Thank You
On behalf of the staff and myself I would like to say a belated thank you for all the lovely Christmas presents we receive from the children and their families. It’s a very thoughtful gesture and very much appreciated.
Coffee Morning
The School Association held another successful coffee morning on Wednesday. The next coffee morning will take place on Wednesday 7th February.
Train to run Positive Parenting Groups
I have been asked to ask you if there are any parents or carers who would like to train to run positive parenting groups. Parents taking part will be paid for their time and get the chance of some brilliant training. If you are interested and want to know more please contact Ros Cook at AMAZE ON Tel no: 772289 or email:
Extended Schools
Please could you hand in as soon as possible the Extended Schools questionnaire we sent out to you before the holidays.
We would like input from parents and carers on the services and activities they would like to see on offer at school or nearby. The information gathered will inform our next steps in the development of the school’s extended services. If you are unable to locate your questionnaire, please ask for another from the office.
Club News
Good news we still have spaces in the following clubs: Bigfoot Drama club needs more year 3 and 4 children so they can perform ‘The Witches’
Basketball for years 3, 4 and 5.
Multisports for years 5 and 6
French for years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Please let Mrs Walker know in the office if your child is interested in joining one of the above clubs.
Hair, Phones and Jewellery
Please could I remind you that all children with long hair should have it tied back whilst they are in school. This includes boys as well as girls. When children have their hair tied back we have far less of a of problem with head lice.
Please could I also remind you that children should not be wearing jewellery in school for obvious health and safety reasons as well as the possibility that precious items may be lost.
We are happy for children to bring mobile phones to school but would like them to hand them in to the office for safe keeping during the day. It is not permissible for mobile phones to be used during the day. If children wish to contact home they should ask at the office and parents or carers wishing to contact their child should do so via the office.
Just to remind you that our group of year 6 children, are still collecting unwanted shoes for their Blue Peter Shoebiz appeal. Please put your unwanted shoes in a carrier bag and place in the Shoebiz box by the office. We have done very well so far so keep those shoes coming in. The appeal is to raise money to support children in Malawi.
Governors Meeting
The next full governors meeting will take place on Thursday 18th January. We almost have a full governing body now. All parent vacancies have been filled. Your parent governors are: Ms Joanne Smith, Ms Helen Cartledge, Ms Chetana Parmar, Mr Terry Stewart and Mr Nick Ebdon.
Congratulations to…
Nina Steele in Year 3 for gaining her ASA swimming award at Level 7 and her 400 metres distance certificate. Well done Nina!
Zoe Peyton Jones in Year 3 for that stunning violin recital you performed for Year 3, Mr Brazil and me. Well done!