Archive for July, 2012

20th July 2012

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Hooray it’s the Holidays!

Well the end of term is finally here and apparently the summer starts next week! So look out for a glimpse of the sun. We have said our goodbyes to staff and children who are leaving us this year. We are sad to say goodbye but we also know they are all setting off on new and exciting adventures.

Leavers’ Assembly

We had great fun in yesterdays Year 6 leavers’ assembly. The children took us on a time travel experience with a game show thrown in. We laughed and we cried. Thank you Year 6 you were fab!

Breakfast Club News

When you return in September our breakfast club will be located in the old caretakers flat above the school car park in Middle Street (next to the Nursery).

Before You Go Please Remember to..look through lost property, and take what’s yours, take home all your lunch boxes and put bags and rubbish in the bin, check cloakroom areas for coats and other clothing and don’t forget PE kits too. PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING HOME.

New Site Manager

On Wednesday we appointed a new site manager: Mr Toby Earle. Mr Earle will join us from the first of September. Mr Everard will be around during the holidays until the 16th August. We are very sad to say goodbye to Mr Everard but we know he will take the Middle Street spirit with him to his exciting new job.

Congratulations to..

Calum in Year 3 who on Saturday achieved joint 3rd place in the under 8s section of the Southern UK schools Chess Challenge

Thank you

Finally I would like to say thank you to all the children for working so hard this year and for just being generally wonderful and to all you lovely parents and carers for your support and kindness over the year. You are all very special people.

Summer Holidays

We break today (in case you have forgotten) for the summer holidays and we will see you all again on Thursday 6th September. Nursery will open on Monday 10th September.


If you are leaving us: goodbye and good luck it has been a pleasure knowing you and your children, love and best wishes for the future from us all. We look forward to seeing everyone else in September for more Middle Street fun and laughter!

Have a great summer break!

13th July 2012

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Summer Fair

It rained but we didn’t care! Thank you to everyone who came along to our summer fair on Saturday. I think it is safe to say that we all had lots of fun. The performers in the talent contest were fabulous with a whole variety of acts. The joint winners of a place on a performing arts summer school run by ‘BStarz’ Academy were Liylah  in year 3,Dolly Roc in Year 2 and Millie in Year 5, Congratulations to Liylah, Dolly Roc and Millie!

I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Jo and her trusty team of parents who put on this fabulous event for us and raised well over a £1000 for the school. THANK YOU!

Performing Arts Week

We began the week with the Ceilidh on Tuesday. The Middle Street violinists played for us with Mr Brazil on the guitar, Mrs Layzell called the dances and parents, children and staff danced. We even had a real live Scotsman in a kilt playing the bagpipes for us.

On Thursday morning we enjoyed year 5’s sound makers  performance. Year 5 performed 2 pieces of music which they composed themselves. The second piece is a new Middle Street song which was written by Year 5. In the afternoon we enjoyed performances from the little ones right up to Year 6. Well done to all our superstar children!

Key Stage 1 Mini Olympics

Year 2 joined in with a mini Olympics event at BAHSVIC on Monday. The children were a real credit to the school. Their behaviour and team spirit was exceptional. Ms Busby felt very proud of them all. They took part in a variety of sporting activities. To mark the event the class appeared in the Argus newspaper on Wednesday.

Glee Performance

Glee club members are performing to their parents and the school on Monday morning in assembly at 9.10 am.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 3 late mark. Well done to both classes for being so punctual.

Last week’s winners were Year 2, and joint years 3 and 4.

This terms winners of the £25 punctuality prize are: in Key Stage 1: Year 1   and in Key Stage 2: Year 3. Well done to all children who have been on time for school every day this term. Congratulations to Year 1 and Year 3 for winning this terms class ‘On Time Ted’ punctuality prize of £25


Children’s end of year reports will arrive home on Monday. If you do not receive yours do let us know.

Please Remember to..

Look through lost property, and take what’s yours, take home all your lunch boxes and put bags and rubbish in the bin, check cloakroom areas for coats and other clothing and take home. Please do this before Thursday and don’t forget PE kits too. PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING HOME.

New Classes

Children will visit their new class and meet their new teacher and teaching assistant in the morning of Monday 16th July

Open Afternoon

Parents and carers are invited in to school on Wednesday 18th July in the afternoon to look through their child’s work and to join in end of learning journey celebrations

Leavers Assembly

Year 6 leaver’s assembly takes place on Thursday 19th at 1.30. Year 6 parents and carers are invited to watch the children’s performance.

Last Day of Term

On the last day of term Mr Brazil, Ms Garside and Ms Busby will not be in school until the very end of the day. It is unfortunate but we were offered a fantastic training opportunity for them on that day which we couldn’t refuse. They will all arrive back before 3.00 to say goodbye.

Year 6 Leavers Beach Party

All year 6 parents and family members are warmly invited to join year 6 on the beach for a picnic and fun. Please bring snacks and drinks to share and an umbrella. The beach party takes place straight after school next Thursday. If you need any further information please contact Ombaashi’s mum; Joyti on 07428515800

Summer Holidays

We break for the summer holidays on Friday 20th July and return on Thursday 6th September. Nursery will open on Monday 10th September.


6th July 2012

Friday, July 6th, 2012

Year 4 Show Us the Way

We enjoyed a fabulous assembly this morning performed by Year 4. They played instruments and danced for us. The children composed the accompanying instrumental and choreographed the dance themselves. They based their assembly on the novel Varjak Paw. Well done Year 4 you were brilliant!

Disco, Zumba, Cakes and More for Martlets

We have raised over £500 for the Martlets this week. We have had zumba, a cake sale, disco dancing and dressing in sports outfits to help raise money. The money collected was converted into 5 pence pieces. The bags of 5 pences were then taken to Woodingdean Primary school by Ms Busby and a group of children, where each coin was placed on to an Olympic ring along with 5 pences collected by other schools in Brighton and Hove. There should be a photograph appearing soon in the Argus of the Olympic ring and you may have seen in the Argus a photograph earlier in the week of the year 1 and 2 Zumba dancing. We joined in with this fund-raising event in memory of Karen Sinclaire a teaching assistant at our school who very sadly died last year.

Summer Fair

Our Summer Fair takes place tomorrow   The fair opens at 11.00 am and ends at 3.00 pm. Do come along and join in the fun. Children, don’t forget to enter for the talent contest.

Nursery Sports Morning

Nursery children were lucky with the weather on Monday morning. They enjoyed the second of their Nursery Sports day sessions.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 and 2 winners are a surprise. Children will have to wait until Monday to find out.  

Open Afternoon

Parents and carers are invited in to school on Wednesday 18th July in the afternoon to look through their child’s work and to join in end of learning journey celebrations

Leavers’ Assembly

Year 6 leavers’ assembly takes place on Thursday 19th at 1.30. Year 6 parents and carers are invited to watch the children’s performance.

New Classes

Children will visit their new class and meet their new teacher and teaching assistant in the morning of Monday 16th July

Performing Arts Week Events

We are holding a performing arts week next week.

The main event is a Ceilidh on Tuesday 10th July. The Ceilidh begins at 4.30 pm in the hall. There will be tea and cake and lots of dancing. We have a group of children who have been practising hard and will play the violin for our Ceilidh. Tickets are available at the office for £2 for adults and children have free entry.

Year 5 parents are invited to a Soundmakers performance on Thursday 12th July at 10.00. In the afternoon from 2 pm other year groups will be performing, so do pop in if you can.


Bethy in year 1 has lost her pink spotty lunch box, if you come across it please return to the school office. Thank you.


Look through lost property, and take what’s yours, take home all your lunch boxes and put bags and rubbish in the bin, check cloakroom areas for coats and other clothing and take home. Please do this before the last week of term and don’t forget PE kits too.

Summer Holidays

We break for the summer holidays on Friday 20th July and return on Thursday 6th September. Nursery will open on Monday 10th September.