Archive for November, 2011

25th November 2011

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Years 3 and 4 meet Henry VIII

The children in Years 3 and 4 had a wonderful time at Hampton Court on Monday. They met Henry VIII and found out all about the Tudors and that period in history. Many apologies for the missing text re: confirming return time. Monday was a difficult day as you can imagine. Luckily though the coach was on time for once

Strike Action

You should have received a letter yesterday regarding the industrial action planned for 30th November confirming that the school will be closed on that day.

Christmas Dinner

Our school Christmas dinner will be served on Wednesday 7th December. Please put in your child’s order at the office if you haven’t already done so.  Christmas dinner forms should be returned before next Wednesday to allow the cook to place her food order. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals then do let the office know and they can tell you how to apply.

Christmas Show

Our Christmas shows this year are ‘Rapunzal’ performed by Nursery and the Infants and ‘The Tempest’ performed by the juniors. The performances will take place at the Sallis Benny theatre in Grand parade on Tuesday 13th December. Tickets available shortly.

Brighton and Hove Schools Christmas Carol Concert

The primary schools carol concert takes place on Thursday 1st December at the Brighton Centre. Tickets are on sale at the Brighton centre box office.

PTA Fundraising Christmas Cards

Christmas card designs, order forms and money must be handed in to the class teacher by 9 am Monday 28th November. Finished cards will be distributed on Tuesday 13th December

Middle Street Christmas Fayre

The PTA are organising a Christmas Fayre for the afternoon of Thursday 8th December in the school hall.

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 0 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 3 and 6 with 1 late mark each. Fabulous! Well done to all three classes for excellent punctuality.

Congratulations to….

Callum in Year 3 who won the under 8s Sussex County Chess Tournament. Well done Callum!

Thank you

It has as you can imagine been a sad and difficult week for us all. It has however been made easier by the many kind words from so many of you. The children in particular have been very thoughtful in their messages written in the book of condolences. I know that Karen Sinclaire would have been very touched by so many lovely thoughts and words of appreciation and it pleases us to see how very special she was to everyone who knew her. I hope too that those thoughtful words will help Karen’s family in the months to come.  If you wish to leave a message in the book of condolences it will remain open until next Friday.

Christmas Break

We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.

18th November 2011

Friday, November 18th, 2011

Year 5 Booming Assembly

Year 5 parents and carers are probably still feeling amazed by this morning’s assembly. As part of their assembly the children performed the Star Wars theme tune using long coloured tubes banged together. They sang brilliantly and also shared lots of information from their learning Journey ‘Lost in Space’. Well done and thank you Year 5!

On Time Teds? What and Why?

Many parents and carers who are relatively new to the school are wondering what the On Time Ted weekly awards are all about. Well let me tell you. The aims of the awards are to encourage all children to arrive on time for school in the mornings. Children must be in class and ready for register by 9.00 am. Each week we check the registers, count up the late marks and the 2 classes (one in the infants and one in the Juniors) with least late marks wins an On Time Ted award. The most exciting part is that the 2 classes who won the most often in a term are awarded £25 each to spend as a class as they wish.

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 1 late mark. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 1 late mark. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.

Gully the Seagull Surprise

Yesterday afternoon a six-foot seagull arrived as a surprise at school! He came along in place of Will Hoskins our Albion player who usually joins us every other Thursday. Gully as we fondly call him (along with the rest of Brighton) spent some time with Years 1 and 2 and then decided to pose with the office staff for photographs and have a few cuddles then finishing off his visit with his favourite act of mussing everyone’s hair much to our delight! No doubt there will be photographs on our website shortly. Luckily he didn’t a make mess as most seagulls do on my car and others cars!

Halloween Tea

The PTA has asked me to inform you that the Halloween tea raised £320 for the school. Our current focus for the PTA is to raise funds to make improvements to our outside areas.

Christmas Cards For Sale Soon

The PTA will be asking children in every class to design their own Christmas cards. The cards will then be professionally printed and offered for sale with the proceeds going to the school fundraising pot. Cards can be ordered in packs of 12 with the child’s name and school name printed on the back. What a lovely keepsake and a way of sending the season’s greetings. We’ll let you know when they are on sale.

Christmas Dinner

Our school Christmas dinner will be served on Wednesday 7th December. Please put in your child’s order at the office if you haven’t already done so.  If you think you may be entitled to free school meals then do let the office know and they can tell you how to apply.

Emergency Contact Forms

If you have not done so already please return your completed emergency contact form a.s.a.p. We can then update our records.

Book Amnesty

We are holding a book amnesty in school. Please have a good look around at home for Middle Street library and general reading books. If you find any and I hope you do please hand them in at the office. Thank you

Argus Vote Tokens

As I explained in last week’s Friday News we are collecting vote tokens from the Argus newspaper who have teamed up with Barclays Bank. The tokens are blue and entitled ‘Money Skills’. The tokens enable us to compete for a share of some funding to improve our outdoor areas and we can win up to £3,000 if we collect the most vote tokens. I am not suggesting you begin buying the Argus if you don’t normally do so but ask friends and relatives who read the Argus to give you the tokens look out for abandoned copies on the bus too. The scheme runs until Thursday December 8th. Information can be found on page 22 of yesterdays Argus or on our parent and carers notice board.

Possible Strike Action

Just a brief reminder of the very strong possibility of a school closure on 30th November due to strike action.

Congratulations to….

Eden from Year 1 who has achived his stage 2 swimming certificate. Well done Eden!

Christmas Break

We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.

11th November 2011

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Football Tournament

Our football team played in a tournament yesterday (Thursday 10th November) coming 5th. They played brilliantly and as always were great ambassadors for the school. The team members each had two tickets to attend the England v Denmark under 19 game at the Amex stadium last night. The tournament was organised by ‘Albion in the Community’.

Argus Tokens to Raise Funds

We have registered for a scheme with the Argus newspaper and Barclays bank which will hopefully result in raising some funds for the school. If you read the Argus newspaper please collect the vote tokens and bring them into school. The schools receiving the most vote tokens are awarded cash prizes and children’s financial skills teaching provided by Barclays bank  helping children develop their understanding and confidence in learning to save etc. The money we hopefully raise will go towards playground improvements.

Prospective Parents Meeting

We are holding a meeting at the school for parents and carers who are viewing schools in preparation for completing admissions preference forms for Reception 2012 The meeting is in our school library at 9.30 on Wednesday 16th November.

Year 5 Class Assembly

Year 5 are holding their class assembly on Friday 18th November. The class teachers will provide you with more information re: coming in to watch the assembly.

Brighton and Hove Primary Schools Christmas Carol Concert

The Primary Schools Christmas carol concert will be held at the Brighton Centre on Thursday 1st December. Tickets will be on sale soon.

Christmas Show

Our school Christmas productions will take place on Tuesday 13th December at the Sallis Benny Theatre. Performances are at 1.15 for the Infants and 2.15 for the juniors.

Possible Strike Action

You will be aware that a number of unions  

have balloted their members regarding their views on strike action regarding changes to pensions.The general feeling now following the results of ballots is that strike action is very likely. There is still room for negotiation between the Unions and the Government but I must prepare you for the possibility of the school being closed on the proposed day of action; Wednesday 30th November. 

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with  2 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 3 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.

Governors Meeting

The full governing body will be meeting on Thursday 17th  November. The minutes will be available to read later in the month and can be found on the Governors notice board in the school foyer.  

Crowd Share

There is a crowd share event on Sunday 20th November at Brighton Youth Centre in Edward Street. The event is from 12.30 till 4.00. There are lots of activities and food, as well as opportunities to swap clothes and other stuff. If you wish to find out more please go to or email:

Congratulations to….

Bea and Lily Belle who have both completed their lunchtime hall buddy training. Well done Bea! Well done Lily Belle!

Christmas Break

We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.

4th November 2011

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Spooky Return to School

It was amazing, if a little scary, returning to school on Tuesday. The children’s Halloween costumes were amazing, in fact we didn’t recognise some! Actually, some staff members were also a little over-excited when applying makeup and looked very unwell! The children had a wonderful morning taking part in collaborative activities working with children from different year groups. The aim of the morning was to develop children’s ability to work successfully together through fun activities and overcome any difficulties which may arise in a collaborative way rather than arguing and falling out. 

Halloween Afternoon Tea

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Halloween afternoon tea yesterday. Thank you to all those who helped and contributed in some way. Thank you too to all those who attended and helped raise funds for the school. As always your support is greatly appreciated.

School Photos

Individual and family group photographs will be taken in school on Friday 11th November.

Lost Property

Please look through lost property as we will be bagging it up and sending what’s left off to charity very soon.

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 1 late mark. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 2 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.

Possible Strike Action

You are probably aware that a number of unions are balloting their members regarding their views on strike action. This is in protest against the government’s unpopular changes to pensions. The general feeling is that strike action is likely so I must prepare you for the possibility of the school being closed on the proposed day of action; Wednesday 30th November. 

Congratulations to….

Sophie Board in Year 5 who has achieved her 1500 metre swimming award. Well done Sophie!

Christmas Show Important Information

We have had to change the date of the school Christmas show. The new date is Tuesday 13th December. The Nursery and Infant performance will be at 1.15 and the juniors at 2.15. Nearer the time we will let you know the cost of tickets and final arrangements.

Passport Signing Requests

As you know I am more than happy to certify photographs and sign passport forms for children. This does take up a little bit of my time as you can appreciate so in recognition of that please could I ask that you make a voluntary contribution to our PTA fundraising pot of a £1 for this service.

Christmas Break

We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.