Archive for September, 2012

28th September 2012

Friday, September 28th, 2012

School Council Elections Results

The following children have been elected to represent their class as school councillors: Year 1: Ingo and Mili, Year 2: Josh and Daisy, Year 3: Sol and Greta, Year 4: Toby and Lily Belle, Year 5: Harvey and Aira, Year 6: Jalil and Jody. Congratulations and well done to those children. The school council held their first meeting on Wednesday. Their first task is to investigate children’s views on feedback for learning. Reception children will elect their representatives in the Spring term.

Girls Football Tournament Result

The Middle Street girls football team played in a tournament at Brighton College last Friday. They played well coming second in their group and fourth overall. Well done girls and thank you for all being such brilliant team members and so supportive of each other!

Albion Players

Our Albion players visited the school yesterday as promised. Andrea Orlandi came along with Theo Jones and Courtney Richards from the development team. They visited all the classes and answered questions from the children. Their next visit is on 11th October when they will spend time working with children in class.

Keep Mobile Phones Safe

We have noticed several children are bringing to school expensive smart phones. Children must hand in their phones to the school office rather than leaving them in the coat pockets or bags. Better still phones could stay at home.

Emergency Contact letter

Please find attached an emergency contact form for you to fill in. We can then check and where necessary update your details on our systems.

Warm and Dry Clothes Please

Children at Middle Street go out to play whatever the weather. So please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes rather than trainers. Wellingtons to change into on wet day are always a good idea. Please ensure everything is clearly named.

Family SEAL

A little reminder of the Family SEAL programme we are running again this term. The programme is designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to support children in developing their social and emotional skills. The course runs over 6 weeks, takes place in school on Tuesdays and is led by our learning mentors: Tim Owers and Alan Meadows.  An introductory session for interested parents and carers is being held on Tuesday 2nd October. We ran a course last year which was very successful so I do hope you will come along and find out more.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October. You will receive more details and information nearer the time. Year 2 consultation evenings take place after half term on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 1 late mark each. Well done to both classes for being so very punctual.

Governor News

The school governors met yesterday afternoon to elect a new chair and vice chair they are as follows: Mr Andy James is our new chair of governors and Ms Anna Clark is the vice chair. The next full governing body meeting is on Thursday 15th November

Congratulations to…

Isabella in Year 3 for achieving her yellow belt in Mogility Ninja. Well  done Isabella your mum and dad are so proud of you!

Apple Tree Competition

Draw a picture of an apple tree or an orchard for a chance to win an apple tree for your school garden. See poster in the entrance foyer notice board for more information.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

 We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.

21st September 2012

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Football Tournament Near Miss

On Wednesday our boy’s football team played in a football tournament at Brighton College. They played exceptionally well and we are very proud of their performance. They came very close to winning the tournament as they reached and played in the final.  

Our girl’s football team are playing in their tournament today at Brighton College. Good luck girls.

Albion Players Visiting Next Week

Andrea Orlandi our first team link player and he will be visiting us next Thursday afternoon. Andrea will bring with him another 2 players from the Development squad and they are: Theo Jones and Courtney Richards. We are very excited about the visit and can’t wait to meet our new players. We have an Albion board in the corridor leading to the main playground where we display information on our players and other Albion information. There are lots of exciting opportunities coming our way so keep an eye on the board.

Albion Launch Shirt Amnesty.

The club has launched a shirt amnesty which will give supporters the opportunity to purchase a half price under 10s Albion replica shirt. Fans can hand over to the club old football shirts, regardless of size, age or club they represent and in return will be offered 50% off a new under 10s Albion shirt. The old shirts collected by the club will be donated to Albion in the Community’s charity shop Sports Dreams or sent around the world to underprivileged players involved in AITC’s global projects. Take your old shirts to the Seagulls Superstore located at the Amex stadium or to the Seagulls store in Queens’s road between Saturday 15th September and Saturday 17th November excluding match days.

School Dinner News

All next week children will have the chance to win funky pencils when they buy a school dinner. On Thursday 27th September the school kitchen is running a themed menu to raise money for the Mary’s Meals charity. 10p from every meal purchased will go to this charity. 

Family SEAL

We are very pleased to announce that this term we will be offering parents and carers another opportunity to take part in the Family SEAL programme. The programme is designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to support children in developing their social and emotional skills. The course runs over 6 weeks, takes place in school on Tuesdays and is led by our learning mentors: Tim Owers and Alan Meadows.  An introductory session for interested parents and carers is being held on Tuesday 2nd October. We ran a course last year which was very successful so I do hope you will come along and find out more.

Sickness and Time to Recover

We are now in the season of sickness so I thought it an opportune time to remind everyone of the following. If your child is sick and has an upset tummy please keep them off school for 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting. This helps avoid the spreading of infection and also allows the child time to fully recover.

Come and Meet Your Child’s Teacher

Reception parents and carers are invited to come along for a short meeting with your class teacher and TA on Monday 24th September at 9.10.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October. You will receive more details and information nearer the time.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 0 late mark each. Well done to both classes for being so very punctual.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.

14th September 2012

Friday, September 14th, 2012

Snakes and Slithery Things

Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a morning with the ‘reptile’ man as the stunning start for their learning journey. He came in with bags of snakes of all sizes and colours and the children were able to hold the snakes and ask questions to help them with their learning journey projects.

Family SEAL

We are very pleased to announce that this term we will be offering parents and carers another opportunity to take part in the Family SEAL programme. The programme is designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to support children in developing their social and emotional skills. The course runs over 6 weeks, takes place in school on Tuesdays and is led by our learning mentors: Tim Owers and Alan Meadows.  An introductory session for interested parents and carers is being held on Tuesday 2nd October. We ran a course last year which was very successful so I do hope you will come along and find out more.

Come and Meet Your Child’s Teacher

You are invited to come along for a short meeting with your class teacher and TA on the following dates: Reception: Monday 24th September, Years 1 and 2 on Monday 17th September, Years 3 and 4 on Wednesday 19th Years 5 and 6 held their meeting last week. This is your chance to find out about the year ahead and ask any questions. Meetings start at 9.10 and finish at 9.30.

After School Clubs

We have almost finalised clubs for this half term. A letter will arrive home early next week.

Gardening Club Plant Sale

Middle Street gardening club are holding a plant and produce sale on Tuesday 18th at 3.15 in the main playground.

Scooter Security Bars

Please do not park scooters in school. You may ask for a security bar (£1 deposit) from the office which enables you to secure your scooter to the scooter rack. You will need your own padlock to secure the security bar.

New Albion Player Coming to School

Middle Street is taking part in the Albion’s Young Seagulls Schools project. I am delighted to inform you that Andrea Orlandi is our first team link player and he will be visiting the school regularly over the coming year. Andrea will bring with him another 2 players from the Development squad and they are: Theo Jones and Courtney Richards. Their first visit is on Thursday 27th September. We have an Albion board in the corridor leading to the main playground where we display information on our players and other Albion information. There are lots of exciting opportunities coming our way so keep an eye on the board. More information about the Young Seagulls Schools Project can be found on the reverse of the Friday News.

Free Taster Sessions Brighton Hockey Club

Brighton Hockey club are offering free taster sessions every Friday from 4.00 till 5.00 at Blatchington Mill School. Children from the age of 3 to 16 years are welcome.

Free Swimming Available

Children under the age of 16 can register to swim for free in the Brighton and Hove swimming pools.  If you would like to register your child for free entry into the swimming pool then please ask for an application form from the office. You can obtain information on pool opening times and free swimming sessions from the Brighton and Hove Council website.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 0 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 3, 4 and 5 with 1 late mark each. Well done to all classes for being so very punctual.


Grace in year 2 has lost her school book bag. It is named and has a photo of her class in a key ring attached to the bag. If you find it please return to Year 2 or the school office.

Congratulations to…

Felix in Year 6 who won the under 10 cup for player of the season at Brighton and Hove Cricket Club. Well done Felix!

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.

7th September 2012

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Hooray the Sun is Shining!

What an absolutely fabulous start to the term we have had. The children have been a real delight and it was such a pleasure to welcome you all back to school on such a sunny day. The children have all settled well in to their new classes. We have had many new children join the school who all seem happy and settled. A warm welcome to you from us all if you are one of our new families, If you have any queries or confusions please don’t hesitate to ask a member of staff and I am usually around in the mornings if you need a chat.  

We also have new members of staff. Toby Earle who is our new site manager you can say hello to at the school gates in the morning. We are delighted to have Ms Becs Davies teaching in Year 3, Mrs Burbridge teaching for 2 days in Year 5, Mrs Julie Layzell teaching for 3 days in Year 1, Ms Vicky Hemstedt based in the Quiet Room who will be teaching individual children in developing their reading and writing skills, Ms Juley Edwards (a graduate teacher trainee) is teaching alongside Ms Busby in Year 2. Ms Freya Lawrence a TA in year 4 has returned after her maternity leave and Mr Daly is in year 1 covering Mrs Sue Purdy’s absence for a few weeks. Mrs Purdy is well but has recently suffered a family bereavement. Finally, Ms Katie Garside who teaches in Year 6 has married during the holidays and is now Mrs Katie Howell.

Come and Meet Your Child’s Teacher

You are invited to come along for a short meeting with your class teacher and TA on the following dates: Reception: Monday 24th September, Years 1 and 2 on Monday 17th September, Years 3 and 4 on Wednesday 19th September and Years 5 and 6 on Wednesday 12th September. This is your chance to find out about the year ahead and ask any questions. Meetings start at 9.10 and finish at 9.30.

School Gates Opening Time

I do apologise for any confusion regarding school gates opening times. We have finally agreed a more convenient time. The Middle Street side gate will open at 8.30 and Boyces street gate will open as usual at 8.45

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is now based in the building above the school car park next to our Nursery. Please turn over for more info.

Learning Mentors

Our learning mentors Mr Owers and Mr Meadows are now based in the family room (opposite the school office).

A Drifter Drifts In

We were very excited yesterday when Michael Williams a member of The Drifters came in to sing with our school choir. The choir practiced 3 Drifters classics with Michael in preparation for a performance at the Theatre Royal on Sunday 14th October. Our choir and one or two members of staff will be on stage with the Drifters as part of their show. There is a £5 discount on tickets if you would like to come along and cheer us on.

US Naval Officer Requests Children’s Help

An unexpected visitor burst in to assembly yesterday morning. A US naval officer came in to request the help of year 5 and year 6 children in his quest to track down a sea monster. Good luck with that one years 5 and 6!

Friday Sing a Long

We had a great turn out for our first Friday sing a long first thing this morning. Do come along and join us on a Friday morning from about 8.30 for a sing along with Mr Brazil. You don’t need to be a good singer to join in. Staff, parents, carers and children are all welcome.

Keyboard and Violin Lessons

Keyboard and violin lessons begin next week. The violinists should leave their violins tidily in the library (not the Family room)

After School Clubs

You will receive a letter shortly with listing the after school clubs on offer this half term.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.