Archive for March, 2006

31st March 2006

Friday, March 31st, 2006

Easter Afternoon Tea Party

A big thank you to the School Association for organising this fantastic event which was enjoyed by so many people. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the different activities organised by our Educational Assistants and they looked splendid in their Easter hats. The winners of the hat competition were:
Kali Holder (Year 1)
Jed Hughes (Year 1)
Jem Ward (Year 5)

Easter Assembly

On Wednesday we enjoyed a special assembly given by Father Fayres from St Paul’s Church. He reminded us all about why we have Easter traditions and was very impressed by the thoughtful questions the children asked.

Year 2 Visit

Wednesday also saw our intrepid Year 2 children going off on a mini-beast safari at Woods Mill. They had a great time looking at all the beasts they could find in different habitats and were so interested and well behaved all day.

Swimming Award

Congratulations to Hardy Churchill in Year 1 for passing his 5m Puffin Swimming Award

Reading Book Bags

The office now has a new stock of reading book bags. They cost £3.50 for cloth bags and £1 for plastic bags.

Silence is Golden

Anyone walking into the Year 2 classroom last Friday morning might have thought that there were no children in there at all. They all did incredibly well in keeping silent for three hours in order to raise money for the Uganda Appeal. Sponsor money is still coming in but the total is already over £600. Thank you to everyone for your sponsorship and well done Year 2.

Festival Parade

As the parade draws ever closer, more and more palm trees are sprouting up in the school. They will look fantastic as part of the parade along with our samba band. The other children taking part will all have shakers and we would like your help with donating rice and lentils to fill them (out of date goods would be ideal) and also making them. If you are able to help during the week beginning 24th April then please speak to Mrs. Noble. Look out for more details on the parade after Easter.

Let’s Stomp!

Year 3 gave a wonderful performance of their dance to the school and their parents this morning. It will look and sound amazing when they perform it at the Dome as part of the ‘Let’s Dance’ festival on Monday 24th April.

Lost Mobile Phone

Alannys Diaz in Year 4 has lost her mobile phone this week. It’s a blue Nokia camera phone and was last seen in the cloakroom. If anyone finds it please hand it in to the office. Can we remind you that anything of any value should be handed into the office for safe keeping as we cannot be held responsible for anything lost that hasn’t been handed in.

Bright Sparks

Year 4 have been working extremely hard on designing and making their own electrical games. They came up with some wonderful ideas and their parents came in to see the finished products on Monday after school.

Dinner Money

Just a reminder that school dinners will cost £1.65 per day after the Easter holidays. It would also help the office if you are able to pay for the week on Monday mornings.

Penalty Shoot Out Prize

Congratulations to Coltrane Chead in Year 5 who won the prize for collecting the most money for our sponsored penalty shoot out last month. He raised over £70 in sponsorship and was presented with a signed football from Brighton and Hove Albion today in assembly. Well done Coltrane.

Easter Holidays

School closes for the Easter holidays today and reopens on Wednesday 19th April. It has been a fantastic term with so many wonderful things happening that it feels as though it has gone very quickly. Thank you to all of the children for your hard work and enthusiasm and to the parents/carers for your support and commitment to the school. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday and we will look forward to seeing you next term.

24th March 2006

Friday, March 24th, 2006

School Closure

The school will be closed on Tuesday 28th March due to strike action. You should have received a letter earlier in the week explaining the situation and reasons for closure. If you did not receive a letter you can obtain one from the office.

Maths Week

This week all the children have been enjoying extra maths activities and having the opportunity to explore and investigate mathematical problems in more depth. They have ended the week with a visit to the hall where Mr Dyer has set up lots of challenging maths activities and puzzles. Some of them are really hard!

This Is How We Do it

If you would like to know more about how calculations are taught in school there is a booklet that you may find helpful. The booklet is titled ‘This Is How We Do It’ and can be purchased at a cost of £7 or £8 if you would like the booklet and CD rom that accompanies it. If you would like to have a look through the booklet first please ask at the office where they can show you one. Please place your order with payment at the office.
We also have on sale a book that can help with general learning. This book is called ‘Top Tips for Learning’. It can be looked at and purchased from the office at a cost of £3.50.

Ms Whiting’s Trip to Uganda

Ms Whiting has been overwhelmed by your generosity. She has been given many many donations of a variety of items to take with her on her trip to Uganda. She now has three very large full bags to take with her. Ms Whiting would like to say a very big THANKYOU to all who contributed.

Cross Country

Well done to Josephine, Aaron, Daisy in Year 6 and Jasmine, Delilah, Sasha, Nathan and Zeke in Year 5. They ran really well despite the cold and uncomfortable conditions. A special Thank you to Ms Busby who organised the runners and attended the event with the children.

Brazilian Football

A group of Year 5 and 6 children are competing in a Brazilian Football tournament at Sussex University to day.

Are You a Drip

On Wednesday, children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a show on water conservation. The show was put on by Face pack Theatre and sponsored by Southern Water. Everyone was given a free water bottle at the end of the show.

Invite for Year 4 Parents/Carer

Ms Stewart and the Year 4 children would like to invite Year 4 Parents /Carers to come into school at 3.05 on Monday. They thought you might like to try out some of their electrical games they have made in their Design Technology lessons.

Easter Egg Raffle

Please continue to donate Easter Eggs for our Easter raffle. Raffle tickets are on sale at the office.

Afternoon Tea

Do remember to come along to the School Associations Easter Afternoon Tea on Thursday in the hall at 3.00. There will be lots of delicious things to eat and activities to enjoy. Don’t forget to wear your Easter hat, you may win a prize!

Dinner Money

Mrs Walker says, please can you pay any outstanding dinner money by the end of next week. It is the end of the financial year and we have to make sure everything is in order. Mrs Walker would also like to inform you that the cost of a school dinner is going up to £1.65 from 19th April.

We need …

If you have any spare clothes suitable for infant children, please could we have them. We particularly need clothes for girls.
Years 3 and 4 need paint shirts. If you have any old shirts or T shirts they could use when painting, please drop them into the office. Large men’s T shirts are most suitable. Thank you.

Missing Coat

Jake in Year 6 only had his new coat for about a week before it disappeared. He is missing it terribly! Please could you check your child has the correct coat or if you can recall seeing a black and grey coat with a hood and velcro pockets please let us know at the office. Could I also take this opportunity to remind everyone to name clothing very clearly as this helps when things do go missing.

Congratulations to..

Mia and Inez Ebdon have both achieved their 8 Kyu Ninpo Taijutsu. Well done Mia and Inez!

Picnic Benches for Sale

We have too many picnic benches in the playground taking up valuable playing space. We would like to sell 4 of the picnic benches at £10 each. If you would like to buy one or more please see Mrs Brill in the office.

Easter Holidays

School finishes on Friday 31st march and reopens again on Wednesday 19TH April.

17th March 2006

Friday, March 17th, 2006

Year 2 Assembly

We all enjoyed Year 2’s Assembly telling the story of the Gruffalo. They told the story with such enthusiasm and joy. Thank you Year 2 for such a wonderful performance and a great start to the day!

Katie Whiting’s Trip to Uganda

Ms Whiting will be spending her Easter holidays in Uganda undertaking voluntary work caring for abandoned and orphaned babies. Ms Whiting is raising funds via a sponsored silence with Year 2 and collecting donations of goods to take with her. She has sent home a separate letter to you listing donations she would like to take with her.

Parents Evening

Thank you to all of you who completed a feedback form on our new style Parent/carers evenings. The new format was a great success! Parents/Carers and Teachers all enjoyed the evening. Using the classrooms as a meeting venue meant the meetings were more private and comfortable. Lots of you enjoyed the opportunity to look through your child’s work and see just what they get up to at school all day

After School Language Classes

You were recently asked in a past Friday News if you were interested in an after school language club. The most popular language seems to be French. If we were to offer a French language club it would be at a cost of £40 for five weeks. The price includes a very useful CD to be used at home to help your child practice the language. If you are still interested in your child joining the club and happy with the cost please let the office know as soon as possible.

Meditating Year 6

Year 6 returned from the Buddhist Centre looking very serene and at one with the world. They enjoyed a session on meditation and have found out lots of interesting facts on the Buddhist faith. Ms McNally and Mr Collins said the class were a real credit to the school and their parents.

Year 1’s Visit to St Pauls Church

Year 1 went along to St Pauls church in West Street. They had a wonderful experience looking at the stained glass windows and paintings as well as listening to stories and facts about the history of the church. The children were taken round by the Church Warden.

Easter Raffle

Please bring donations of Easter Eggs to the office. Raffle tickets will be on sale from next week at 25pence each or 5 for a £1.

Easter Hat Competition

Everyone is welcome to enter the competition, which will take place on the 30th March at the Easter Afternoon Tea. There will of course be prizes for the most original designs.

Sponsor Money Total

We have counted all the sponsor money from our Penalty Shoot-out
We have collected the grand total of £708. We share the money equally with Brighton and Hove Albion who organised the event for us. Well done to all the children and staff who scored!

Maths Week

Next week is Maths week in school. Each class will be exploring and investigating mathematical problems and number activities.

Congratulations to..

Ariel Matsui-Le Roy in Year 3 achieved third place KATA (set form) in his age group in the SAMA Karate Competition on Sunday 12th March. Well done Ariel!

Easter Break

We finish for the Easter break on Friday 31st March and return to school on Wednesday 19th April.

10th March 2006

Friday, March 10th, 2006

Poetry Day

A group of Year 5 children are enjoying a day at Falmer School writing and performing their poetry. They will be joining children from other schools for the day.

More Plastic Bottles Please

We need more plastic bottles with lids. We need the bottles to make shakers for the Festival Parade. As you know our theme is ‘Brazilian Fruit’ and our colour scheme will be orange, yellow and green, the fruitier the better!

Cross Country

A group of energetic children have begun training for the Brighton Cross Country running event at Waterhall on Saturday 18th March. Ms Busby is kindly giving up time to be at the event and cheer the children on. We have some excellent runners so I’m sure they will do well.

Mobile Phones for Guide Dogs

Mrs Walker would like people to donate any old mobile phones you no longer use. The phones, whatever their condition are worth £3.50p to the Guide Dog association. The money made from the old phones, go towards the purchase and training of a Guide Dog for the blind. Please bring your old unwanted phones to the office and we will send them off.

Parent/Carer Group

Mr Owers and Mr Dew are now ready to invite you to a Parent/Carers Drop-in group on Thursday 16th March 2.00 – 3.00. which will take place in the Family room. The group is an informal opportunity for you to share ideas and strategies for supporting your child at home. Topics up for discussion can cover issues such as getting them off to bed, sleep worries, eating their greens, doing homework, transition to Secondary school etc. If you are interested please let the office know, as we are only able to accommodate 10 people. There will of course be tea and biscuits.

Polite Reminder

Please could all Parents/Carers wait in the playground when collecting children at the end of the day. We know it’s cold outside but we must ask you to remain outside as we need to keep corridors and the reception area clear for health and safety purposes. We are hoping to provide a shelter for Parents/Carers to use in the future if we are successful in our bid for Travel Plan funding.


A reminder for Years 4, 5 and 6 Parents/Carers that Basketball club on Thursday after school has finished for now.

Congratulations to..

Erin Tanyar in Year2 has just achieved her first grading in Kung Fu. Although Erin is the youngest in her class she achieved the highest grade and was the only one to receive an ‘A’. Very well done Erin!

Afternoon Tea

The School Association will be putting on one of their fantastic Afternoon Teas before the Easter holidays. The Tea will take place in the school Hall on Thursday 30th March from 3.00 pm. You can find more information on the attached letter from the School Association.

3rd March 2006

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

Festival Parade

Our theme this year is Brazilian Fruit and we have chosen to have an orange and yellow colour scheme. We need plastic bottles, any shape, with lids, for making shakers. Please bring these to the office. We hope many parents will be able to help with preparation for the parade this year. Parent’s workshops are coming soon!

Shoe Boxes

Year One would like shoe boxes with lids. Please bring to the office.

School Association

Thank you to everybody who attended the School Association meeting on Wednesday this week. There will be a letter to follow with details of Easter Events.

Animation Day

A group of Year Six children enjoyed an animation day at Falmer School with Mr Dyer.

Shakespeare Day

A group of Year Six children have been at Falmer School with Mr Collins today for a Shakespeare Day. We look forward to hearing all about it.

Poetry Day

Next Friday a group of Year Five children will be attending a Poetry Day at Falmer School.

Reminder to Year Four and Year Six Parents

The school has to make the final payments for the Year Four visit to Pyke House and the Year Six visit to Little Canada by the end of May. There is still a lot of money outstanding, so please could parents make payments to the school office a.s.a.p. Thank you.

Congratulations to

Curtis Barrell-Shearer in Year Two who has not only passed his ASA Level 4 in swimming, but has also been awarded his red belt in karate! Well done Curtis, you have been busy!

Ariel Matsui Le Roy in Year Three who has gained his orange stripe belt in karate. Well done Ariel!

Sponsor Money

If you still owe sponsor money for the penalty shoot out, please bring to school by Friday 10th March at the latest. Thank you.

Parent Consultations

Parent Consultation evenings are Tuesday 14th March and Thursday 16th March. You will receive an important letter about this next week. Please read carefully about the new format.

Easter Holidays

Last day of term is Friday 31st March.
Children return to school Wednesday 19th April.

Weather Warnings

Please listen to local radio stations if there is snow to find out if it has been necessary to close the school.