Dinner Money
Please note that the cost of a school lunch will be £1.40 per day (£7 per week) when we return after Easter. Please pay any outstanding dinner money to the office by Monday. Thank you.
Year 6 Maths Magicians
Six children from Year 6 enjoyed a very challenging but fun-filled day of maths with pupils from 12 other schools at Falmer High School on Thursday.
Brazilian Football
Mrs Busby was very proud of our team who took part in a Year 5/6 Brazilian Football tournament on Wednesday at Sussex University. They did exceptionally well and their behaviour was a credit to the school. Nathan in Year 4 was part of the team, and the other players elected him captain for the tournament!
Bicentenary Exhibition Group
The next meeting of parents interested in preparing for our exhibit at Brighton Museum will be on Monday 21st March at 9.05 at the school. All welcome.
Year 3 Cake Sale
There were so many yummy cakes brought in for the cake sale today, I’m sure that lots of money will be raised, which is certainly a challenge for the other classes to do as well!
Easter Raffle
Please remember to bring in a donation of an Easter egg for the raffle, and to buy tickets at the office. The draw will be next Tuesday, so time is running out.
Year 3 Dancing at the Dome
We are very excited about the prospect of Year 3 children performing their beautiful Indian dance at the Dome on Monday evening. They had a dress rehearsal in assembly this morning, and they looked wonderful.
We are sorry that there has been a problem with the booking office regarding ticket sales, which has resulted in us having to change our performance from Tuesday night to Monday.
Big Foot Theatre Company
The children in Years 1 and 2 thoroughly enjoyed working with the Big Foot Theatre Company this week. There is an opportunity for your child to take part in some out of school sessions, please see a member of office staff if you need a letter about this.
Maths Problem Solving
The teachers have been planning some Maths problem solving activities for the last three days of term. The whole school will be busy next week trying to solve problems systematically.
Year 2 at Woods Mill
The spring weather came just in time for the children in Year 2 to really enjoy their day out at Woods Mill Country Centre, finding out about mini beasts, animal habitats and pond life.
Congratulations to…
Oscar Klein in Year 3 for gaining the Level 6 National Swimming Award.
David Board in Year 6 whose football team were runners up in a knockout cup final on Sunday.
Good luck to….
Ricky Swartz and Adhum Nayee who are performing with the Boy’s Hip and Breakdance group at the Dome on Tuesday evening.
Swimming finishes next Wednesday for Year 5. After Easter it will be the turn of Year 4 for half a term, followed by Year 3.
Public Service Strike
You may have heard in the media of a national strike by some public service workers next Wednesday, 23rd March. I am aware that some schools might be closed, but please note that this school will remain open on that day.