Festival Parade
What a fantastic turn out for the parade! It was good to see so many families all looking very colourful despite the weather. The Samba band played brilliantly, as did everyone else who joined in with the band as we marched through the streets. Our palm trees caught the eye of an organiser of a healthy food fayre. She liked them so much she has asked to borrow them to use at their event. Check out the Middle Street website to watch a short video of the parade. Thank you to every one who helped prepare for the parade and a special thank you to Mrs Purdy and Mr Brazil for all their hard work with the organisation, props and music.
Hooray for Year 6
Year 6 are celebrating the end of SATs week. They have been working hard all week on their end of Key Stage tests. Well Done Year 6!
Year 2 visit to Booth Museum
Year 2 had an interesting time at the Booth Museum in Hove. They studied animals as part of their art topic on sculptures. They will be creating their own clay sculptures based on their observations.
Visit to the Beach
Year 5 enjoyed their session on Brighton beach today. They spent the morning sketching and enjoying the sunshine. Thank you Year 5 for allowing Year 6 to borrow your classroom this week.
Lost Property
Please look through the lost property for lost items of clothing etc. what’s left will be bagged up and given to a local charity shop.
Race for Life
Delilah Lewis in Year 5 is taking part in this years Race for Life at Stanmer Park. The race takes place on July 2nd and Delilah will be running 3 miles. If you would like to sponsor Delilah and find out more about the event please visit Delilahs web page: www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/DelilahLewis
PE Kits
Key Stage 2 children will be going to Withdean Stadium for some of their PE lessons during the summer months. It is essential they have PE kits including trainers or plimsolls to wear and a jacket, sun cream and a bottle for water.
Summer Clothing Reminder
Please can you ensure that your child wears cool but appropriate clothing during the summer months. Shoulders should be covered, no strappy tops girls!
Footwear should be flat and sensible. No flip flops or strappy sandals please. Children will be asked to change if the class teacher feels a child is inappropriately dressed for school or is at risk of sunburn.
Sad News from the Nursery
Mrs Dyer has asked me to tell you that Hazel the guinea pig, who was very old, died in her sleep. Hazel is buried in the shade of a rose bush in Mrs Dyer’s garden.
School Association News
Please note the Film night has been postponed and will now take place on Friday 23rd June. A meeting to discuss the Summer Fair will take place here at Middle Street on Thursday 18th May at 3.15.
Headlice Alert!
We are still having a problem with headlice. I think they like the warm weather! Please check your child’s head for the little beasties and get rid of them. Please remember to treat the whole family. If you want advice on treatment please let us know and we will put you in contact with the school nurse.
Congratulations to..
Zoe Ward in Year 3 who has gained her 100 metres swimming certificate and Jem Ward in Year 5 who has achieved his 200 metres swimming certifcate. Well done Zoe and Jem!