The Sun Has Got It’s Hat On!
Finally the sun is shining and about time too! Please remember to ensure your child is protected from the sun by providing them with a sun hat and sun cream whilst at school. Clothing should cover shoulders and backs. We are outside a lot this time of year so please help us to help your child avoid sunburn. It is tempting for girls to wear short skirts and dresses at this time of year. It can be a little embarrassing for them though when they are asked to do certain activities or sit on the carpet and the skirt is not ‘protecting their modesty’. Please make sure dresses and skirts are long enough and comfortable enough to allow freedom of movement without embarrassment.
Busy Week for Years 5 and 6
Groups of children from 5 and 6 are taking part in sporting events next week. On Monday 8 girls will be taking part in a Beach Soccer competition, on Tuesday it’s the boys turn. The event is being run by Brighton and Hove Albion. On Wednesday a group of children will be representing Middle Street at the Primary Schools Athletics yearly event at Withdean Stadium and on Thursday Year 5 children are taking part in a cricket tournament. Poor Ms Busby’s head is spinning with all the organisation. Thanks Ms Busby for arranging for Middle Street to take part in these events.
On Friday Year 6 will have a day of creativity. They will be taking part in a screen printing workshop for the whole day.
WPC Lesley Owen
has enjoyed her visits to classes. She has spent time with Reception, Years 1, 2, 5 and 6 talking about ‘People who help us’ , ‘Making Choices’ and Keeping Safe’. She will be meeting with Years 3 and 4 on Monday 26th June.
Sports Day
will soon be upon us. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 are limbering up and preparing for the event to take place on Thursday 22nd June. More details will follow but as usual the event will take place in the morning and you will be welcome to take your child home at the end of the event. Reception and Nursery will be holding their sports day on Wednesday 12th July in the main playground as usual.
PE Kits
All children must have a PE kit to change into for PE and for after school Sports Clubs. The kit consists of white T-shirt, Navy or Black shorts and plimsolls or trainers ( must be a change of footwear not trainers that have been worn to school).
Open Afternoon
will take place on Friday 21st July from 2.00pm. You are invited in to class to spend time with your child who will be talking about and sharing their work with you.
Whole School Performing Arts Celebration
This event was due to take place on Friday 16th June but has been postponed until Friday 7th July. The whole school are learning songs with Mr Brazil and each class will do a little performance linked to the songs.
Parent Governors
If you are interested in becoming a parent governor please speak to Mrs Brill in the office. The closing date for applications is Friday 16th June.
School Association News
Film Night Last year’s ‘Bugsy Malone’ film night was a great success. We are hoping to repeat the experience this year. On Friday 23rd June ‘Grease’ will be showing. Please come along with your children and meet up with friends, relax and have a drink while the children watch the film. Doors open at 6.00pm. Tickets are £3 and will be available from the school office next week.
Summer Fair will take place on Saturday 8th July. You really shouldn’t miss this event! Lots of activities as well as many excellent shopping opportunities.