre and sponsored by Southern Water. Everyone was given a free water bottle at the end of the show.
Invite for Year 4 Parents/Carer
Ms Stewart and the Year 4 children would like to invite Year 4 Parents /Carers to come into school at 3.05 on Monday. They thought you might like to try out some of their electrical games they have made in their Design Technology lessons.
Easter Egg Raffle
Please continue to donate Easter Eggs for our Easter raffle. Raffle tickets are on sale at the office.
Afternoon Tea
Do remember to come along to the School Associations Easter Afternoon Tea on Thursday in the hall at 3.00. There will be lots of delicious things to eat and activities to enjoy. Don’t forget to wear your Easter hat, you may win a prize!
Dinner Money
Mrs Walker says, please can you pay any outstanding dinner money by the end of next week. It is the end of the financial year and we have to make sure everything is in order. Mrs Walker would also like to inform you that the cost of a school dinner is going up to £1.65 from 19th April.
We need …
If you have any spare clothes suitable for infant children, please could we have them. We particularly need clothes for girls.
Years 3 and 4 need paint shirts. If you have any old shirts or T shirts they could use when painting, please drop them into the office. Large men’s T shirts are most suitable. Thank you.
Missing Coat
Jake in Year 6 only had his new coat for about a week before it disappeared. He is missing it terribly! Please could you check your child has the correct coat or if you can recall seeing a black and grey coat with a hood and velcro pockets please let us know at the office. Could I also take this opportunity to remind everyone to name clothing very clearly as this helps when things do go missing.
Congratulations to..
Mia and Inez Ebdon have both achieved their 8 Kyu Ninpo Taijutsu. Well done Mia and Inez!
Picnic Benches for Sale
We have too many picnic benches in the playground taking up valuable playing space. We would like to sell 4 of the picnic benches at £10 each. If you would like to buy one or more please see Mrs Brill in the office.
Easter Holidays
School finishes on Friday 31st march and reopens again on Wednesday 19TH April.