Archive for October, 2004

22nd October 2004

Friday, October 22nd, 2004

School Association

More good news from the parents and carers of the School Association! They held another very successful meeting, and it is “all systems go” for the discos and Christmas Fayre. The next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd November at 2 p.m. You will be asked nearer the time to donate items for the Fayre, on a week by week basis.

Tickets for the Halloween disco on Thursday 4th November are on sale now from the office, at £2 each.

School Uniform Debate

The parents voted, quite narrowly, not to have a compulsory school uniform, and many requested that we didn’t go for an optional uniform. The children voted overwhelmingly against a uniform. The governors agreed, therefore, that there is no mandate from the school community to introduce a school uniform at this time. We will look at the possibility of offering a school logo sweatshirt or fleece, at a later date.

One issue that did arise during this debate is the need for a stricter dress code. I will come back to this once we have had a full discussion amongst the staff about how we communicate and enforce a stricter code. But, in the meantime, I would remind all parents and carers that we do have a dress code, which requires children to be appropriately dressed for a busy day at school. This means no strappy or sleeveless tops, no tops and trousers that show bare midriffs, no slip-on or high heeled shoes, no jewellery (except for stud earrings) no make up (including nail varnish), and long hair tied back at all times.

Contact Forms

Thank you for sending in the completed forms so far, please remember to do this if you haven’t already done so, as they are very important.

Poetry Competition

The response to the poetry competition was outstanding, even by Middle Street standards! Mrs Layzell had an almost impossible time deciding on winners. She did, eventually, pick a winner and a runner up from each class that entered. All entries received a certificate of commendation. The winners are:

Inez, and Olivia in Y1, Fabienne and Theo in Y2, Lucy and Molly in Y3, Cleo and Leili in Y4, Harry and Josie in Y5, Raphael, Rosa and Molly in Y6.

Do have a look at the entries on display in the entrance lobby, they are superb.

Anne of Cleves’ House

The children in Year 4 experienced life in Tudor times during their visit this week, which included dressing up in Tudor costumes, role-play, and working in a Tudor kitchen. The museum curators were astonished with how much they knew and their enthusiasm for the subject.


This year we thought that we could celebrate Harvest in a slightly different way. During the holiday, how about spending some time in the kitchen with your children, baking bread, cakes or biscuits with a healthy twist? You could use wholemeal flour or meusli, and add fruit wherever you can. When you have made some, freeze a batch (if necessary) and bring them to school to sell at our Giant Bake Sale on Tuesday 2nd November. Proceeds will go to St Patrick’s Night Shelter. If you have invented recipes, you could write them out and we could sell these along with the produce.

Have a Good Holiday

We look forward to seeing all the children back on Monday 1st November.

15th October 2004

Friday, October 15th, 2004

School Association

There has been a terrific response to requests for parents and carers to get involved in forthcoming fund-raising and social events at the school. The meeting on Thursday was very well attended, with lots of parents and carers offering to help, and coming up with excellent ideas for the Christmas Fayre and the Halloween Disco.

If you want to suggest other social or fund-raising ideas, or want to help, but can’t come to meetings, then please leave a note at the office. Is there anyone who would volunteer to be Treasurer, as we don’t have one at present?

The two themes that we are working on currently are:

The Halloween Disco on THURSDAY 4TH NOVEMBER. There will be separate discos for children up to Year 2, and one for those in Years 3 – 6. Tickets will be £2 each. Children in Years 3 – 6 may wait in the library for their disco, watching a video. We need to have written requests for younger children to wait for siblings, after their disco.

The Christmas Fayre on


FROM 12.00 TO 4.00 P.M.

Enthusiasm for a festive fayre is running very high, there are lots of parents and carers committed to making this a superb family event. Please put this date on your calendar now and bring friends and family too, the more the merrier!

Before the date, we need your donations of:

Good quality books, video’s, DVD’s, and toys.

Wines and spirits for a bottle stall.

New / unused gifts, toiletries, chocolates etc. for a tombola.

Nearer the time we will be asking for cakes and biscuits for a stall.

The next meeting is on Thursday 21st October at 2.00 p.m. in the Family Room.

Free Fruit and Veg

The school is taking part in the government-sponsored scheme, which provides a piece of fruit or vegetable free to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. The children are enjoying a free apple, pear, banana, satsuma or raw carrot each day, in addition to their own healthy snacks in the morning.

Poetry Competition

Mrs Layzell has been very pleased with the excellent response to the poetry competition. She has decided to extend the closing date to next Friday, as so many children have been inspired by the children’s entries so far to have a go for themselves. The theme is “Food” , and we have had some very creative 3D entries.

Parent Consultation Meetings

Ms Hadgkiss was unwell and unable to meet parents on Tuesday this week. She did try to fit in some additional meetings on the Thursday, but if you were unable to come then, please see her to make another appointment.

School Uniform

Please let me have your written thoughts about a school uniform by next Wednesday 20th October at the latest. The School Council reps are discussing this issue within their classes and I will take the parents’ and children’s opinions to the next full governors’ meeting that evening.

Parent Governor Elections

There was an excellent response to the parent governor elections. The two parents elected are:

Mr David Buttle, and

Mr Nick Ebdon

Thank you to all of the candidates who put themselves forward for election.

8th October 2004

Friday, October 8th, 2004

School Association

A group of parents met on Thursday to discuss some possible social and fund-raising events for this term. They would like to organise a disco for Halloween / Guy Fawkes on Thursday 4th November, and a Christmas disco. They also want to hold a Christmas Fayre. The Fayres used to be very popular and were excellent fund-raisers, but because only a few parents were willing to help organise and run them, they became too difficult for a small group to manage. It was agreed that if enough parents and carers were willing to get involved, then they would run a Fayre at Christmas. Some parents want to see if the Fayre could be held on a Saturday, which might be more convenient for working parents.

If you want to help organise the Fayre or a disco, or have any other ideas, then come along to a meeting in the Family Room on Thursday 14th October at 2.00 p.m. You don’t have to join a committee – all offers of help are needed. If you can’t make the meeting, but can help out, please leave your name at the school office. It would be great if more dads were able to get involved in the School Association!

Parent Governor Ballot

Mrs Brill is sending out ballot papers for the Parent Governor election. These are coming home to each parent of the eldest child in each family. As there are two vacancies, each parent may vote for two candidates on the paper.

Learning Mentor

A letter is coming home today about our Learning Mentor at the school, Tim Owers.

Out and About

Year 6 children have been busy this week. On Wednesday, they had a very interesting visit to Frog Firle Farm, finding out about habitats to support their science topic. They also went on a local history tour of Brighton on Friday.

Year 3 had a wonderful trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace on Monday; they were very excited about all the mosaics and the Roman workshops.

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the British Museum on Wednesday, looking at the amazing Egyptian collection.

We are very grateful for the superb parental support for these outings. Without your continuing support, it would not be possible to take the children on so many interesting and worthwhile trips.

Cinema Trips

Children from Year 2 to Year 6 are being treated to free trips to the Odeon Cinema next week. Years 1 and 2 are seeing Piglet’s Big Movie on Thursday, Years 3 and 4 are going to see Around The World in 80 Days on Wednesday and Years 5 and 6 are seeing Five Children and It on Tuesday.

As the two movies for Years 3 – 6 are PG, we need to have parents’ permission to take the children. Please make sure that you have returned the permission slip, or your child will miss out.

Bikes, Skateboards, Scooters

This is a reminder that we do not have enough room in the school grounds or building for bikes, skateboards etc.

Super Swimmer!

Congratulations to Jika Edstrom in Year 2 who has passed the ASA Level 3 swimming award.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Please return your reply slip to book a meeting with your child’s teacher, they are being held on Tuesday or Thursday of next week.

1st October 2004

Friday, October 1st, 2004

VIP Visitors

We had a visit on Tuesday morning from the Education Secretary, Charles Clarke, and our local MP, Dave Lepper. They were interested in finding out about our Breakfast club, and how it helps working parents. Mr Clarke thought that the children were “delightful”, and commented on how polite, confident and assured they all were.

Year 6 Secondary Transfer

This is a reminder in advance that your preference forms for secondary school must be handed in to the school office by no later than 3.00 p.m. on 22nd October. Please do not be late with your child’s form, any handed in late will not be looked at until all of the forms sent in on time are dealt with. In the recent past, some families have been very disappointed not to be considered for first preferences, as this rule is rigorously applied throughout Brighton and Hove.

Year 6 Assembly

It was lovely to hear all about the children’s experiences in Little Canada in a special assembly this morning. They showed a video of some of their exploits. You can see photographs of the visit on our frequently updated website

Black History Month

We have some copies of leaflets about the Black History Month activities in Brighton and Hove.

Parent Governors

As we have had more parents interested in becoming governors than vacancies, Mrs Brill is organising an election. Ballot papers will be coming home late next week.

School Association

The School Association supports the school by organising and running social and fund-raising events. The association does not have a representative role, but it is very import to the life of the school. At the start of a new school year, you are invited to meet with some current members of the School Association, at an informal gathering on Thursday 7th October in the Family Room. Do come along to find out how you can get involved, you don’t have to commit a lot of time, anything that you can do will help.


Our Education Welfare Officer, Mark Flemming has been in school looking at our registers. He is rather concerned at the level of lateness throughout the school. He is aware of the particular circumstances regarding traffic congestion and the Labour conference this week, but there is still a lot of lateness. He wants me to remind parents that the law not only requires that children should attend school, but that they should be punctual. This is important because children who are late often miss out on important instructions and organisation, it can be very embarrassing for them to come into class or assembly late, and also, punctuality is a good habit to get into for later in life.


I am afraid that we have some cases of head lice in school – please work with us and check your child’s hair regularly and treat if necessary. Could you all have a blitz this weekend?

In School This Week:

Year 6 Artists

Four children went to Falmer School on Wednesday to take part in an Art Extravaganza funded by Excellence in Cities. Molly, Ivy, Agnes and Miles enjoyed getting messy and creative with clay, masks-making, sculpture and Aboriginal art activities, with the help of Mr Dyer who went with them.

Year 1 children had a very exciting visit to Hove Museum to look at the toy exhibition.