Archive for December, 2005

16th December 2005

Friday, December 16th, 2005

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies

Thank you to everyone who came along on Tuesday and joined us for a festive treat of mince pies and mulled wine. It was a very enjoyable hour or so and raised enough money to purchase the basket ball hoops needed for the playground. Thank you to the Education Assistants who worked hard and organised the event.
Thank you to Infinity Foods who donated mulling spices and cinnamon sticks, to Sainsbury’s Local in Western Road who donated a tin of Quality Street and to the Lewes road Sainsbury’s who donated a voucher.

Christmas Dinner

As usual the children’s Christmas dinner was a lively affair with all the staff joining in. There were crackers to pull, music to sing a long to and a delicious dinner to enjoy. Thank you to the kitchen staff for the delicious festive feast.

Christmas Cards

A group of children went with Ms Layzell to deliver Christmas cards to St Patrick’s night shelter. The cards have been passed on to the homeless people who use the shelter. The cards were very much appreciated and enjoyed by everyone. A big thank you from St Patricks night shelter to all the children at Middle Street.

Indian Dance

Year 3 enjoyed performing their Indian dance to their parents on Thursday afternoon. The children performed their dance as part of their topic on India.

Candlelit Christmas Concert

To be held on 21st December at St Paul’s church in West Street. Tickets are available on the door. The concert is to raise money to buy essential equipment for 5 year old Sacha Skinner who has Late Infantile Batten disease.

Congratulations to….

Bertie Steel in Year 2 for achieving her Level 4 National Swimming Award and for achieving her 50m swimming certificate. Well done Bertie.
Danny Clamp in Year 4 who has achieved his level 4 National Swimming Award. Well done Danny
Hannah Dunsmore in Year 4 has won an award for ‘Most Improvement in Gymnastics’. Well done Hannah.

Raffle Winners

Hamper- Goodman family
Bottle of Scotch-Ms Edstrom
Fizzy and Chocolates- Ms Murnaghan
Sainsbury’s voucher-Ms Layzell


You may have noticed the posters around school advertising a Shelter photo stunt being held in Brighton. The event is being held to raise awareness of the number of children waking up homeless or in temporary accommodation this Christmas. You are invited to join the Shelter staff and supporters on Thursday 22nd December at 4.00pm at the Elipse on Brighton seafront opposite the Brighton Centre. There will be festive food, drink and entertainment to enjoy.

Thank You

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first term as Head Teacher of Middle Street school. Thank you every one for all your support and a very special thank you to all the Middle Street children for being so very clever and such great fun to work with!

Children return to school on Wednesday 4th January.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all.

9th December 2005

Friday, December 9th, 2005

Spectacular Performances

Middle Street children have once again put on an amazing Christmas performance. The Key Stage 1 ‘Father Christmas and Auntie Holly’ shows were brilliantly performed with everyone joining in from Nursery to Year 2.
The children in Key Stage 2’s ‘Santa and the Snow Mobile’ show were true professionals. Well done to everyone children and adults for working so hard and putting on a wonderful festive show.

Primary Schools Christmas Concert

Middle Street choir sung beautifully alongside all the other school choirs from Brighton and Hove primary schools on Monday evening. The concert was well attended by parents, Carers relatives, teachers and representatives from the Local Education Authority. The Mayor and Mayoress also attended. The singing was excellent and everyone thoroughly enjoyed them selves. Well done to the school choir you were all very impressive.

Nursery Visit to the Fire Station

The afternoon Nursery children enjoyed their visit to the Fire Station at Preston Circus. They especially enjoyed squirting the hose every where. Sounds like good fun to me!

The Tinderbox

Year 5 and Year 6 visited the Gardner Centre to look at their models on display and to also watch a performance of The Tinderbox. The children enjoyed the performance and found it very amusing.

Persian Cinderella

The Nursery children are off to see the ‘Persian Cinderella’ at the Pavilion Theatre with their parents and Mrs Dyer on Saturday. I’m sure they’ll have a magical time.

Christmas Dinner

Children will be having their Christmas dinner on Wednesday 14th December.

St Patricks Christmas Cards

Some classes have made cards for people at St Patrick’s night shelter. A group of children will be delivering them to St Patricks next week.

Candlelit Christmas Concert

Please find attached a leaflet with details of this special Christmas concert. The concert is to raise money to buy essential equipment for 5 year old Sacha Skinner who has Late Infantile Batten disease.

Cold and Tired?

Then you are in need of a delicious mince pie and a warming glass of mulled wine. Join us on Tuesday 13th December in the hall at 2.50pm for some festive cheer.

Good Luck to…

James Ryan who is having an operation on his toe on Thursday next week.

Congratulations to…

Jessica Atter in Year 3 for achieving her 25m badge in swimming and a badge for ‘good front crawl’. Well done Jessica.
Oscar Klein in Year 4 for gaining his level 8 and 800 m swimming award last night. Well done Oscar.

Mad Hat Day

On Mad Hat day we managed to raise £100 which has been donated to the Monsoon Trust.

Raffle Tickets

Raffle tickets are on sale at the office. The prize is a Christmas hamper stuffed full of festive food and drink.

Can You Help?

Brighton and Hove council are looking to recruit people to sit on their admissions Independent Appeal Panel. Every year a number of parents are unhappy with the school their children have been allocated and exercise their statutory right to appeal. The appeals panel meet to listen objectively and consider the facts of the case before making a decision. If you are interested please ring John Chard on 291227 or Lisa Johnson on 291228.

Last Day of Term

Last day of term is Friday 16th December and children return to school on Wednesday 4th January.

2nd December 2005

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

Christmas Post Box

Our Christmas post box will be ready to receive post on Monday. Please make sure that post is correctly addressed with full name and class written clearly on the envelope.

Christmas Cake Sale

The Education Assistants are holding a fund raising cake sale in order to purchase more playtime equipment. They would welcome donations of mince pies, Christmas cakes, biscuits. Mulled wine will also be on sale so donations of red wine will also be gratefully received.
The cakes and mulled wine will be on sale on Tuesday 13th December from 2.50pm in the hall. Please come along and have a festive nibble and drink.

Christmas Raffle

We would like festive food contributions from staff and parents for a Christmas Hamper please. The hamper will be raffled at the end of term. Raffle tickets are on sale at the office.

Christmas Performance

Tickets are available from the office. The infants are performing ‘Father Christmas and Auntie Holly’ on Thursday 8th December at 1.15pm and Friday 9th December at 9.30am. The Juniors are performing Santa and the Snow Mobile on Thursday 8th December at 2.15pm and Friday 9th December at 10.30am.

Christmas Dinner

will be served on Wednesday 14th December to those children who have ordered one. Mrs Walker says if you have ordered a Christmas dinner for your child but haven’t paid yet, please could you do so a.s.a.p.

Primary Schools Christmas Concert

Tickets are still available for this event being held on Monday 5th December from the Brighton Centre box office. Middle Street choir are singing along with other Brighton schools at this festive concert.

Nursery Visit the Fire Station

The morning nursery children enjoyed their visit to the Fire Station on Monday. They enjoyed sitting in the Fire Engine, watching the Fireman aim the water hose and listening to the Firewoman tell them all about their handy gadgets for fire fighting. The afternoon Nursery children are visiting the Fire Station this coming Monday.

The Golden Hinde

As part of their topic on the Tudors, Year 4 visited the Golden Hinde in London. They had a very helpful guide who told them about what conditions were like on board the ship during the Tudor period.

Persian Cinderella

A Persian telling of a well known fairy tale which combines circus wizardry, good old fashioned story telling and the magic of ancient Persia. The Persian Cinderella will be showing at the Pavilion theatre from Thursday 8th December until Saturday 10th December. Due to the high demand for tickets there is an additional performance on Friday 9th December at 6.00pm. Tickets can be obtained from the Dome box office.


to Joe Foot in Year 2 for achieving your 50 metres swimming award and Finley Bartelds, in Year 1 for achieving his 15 metres swimming certificate. Well done Joe and Finley.

Parents Top Tips for Learning

We have on sale in the office a helpful learning and homework resource booklet for Parents and Carers of primary school aged children. The booklets are on sale at £3.

School Association

met on Thursday to discuss future fund raising events. A timetable of events has been drawn up right through to next Christmas. It was decided that the school should take a year off from the Festival Parade. Expect to receive more information in the near future about events and how you can help. The plan is to raise £2000 towards developing and improving the main playground.

Last Day of Term is Friday 16th December and children return on Wednesday 4th January.