Archive for April, 2005

29th April 2005

Friday, April 29th, 2005

Important Dates

Parents and carers are reminded that the school will be closed on the following dates:
Monday 2nd May, bank holiday.
Thursday 5th May, as the school is being used as a polling station.
Monday 30th May to Monday 6th June – half term holiday and Staff training day. Children return on Tuesday 7th June.
Last day of the school year is Friday 22nd July.

Festival Parade

The parade will be on Saturday 7th May. Any children attending the parade must be accompanied by an adult. Due to the scale of this event in public spaces including roads and the seafront, staff are not able to take responsibility for any children during the parade, or make arrangements with parents or carers for collection of children.
Our school will be meeting at point 39 in Pelham Square.
Children in the samba band should assemble by 9 a.m., other families should arrive at the meeting point by 10 a.m. We are scheduled to move off by 10.30 a.m., however, past experience tells us that this should be regarded as flexible! It is a huge event, and the organisers do a magnificent job, but we do have to expect possible delays.
As you know, our theme is Jungle Book. Children are making jungle animal masks in school. Children and adults are asked to dress either in colours that complement the bear, monkey or tiger masks, or, if you prefer, a sari or traditional Indian costume would be wonderful.
It should be a great day, and we are looking forward to another excellent turn out from Middle Street.
The props for the parade are coming along; there has been a fantastic amount of work put into them by a small group of parents. I am pleased that recently more parents have been able to join in, if you are able to spare any time next week, do come to the hall from 9.30 a.m. Thank you.

Lost Property

Can anyone help us to locate a hooded Quicksilver black top, perhaps it has gone home by mistake?


Aran McDonald in Year 2 for gaining his red belt in karate. That is fantastic news!
Well done to Rafe Pol and Molly Skelton in Year 6. They have both been selected to become Young Critics for this year’s Brighton Festival. This is truly amazing, as the competition is very fierce, and to have two successful children from one school is tremendous. Well done to both of you, and we hope that you enjoy reviewing the shows and performances. We will look out for your reviews in the press.

Suitable Clothing

Sorry to nag, but could I remind parents that children need sturdy sandals with proper straps and low or no heels for school. We have had some accidents recently that could have been averted if these guidelines had been followed.
Also, could I remind parents that children should have their shoulders and midriffs covered whilst at school.
It might be a good idea to locate those sun hats, as we are being promised some sunny weather soon!

22nd April 2005

Friday, April 22nd, 2005

Congratulations Mr Brazil!

Mr Brazil completed the London Marathon in under 4 hours. He says he needed a little rest at the end but was fine otherwise. He must have very sturdy knees! Mr Brazil estimates that he will have raised over £1,000 in sponsor money to donate to the charity SADS (Sudden Adult/Arrhythmia Death) if you have signed Mr Brazil’s Sponsor form please bring sponsor money to the office for Mr Brazil to collect.

Class Visits to the New Library

All classes have enjoyed their visits to the wonderful new library. During the visit children were able to take a look round the children’s section, browse through the books, listen to a story and learn how to borrow books.

Children’s Parade

If you have any spare time next week please come along and help make the amazing creations for the parade. Workshops will be taking place in the hall everyday next week from 9.30 a.m.
The children will be making masks at school next week. They can choose to make a bear, monkey or a tiger mask. On the day of the festival parade children should wear brown if they are a bear or monkey and orange if they have chosen to be a tiger. Accompanying adults should also wear brown or orange. Alternatively typical Indian dress could be worn (or, if you are feeling really brave, a loin cloth).

Recycling Ink Cartridges

We have registered with ‘Collect 4 School’ who will pay for and collect all used printer ink cartridges and recycle them. Parents are welcome to bring used cartridges from home for recycling


A child in Year 5 has misplaced his rather expensive glasses. The glasses have a bendy black frame with rectangular lenses. If you come across them please hand them in at the office.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

We are collecting these vouchers. If you have any vouchers please pop them in the labelled box near the office.

Year 5 Cake Sale

POSTPONED. The cake sale will take place in the very near future.

Samba Band

The Samba group have an extended session today. The session will end at 4.15.


Nut Allergies please do not send nuts of any sort into school this includes peanut butter. We do have children (and adults in school with nut allergies) and it is not fair to put them at risk.

Dinner Money please remember to send in dinner money for the week on a Monday.

Pyke House payment is due for those children in Year 4 staying at Pyke House in July.


last day for ordering photographs is Monday 25th April.

Polling Day

We will be closed on Thursday 5th May as the school is being used as a polling station.


For one night only prohibition suspended, little gangsters and molls entertained. Friday 20th May 6-8.30 p.m. Further details to follow.

15th April 2005

Friday, April 15th, 2005

Young Critics

Congratulations to Rafe Pol and Molly Skelton in Year 6. They have both reached the next stage of the Young Critics competition for the Brighton Festival, and will be reviewing a Brazilian Dance on Monday Evening. Well done to both of you.

Mick Brazil – Marathon Run!

We all wish Mick the very best as he is running in the London Marathon on Sunday. He is being sponsored for the charity SADS (Sudden Adult/Arrhythmia Death). There is a sponsor form in the office if you would like to make a pledge – we will still be collecting next week.

Cleaner Needed

We still need an additional cleaner at the school. The hours are negotiable, but could be up to 1½ hours per day, 5 days a week. Please speak to Gill Brill in the office if you are interested.

Reverend Moody

We were very sad to hear about the death of Rev Moody from St Nicholas’ Church. He has been a friend of Middle Street Primary School for several years now, and has always welcomed us to the church for special services at Harvest and Christmas. A collection is being sent to The Martlets Hospice in his name from the school. If you would like to add your contribution, please do so at the office.

200 Year Celebrations

Do you have any ideas about how the school should celebrate this momentous occasion? There will be a meeting of the history project group on Monday 25th April at the school, they are researching the school’s history for a display at Brighton Museum and would welcome any parental help. If you would like to join Helen who is visiting the School Records Office in Lewes on Wednesday 20th April, please contact her on: 01273 710008, or email on:

Dave Dyer has put up a fascinating display in the entrance lobby. It invites you to put postcards of Brighton in order on a 200-year timeline. Do have a go!


The Year 3 cake sale last term was very successful and raised £75. The raffle raised £60. The next cake sale will be by Year 5 on Friday 22nd April. There will be a meeting of the School Association at 9.00 a.m. on Thursday 21st April in Starbucks Western Road to discuss future events, including the Summer Fayre.

Polling Station – Whole School Closure

Please note that the whole school will be closed on Thursday 5th May as the school is being used as a polling station

Visits to the New Library

Next week, all of the classes from Reception to Year 6 will be visiting the children’s section of the new library.

Samba Band

The Samba group will have an extended session next Friday, 22nd April ending at 4.15 p.m. Members of the Same Sky Samba group will be joining our band to work with us on that day.

Year 4 Swimming

Our usual Wednesday swimming session has been double booked. Year 4 children will now be swimming on Mondays from next week.

Cabinets and Pods

There will be no club next week, Tuesday 19th April, as Mr Dyer is at a conference.

Festival Parade Workshops

More parents are needed to help make the amazing creations for the parade. Next workshops are on Tuesday and Wednesday, 19th and 20th April from 9.30 a.m. in the hall.