Archive for December, 2007

21st December 2007

Friday, December 21st, 2007

Rainbow Theatre

The Rainbow Theatre joined us this morning putting on a wonderful performance of Cinderella. Children had the opportunity to join in with the performance and enjoyed the show immensely squealing with delight!

Lily Foundation Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who came along and bought a cake or two from Year 4’s cake sale. The children raised £125 for the Lily Foundation. Well done to Ms Whiting and Year 4 and a special Thank you to all from Sam and William and the rest of the Pearce family.

Mr Pineapple Head

Foundation and Key Stage 1 enjoyed a fun farewell present from Ombaashi and Shanti Grech Cato. They invited Mr Pineapple Head into the school to perform for the children. The children enjoyed mime and magic and had lots of fun. Thank you to Ombaashi and Shanti’s Mum and Dad who paid for the show as a thank you to Ombaashi and Shanti’s friends before they leave the school for a new life in Australia.

Raffle Prize Winners

Mr Collins closed his eyes and picked out the winning tickets. The hamper was won by Mrs Couglan, second prize was won by Mrs Walker in the office and third prize was won by Hannah Buttle in Year 6.

School Association Coffee Morning

The School Association are holding their monthly coffee morning at 9.00am on Wednesday 9th January.

School Association Meeting

The School Association are meeting in school on 9th January at 2.30pm to discuss future fundraising events. Do come along if you would like to join in.

Triple P Parenting Group Coffee Morning

The Triple P parenting group is running a new course in school. If you are interested in finding out more please come along to their coffee morning on Wednesday 16th January at 9.30 till 11.00. Drop in, anytime you wish between those times. The focus of the course will be on teenagers and the guidance and support they and you need through those difficult years.

Congratulations to…

Kitty Philliben in Year 1 who has passed her Angel Fish Level 1 swimming certificate. Well done Kitty!

Half Term Break

Well we have finally reached the Christmas holidays so it’s time to start thinking ahead to half term, which begins on the week beginning 18th February. Staff have a training day on Monday 25th February (we’ll be working on our Spanish lessons!) so children return on Tuesday 26th February.

Hooray It’s Christmas!

Thank you as always for being wonderful parents and carers but most of all thank you for having such brilliant children! I have of course passed on that information to Father Christmas who dropped in today to see me.

Thanks for the cards and pressies and see you all again on Monday January 7th 2008 (Nursery Wednesday 9th).

14th December 2007

Friday, December 14th, 2007

Book Week Dressing Up Day

Lots of us dressed up today to celebrate Book Week. The children looked fantastic in their costumes, which really illustrated their love of books. Staff dressed up as rats and I as the Pied Piper. Although I preferred the more glamorous role I had last time as Cruella De Ville and the staff were much sweeter as dalmations.

Christmas Afternoon Tea

Once again we enjoyed another delicious afternoon tea put on for us by the School Association. Thank you to everyone who helped out either serving the tea and mulled wine or running activities.

Coffee Morning

The School Association are holding their next monthly Coffee Morning on Wednesday 9th January at 9.00am in the Family Room.

Healthy Schools Award

We have successfully renewed our Healthy Schools status. The school was highly commended for the work we do not just around healthy eating and physical activity but also the social and emotional guidance and support Middle Street children receive. Thank you to Mrs Noble who puts together all the evidence for the award and co-ordinates our PSHE curriculum.

Fire Safety Training

You may be wondering what the staff were up to yesterday when the school was closed. Well, we all attended Fire Safety training and reviewed our Evacuation Plan.

Goodbye to Gary Shipp

Sadly we all have to say good bye to Gary Shipp who has been the co-ordinator for the Bike It project. Gary has encouraged lots of children and their families to cycle to school. We’ve enjoyed his projects and assemblies over the last year or so. We shall miss Gary but look forward to meeting his replacement in the New Year.

Christmas Assembly

Father Gareth will be leading a special Christmas Assembly on Tuesday 18th December.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner takes place on Wednesday 19th December.

Anti-Bullying Workshop

Year 4 enjoyed an interesting free workshop today. The workshop explored issues around bullying with a particular focus on racism. The workshop was led by representatives from Mosaic.

Climate Change Ambassadors

Our climate change ambassadors are: Grace Owers, Georgia Marshall, Ariel Matsui-Le- Roy, Emilia Gibson, Harry Ward, Joey Skelton, Madeleine Houghton, Monica Marshall, Jessica Atter and Ruby Smith. Our ambassadors will be working to combat climate change through a number of projects for example: continuing their work on recycling, the school’s involvement with the Bike It project and also looking at ways we can save water.

Year 4 Cake Sale

Year 4 are holding a cake sale on Wednesday 19th December at 3.00pm in the main playground. The children are raising money for the Lily Foundation which raises money to fund research into Mitochondrial disease and other metabolic disorders.

Rainbow Theatre

Next Friday the Rainbow Theatre group will be performing Cinderella for the children. The show is very interactive and great fun for the children as they are encouraged to join in. We have used the proceeds from the Christmas Performance donations to part fund the theatre group but require a further donation of £1 per child.

Stolen Television

Very, very annoyingly two weeks ago a meany burglar decided to break in to the Family Room and steal our lovely new flat screen TV. The TV had been bought for the Breakfast club by the School Association and was greatly appreciated by the children. Sad news but I thought you might like to be aware of it.


Saffron Collicott in Year 2 for achieving her level 2 swimming certificate. Well done Saffron!

Billy Mitchell in Year 4 passed his drama exam with a merit. Well done Billy!

Don’t Forget..

Please pay dinner money debts before the end of term.

Please take all your child’s belongings from their peg and check lost property before the end of term. Lost property will be disposed of before the end of the holidays.

Christmas Holidays

We close for the Christmas holiday on Friday 21st December. We open again on Monday 7th January. Nursery on Wednesday 9th.