School Council Elections Results
The following children have been elected to represent their class as school councillors: Year 1: Ingo and Mili, Year 2: Josh and Daisy, Year 3: Sol and Greta, Year 4: Toby and Lily Belle, Year 5: Harvey and Aira, Year 6: Jalil and Jody. Congratulations and well done to those children. The school council held their first meeting on Wednesday. Their first task is to investigate children’s views on feedback for learning. Reception children will elect their representatives in the Spring term.
Girls Football Tournament Result
The Middle Street girls football team played in a tournament at Brighton College last Friday. They played well coming second in their group and fourth overall. Well done girls and thank you for all being such brilliant team members and so supportive of each other!
Albion Players
Our Albion players visited the school yesterday as promised. Andrea Orlandi came along with Theo Jones and Courtney Richards from the development team. They visited all the classes and answered questions from the children. Their next visit is on 11th October when they will spend time working with children in class.
Keep Mobile Phones Safe
We have noticed several children are bringing to school expensive smart phones. Children must hand in their phones to the school office rather than leaving them in the coat pockets or bags. Better still phones could stay at home.
Emergency Contact letter
Please find attached an emergency contact form for you to fill in. We can then check and where necessary update your details on our systems.
Warm and Dry Clothes Please
Children at Middle Street go out to play whatever the weather. So please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes rather than trainers. Wellingtons to change into on wet day are always a good idea. Please ensure everything is clearly named.
Family SEAL
A little reminder of the Family SEAL programme we are running again this term. The programme is designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to support children in developing their social and emotional skills. The course runs over 6 weeks, takes place in school on Tuesdays and is led by our learning mentors: Tim Owers and Alan Meadows. An introductory session for interested parents and carers is being held on Tuesday 2nd October. We ran a course last year which was very successful so I do hope you will come along and find out more.
Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings
Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October. You will receive more details and information nearer the time. Year 2 consultation evenings take place after half term on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 1 late mark each. Well done to both classes for being so very punctual.
Governor News
The school governors met yesterday afternoon to elect a new chair and vice chair they are as follows: Mr Andy James is our new chair of governors and Ms Anna Clark is the vice chair. The next full governing body meeting is on Thursday 15th November
Congratulations to…
Isabella in Year 3 for achieving her yellow belt in Mogility Ninja. Well done Isabella your mum and dad are so proud of you!
Apple Tree Competition
Draw a picture of an apple tree or an orchard for a chance to win an apple tree for your school garden. See poster in the entrance foyer notice board for more information.
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.
We are also closed on 15th November as we are being used as a polling station for the Police Commissioner elections.