Archive for July, 2004

21st July 2004

Wednesday, July 21st, 2004

End of Summer Term 

This Friday News is coming home today to round off the school year.

Events at School

It has been a particularly busy week or so at school:

We hope that you all enjoyed our Music Celebration on Tuesday.

The Nursery and Reception Sports Day on Wednesday was a great success.

Lynn Baxendale came in to talk to Year 6 children about Global Citizenship on Thursday.

The children in Year 1 had a lovely time at St Nicholas’ Park on Friday.

Also on Friday, Year 5 had a very enjoyable visit to the Sealife Centre.

The Open Afternoon on Monday was well attended, and gave parents and carers a chance to see some of the work that the children have been doing this year.

All of the children spent a morning in their new classes with their new teachers on Tuesday.

Welcome to our New Staff

We are pleased to welcome some new members of staff from September. They are:

Miss Katie Whiting, our new Year 2 teacher.

Miss Ruth Stewart, who will be teaching Year 4 next year.

Mr Mick Brazil, who will be teaching music to each class from Nursery to Year 6, this will give teachers time for planning, preparation and assessment.

We are also pleased to welcome three new Education Assistants to the school, who are Miss Joanne Rollason, Miss Jessica Mepham, and Miss Frances Perry.


We will send a letter home in September about clubs for next year. There is a possibility of running a Junior Chess club, this will be included in the letter.

Breakfast Club

We will still be running the Breakfast Club next year, starting on 6th September. If you would like to register your child for this facility which opens at 8.00 a.m., please see Angie or Barbara in the office.

Congratulations to…

Harlem Eubank in Year 5 who is featured in today’s Argus for his superb achievements in Karate.

Lauren Wheeler, also in Year 5, who has gained her 3rd Class Bowman Badge from the Grand National Archery Society.

Jolly Wheeler, in Year 3, who has achieved Level 3 in the ASA National Swimming Awards.

School Kit

Attached is a letter regarding school kit.

Goodbye and Good Luck to:

Debs Knight, our Year 2 teacher is leaving to travel the world! She will be greatly missed as a wonderful teacher and colleague. Debs has been responsible for so many of the superb art activities during her time here. We wish her well and thank her for all she has done for the school.

Jackie Sawdon’s temporary contract has come to an end. She has been a very popular class teacher, and we wish her all the best for the future.

Andrew Edwards and Ella Burns have successfully completed their Graduate Teacher Training programme here. We thank them for their valued contribution over the past year and we wish them both well in their future careers as teachers.

And of course, goodbye and good luck to all of our Year 6 children and others who are moving away to other schools.

We will miss you all.


9th July 2004

Friday, July 9th, 2004

Blue Walker, National Winner!

I have some very exciting news to share with you all. Blue, in Year 2, has won a national competition to design a poster on the theme of “Where I like to Read”. Her entry was judged best overall in the 4 – 7yrs category and has won the amazing prize of £500 worth of books for the school, and £50 in book tokens for herself. Her poster features as the first picture on the Longman Calendar. That is incredible Blue.

School Governor Vacancies

Jane Goldsmith and Pippa Smith have come to the end of their term as school governors. Both have given a great deal to the school and their support and enthusiasm is very much appreciated. I will be running an election in September for a parent governor, and we will also need a co-opted governor who is not a parent. Please let me know if you know of a person with an interest in the Arts or other community links, who could be co-opted to the governing body.

Summer Schools

Two Summer Schools are open to all Year 6 and 7 pupils, at a cost of £20 for the week at Blatchington Mill Performing Arts College. One is from Monday 26th to Friday 30th July based on the musical Grease. The second from 2nd to 6th August is on Urban Arts, such as radio, film, DJ skills, break dancing and CD making. Phone Sophie Amstell on 736244 ext. 229 for details.

There is also an Ecoplay Summer School for children aged between 6 and 10 years at Stanmer Organics, between Monday 26th and Friday 30th July.

Congratulations Rafe

I am very impressed to hear that Rafe Pol in Year 5 has been awarded his 800 metres swimming badge – he swam 32 lengths in 20 minutes. That’s some achievement Rafe.

Well Done Olivia

Olivia Killick, also in Year 5, is very proud to have received her 4th year service medal, her 3rd Junior badge and the Senior Brigader cup for her “enthusiasm and commitment” at a Girls’ Brigade ceremony this week. That’s excellent news Olivia.

Annual Reports

The children’s reports will be coming home next week.

Year 6 Meal

The Year 6 leavers’ meal will be held at Donatello’s restaurant on Thursday 15th July from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. The meal is free, as it is kindly sponsored by Family Assurance.

Equalities Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 14th July at 9.00 a.m. in the library.

Pyke House

The children in Year 4 are looking forward to their residential visit to Pyke House in Battle between Wednesday and Friday of next week. Let’s hope that the weather improves for them!

Shrek 2

I am afraid that the Odeon cinema may not be able to show the film, as hoped, next Monday. I will let you know how this turns out.

Events at School

Year 1 and 2 children enjoyed their trip to the cinema to see Home on the Range on Wednesday.

Year 3 had an interesting, and very windy, walk around the local area this week.

Nursery and Reception Sports will be on Wednesday 14th July; details have gone home already about this.

Year 5 children are visiting the Sealife Centre on Friday 16th July.


All of our after school clubs finish next Friday.

End of Year Events

Parents and carers are invited to an informal Music Celebration on Tuesday 13th July at 9.15 a.m.

You are invited to your child’s class on Monday 19th July from 2.00 p.m., to have a look at their work and have an informal chat with their current teacher.

On Tuesday 20th July, the children will be spending time with their new teachers in their new classrooms.

The Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly will be on Tuesday 20th July at 2.00 p.m. in the hall.

2nd July 2004

Friday, July 2nd, 2004

Little Canada

The Year 6 class had a fantastic time at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight last weekend. They all made the most of the experience and met lots of personal challenges. Have a look on the website for some super photographs of the trip.

Sports Day

We had a very successful Sports Day at Withdean Stadium on Thursday. Thanks to Karen Busby for her excellent organisation, and to the staff and parent volunteers.

Year 2, Pavilion Gardens Visit

The children went out to sketch the Pavilion today, I am told that members of the public were so impressed with their lovely behaviour that they couldn’t believe that they were only 6 or 7 years old. They did some beautiful drawings as well!

Nursery and Reception trip

All of the Nursery and Reception children, and lots of parents and carers, are on their annual day out at Tilgate Park today.

Book Fair

Next week there will be a selection of books on sale in the entrance lobby after school between 3.00 – 3.30pm from Monday to Thursday. Come in and have a browse, the school receives commission on sales. Leaflets are coming home today.

On Tuesday, Glenys Morris

from the Library service will be talking to the Junior children about a summer holiday reading challenge.

Keyboard Lessons

Letters are available in the office now if your child will be in Years 4, 5 or 6 next year and is interested in having keyboard lessons.

Class Photographs

Any orders for photographs, money and returned class photos should be sent to the office by Wednesday 7th July, please.

Morning Routines

Whilst we do encourage pupils to arrive in good time for school, some junior children are getting to school very early and are on the playground unsupervised. To ensure that they are safe and are not causing problems for others coming into school, please ensure that children come in at 8.45 am, or are directed to the Early Morning Club. Thank you.

Class of 2004 Leavers’ Disco

All children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are invited to a disco on Thursday 8th July between 3.15 and 5.00 p.m. Tickets cost £2 each. The theme will be “Hawaiian”. Let’s send off Year 6 in style!


Unfortunately, we have had to postpone our visit to see a preview of Shrek 2 until Monday 12th July as there was a technical problem with the film. To avoid too much disappointment, the children watched Shrek 1 at school instead.

Nursery and Reception Sports

The Nursery and Reception children will have their Sports day on Wednesday 14th July at 9.30 – 10.30, and again at 1.15 – 1.45 in the playground, or in the hall if it’s wet. Do come and cheer them on.

Harlem – Champion Again!

Congratulations to Harlem Eubank in Year 5. Over the weekend, he retained his British Karate Championship title for under 40 Kilos. It is amazing to think that we have a National Champion at Middle Street.

Improved Attendance

I am very pleased to inform you that having participated in the Attendance Project, we have reached our attendance targets for this year. In recognition of this, each class that took part, from Reception to Year 6, has been awarded £50 to spend on whatever the class agrees.

Year 1 and 2 Cinema Visit

The children are going to the UGC in the Marina to see “Home on the Range” next Wednesday.

Prince Austine

Could anyone who knows how to contact Prince Austine and his mother, who moved to London, please get in touch with Ruth Marchant on: He took part in the video “All Join In” and it would be nice if they could come along to the premier showing of it later this month.

September Nursery Dates

The Nursery will open a week later than the rest of the school, on Monday 13th September.

A message from the equalities group

Do you have a favourite children’s book or books? Do you enjoy storytelling?

We would like to get together a booklist of children’s books that reflects the diversity of families in Middle Street school. Ideally the books on the list will include stories about families of diverse nationalities, ethnicities and faiths, disabled child or adult characters, diverse family circumstances, for example adoptive of foster families. Single sex parents, separated parents. We may also be holding a storytelling event. Would you be interested in taking part?

If you have suggestions, could you:

Let one of us know in the playground or

Write the book suggestions down and give them to the office.

Bring your favourites to our next Equalities meeting on Wednesday 14th July at 9 a.m. in the Family Room. If you cannot make it to the meeting but would still like to be involved, please do let one of us know.

Reception Carly, Otto’s mum: Sharon, Tyrell’s mum

Year 1 Terry and Helena, Roman’s parents

Year 2 Ruth, Amelia’s mum

Year 3 Laura, Jonah’s mum: Lara Jacob’s mum

Year 4 Polly, Oscar’s mum: Gill Jacob’s mum

Year 6 Jody, Sita’s mum