Year 4 Returned
Year 4 were tired but happy when they returned from their residential trip on Wednesday. Mr Brosnan had a big smile on his face as he told us how amazing and brilliant the children had been during the trip. He said their behaviour and general manners were excellent throughout. They all joined in with the activities, had great fun at the disco and met lots of children from the other partnership schools who were also there. Thank you Mr Brosnan, Mr Wright, Ms Burrows and Mr Meadows for taking the children on this exciting adventure.
Fabulous Finishes
Years 1 and 2 are holding their fabulous finish on Wednesday 2nd April at 2.00 pm, Years 5 and 6 are holding theirs on Thursday 3rd April in the afternoon. Years 3 and 4 have had their fabulous finish fashion show but parents and carers are invited in to class on Wednesday 2nd April in the afternoon to look at learning journey books with the children.
Children’s Parade Workshops
Mrs Purdy will be in school every day in the first week of the Easter holidays. She would love you to join her if you can to help produce the floats etc for the children’s parade. We are ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children’s parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. If you would like to help Mrs Purdy please contact the school office and arrange to meet with Mrs Purdy and share contact numbers.
Nursery Open Day
Our Nursery is holding an open day on Wednesday 2nd April 3.30 – 5.00. If you know any families looking for nursery place for their child in September please tell them about our open day. Refreshments will be available and staff on hand to chat.
Thank You to Barnaby’s Dad
Barnaby’s dad has kindly donated some second hand sports kits for the school. Thank you Barnaby’s dad!
Anti-Bullying Workshop
We are holding an Anti-Bullying workshop for parents and carers in school on Tuesday 1st April. The session takes place at 1.30 in the school hall. A letter has been sent home with details. Do let the office know if you would like to come along.
Clothing Sale
Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale in the school hall on Tuesday 1st April. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA.
Bind a Band for Those Who Need a Hand Matilda and Scarlett are raising money for the Clock Tower Sanctuary. They are a charity which helps young homeless people. They hope to raise £45. If you would like to help them please help them please but a special friendship bracelet from them or if you are feeling creative you can make your own. Matilda and Scarlett will be selling their bracelets from Monday 31st March until the end of the week.
Easter Holiday Multi Sports Club Wayne Potbury our schools partnership sports development worker will be running a sports club during the holidays. The club is aimed at children from years 3,4,5 and 6 and takes place here at Middle Street. Wayne needs at least 12 children to attend in order to run the club. The club runs on Thursday 10th April and Friday 11th April between 9.30 and 12.30 (children can be collected 1.00 pm at the latest) the cost of the club is £18 with a 10% discount for siblings. In order to gauge interest and help Wayne decide if running the club is viable please could you let the office know if you are interested in your child taking part in the club.
Parent & Carer Workshops
We are running a workshop for parents and carers on sleep and bedtime routines. Bedtimes can sometimes be exhausting so come along and pick up some tips on how to deal with this common but sometimes challenging problem. The workshop lasts for 2 hours with time for questions. This workshop is on Thursday 24th April from 9.15 until 11.15. Please sign up at the school office or speak to Katie Jones if you want to have a chat about the workshop. We will be running some drop in support, advice and information sessions on any parenting issue on Thursdays beginning in May. More information to follow.
On-Time Teds This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!
Easter Break Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.
We will also be closed for polling day on Thursday 22nd May.