Archive for October, 2008

24th October 2008

Friday, October 24th, 2008

World Record Attempt

On Wednesday 22nd October at 9.30 the whole school took part in attempting to set a singing and signing world record along with other schools up and down the country. We sung and signed “Sunshine In ‘’My Heart”. The children performed brilliantly and were praised by all. PCOS David Hedgecock and PCOS Gill Everest joined the Rev David Coleman to verify our part in the world record attempt. We also had the pleasure of Linda Lascelles who is the Chief Executive of AFASIC, joining us. Linda praised the school’s effort in raising awareness through this event of the speech and language difficulties some children suffer with and how important signing is to them. PCOS Hedgecock and PCOS Everest enjoyed being in the school so much they stayed on and joined in with Reception’s PE lesson. There’s a video on the website of them both sharing their PE skills with the class.

Culture for Learning Policy

After a considerable amount time and effort on the part of staff and children, we have produced a ‘Culture for Learning’. This is a new policy, which replaces our policy on behaviour and discipline. This policy is a much broader and holistic policy, which fits better with the school’s ethos. If you would like to read the policy, please look on our website. Please feel free to pass on positive or constructive comments on the policy either by email or by leaving a written comment at the office. All comments gratefully received up until 14th November. A reminder also that you can read the school’s guidelines on ‘toys in school’ on our website. As with the ’Culture for Learning’ policy please feel free to comment. Comments will be gratefully received until 14th November.

Halloween Tea

We all enjoyed another fabulous afternoon tea yesterday. Lots of children and one or two adults joined in the fun by dressing up. Thank you to everyone who helped with the tea and activities. PCOS Hedgecock dropped in for a cup of tea and cake after enjoying his visit to the school on Wednesday morning.

The School Association and I were very disappointed to hear of those parents who thought it was ok to leave their children at the tea unaccompanied. You know who you are, please don’t do it again! This is not acceptable and the School Association cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children.

The Halloween tea raised £312 for the school fund. Well done everyone.

Moving Sounds

Key Stage 2 children enjoyed workshops with the ‘Moving Sounds’ group making music with recycled objects. The workshops took place on Tuesday morning starting with an assembly where the group gave a demonstration of how recycled materials can be used to make music.

Drama Workshop

Year 3 went along to the Theatre Royal on Wednesday to take part in a drama workshop. The class had a fabulous time working with an experienced actress and a member of staff from the Theatre. The children were praised by their hosts for their brilliant behaviour, attitude and, for generally being excellent participants. Well done Year 3!

Jump Rope

Each class today has taken part in a sponsored skip today to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.


The photographer will be in school on November 5th to take photos of individual and family groups of children.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break at 3.05 on Friday 24th October and re-open on Tuesday 4th November. Have a great half term break.

17th October 2008

Friday, October 17th, 2008

Book Week

The Middle Street book week events were very successful. The highlights of the week were the Book Fair and the Book Swap day. I think just about every child in the school ended up with at least one book to take home either from the book fair or from the book swap. Thank you to everyone who donated books to the book swap.

School Council News

The School Council met this week with a professional graffiti artist to discuss plans for a piece of artwork on a wall in the playground. They also discussed the school’s guidelines on ‘Toys in School’. If you are interested in reading through the guidelines and which toys from home are allowed in school, please look on the school website ( next week. Please feel free to send in written constructive and respectful comments regarding the guidelines.

The school council members will be meeting the Mayor in the Mayor’s chambers on Thursday 23rd October.

Football Tournament

Our football team will be playing in a tournament on Monday 20th October. The tournament takes place at St Margaret’s Primary School in Rottingdean.

Theatre Royal Drama

Year 3 are visiting the Theatre Royal on Wednesday 22nd October to take part in a drama workshop.

Cinema Visits

Children in Key Stage 2 are visiting the cinema on Thursday 23rd October and Reception and Key Stage 1 are visiting the cinema on Friday 24th October. Key Stage 2 children will be viewing the film ‘The Prince Caspian’. Reception and Key Stage 1 will watch ‘Horton Hears a Who’.

Middle Street PTA Halloween Tea

The Halloween afternoon tea takes place on Thursday 23rd October from 3.00 – 4.15pm. Children can dress up in their scariest costume and wear them all day. The PTA team would warmly welcome helpers and donations of cakes and biscuits.

On-Time Teds

The winners this week are Year 2 and Year 3 . Well done to both classes. Well done to everyone who gets into school and class before the 9 O clock bell. Sadly though we have an exceptional number of children coming in late this week. Parents/Carers must ensure that children are in school and in class before the 9. O clock bell rings. Please do not keep your child with you if you are lining up at the office. Lateness is something the Educational Welfare Officer from the Local Authority takes very seriously.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break at 3.05 on Friday 24th October and re-open on Tuesday 4th November. We are closed on the Monday for a training day

World Record Attempt

On Wednesday 22nd October at 9.30 the whole school will be taking part in a singing and signing world record attempt along with other schools up and down the country. We will be singing and signing “Sunshine In My Heart”

10th October 2008

Friday, October 10th, 2008

Grace Wins!

Grace Owers in Year 6 has won a National award for her brilliant Climate Change poster. Grace and a group of friends attended the awards ceremony at the Natural History museum in London on Tuesday. Much to Grace’s amazement and delight she won the national prize. Grace was awarded a cheque for the school of £1000 and prizes for herself. The competition was organised by an Energy company. Graces poster features in a calendar produced by the company. You can take a look at Graces poster displayed on the board by the office. Very well done and thank you Grace! The Eco Warriors will plan how we use the £1000 in our efforts to make the school more Eco friendly.

Visits to Jubilee Library

Classes have visited the Jubilee Library this week as part of our Book Week celebrations. We are planning to make more use of our local library. Eventually we hope to ensure that every child in the school becomes a library member.

Walk to School Week

Next week is Walk to School Week. Children will be encouraged to walk or cycle to school as part of our efforts to help stop climate change.

Parent Evenings

A reminder that our Parents evenings take place next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have not made an appointment please contact the class teacher or ask for a form at the office.

School Council Meeting

The School Council will be holding their next meeting on Tuesday 14th October.

School Association Meeting

The School Association met on Wednesday to discuss future events. The next event is a Halloween afternoon tea to be held on Thursday 23rd October. Children are invited to dress up in their scariest costume. There are prizes for the best costumes. The School Association team would warmly welcome helpers. If you can offer your support please meet up with the team on Tuesday 14th October at 9.00 pm at TFI Lunch (coffee shop near Oasis).


We have had one case of Measles reported in school.

Congratulations to..

We have another star footballer in school! Hamish Morrison in Year 4 has been signed by Brighton and Hove Albion professional football club to join its centre of excellence. Hamish completed six weeks of trials during which he played for the Brighton under-9s team in games against Millwall, Canterbury and Bournemouth. Very well done Hamish!

On Time Teds

The winners this week are: Year 2 and Year 4. Well done to both classes.

Contact Information

Please could you complete the attached contact information sheet and return to the office a.s.a.p. We can then update our files.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break at 3.05 on Friday 24th October and re-open on Tuesday 4th November. We are closed on the Monday for a training day.

3rd October 2008

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Book Week

Our book week takes place in the week beginning 6th October. During that week children will be engaged in a number of book related activities in and out of school. We will also have a Book Fair in school where books will be on sale for you to purchase. The Book Fair is on for one day only which is Monday 6th October.

Black History Month Event

As you know October is Black History month. This time is marked in a variety of ways across the school, which includes drama workshops for Key Stage 2 classes this Monday. Big Foot Drama Company will be in school for the day working with each Key Stage 2 class exploring how the people from Jamaica came to settle in the UK. The workshops are funded by the school.

Middle Street Star Footballer

I am very pleased to announce that Gabriel Davis-Winstanley in Year 6 has been selected for the under 11 Brighton and Hove District Schools Football Squad. A place in this team is a great achievement and is a great honour for Gabriel and Middle Street. Places are only awarded for exceptional players. Congratulations Gabriel and very well done!

Football Tournament

Our 7 a side team played on Friday in the first tournament of the season. They played well winning one game. Well done to the team! Thank you Ms Busby and helpers for accompanying the team to the tournament.

Grace Owers at Awards Ceremony!

Grace Owers in Year 6 has been short-listed for the Energy Impact 2050 award. Grace designed a save electricity poster for the competition that obviously impressed the judges. Grace and a group of friends will be attending the awards ceremony at the Natural History museum in London on 7th October. Well done Grace and good luck!

Parent Consultation Evenings

As you will know from your ‘Dates for Your Diary’ parent consultation meetings take place on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th October. You will receive a letter at the beginning of next week with details and a form to return.

Walk to School Week

Walk to school week is the week beginning 13th October. Time to prepare your walking shoes!

On Time Teds

The winners this week, are Year 2 with no late marks in the register this week and Year 6 who only had 2 late marks. Amazing! Very well done to both classes.

Power of Positive Parenting

Want to know more? Read the attached sheet.

Office Post Box

To avoid long queues at the office desk in the mornings we are providing a post box for you to post payments etc into. Please put payments and details in an envelope and post it in the box rather than queuing to pay at the desk. Use the post box for lunch, trip and any other payments but please ensure you enclose all the relevant details in or on the envelope to avoid confusion. You may also use the box to post other forms etc. Hopefully this will improve your mornings and ensure a quick exit for you once you have dropped off your child.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break at 3.05 on Friday 24th October and re-open on Tuesday 4th November. We are closed on the Monday for a training day.