Archive for June, 2013

28th June 2013

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Athletics Superstars

Several of our school athletes took part in the Brighton and Hove Small Schools Athletics championships on Wednesday. They won the award for coming second overall in their division. They also won the ‘jump cup’ for coming in at first place for the jumping event. Felix from Year 6 did the longest throw breaking the record for all Brighton and Hove schools. There were also 6 individual Gold medals, 8 silver and 9 bronze won by our amazing Middle Street athletes! Thank you and well done to all those who took part.

Fun at Little Canada

Year 6 returned from their weekend residential trip to Little Canada on the Isle of Wight on Monday afternoon. They were tired after a very busy weekend of activities. Lots of photos were taken over the course of the stay which they will use in diary-writing to record their wonderful adventure. You can see some of their activity photos on the website.

Soundmakers performance

Year 5 performed for us brilliantly on Thursday morning. Over the past few months they have each been learning to play a musical instrument and also composing a piece of music which they played for us during their performance. Well done Year 5 you were fabulous!

Instrumental and Vocal Tuition

If your child is interested in developing their musical skills you may like to see what’s on offer at the Brighton and Hove Music and Arts Centres. You can contact them on 293524 or ask for an application form at the school office.

Take Part Festival

Many of our children are involved in the Brighton and Hove ‘Take Part’ sports and PE festival. On Monday, Year 2 had a Street Dance session. On Tuesday, Reception enjoyed a ‘Magic Moves’ dance session. Next Tuesday, the 2nd of July, Years 4 and 6 are having some tennis-coaching at Preston Park and Year 3 will work with ‘Tattybumpkins’ on Yoga type activities. Children who have not had an opportunity to take part will be offered opportunities in the new term.

Mini Olympics

Year 2 will be competing at the Brighton and Hove Mini Olympics on Thursday the 4th of July.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 and Reception and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 4. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

PTA Summer Fair

The PTA summer fair will take place on Saturday the 20th of July 12.00 till 4.00. So do put that date in your diary. The fair was originally booked for Thursday 18th July so make sure you rub that out in your diary. The PTA need you… if you are able help with organising or running the summer fair, please go along to the meeting on Monday morning at 9am at Pret A Manger.

Ceilidh in the Hall

We are hoping to hold a Ceilidh in the school hall on Wednesday the 17th of July 3.30-5.00. All parents, carers and children are invited – so put the date in your diary. More information to follow soon.

Open Afternoon

Our open afternoon takes place from 2.00 pm on Thursday the 18th of July. This is an opportunity to look through all of your child’s work for this year and some of it you will get to take home with you.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Year 6 parents and carers should stock up on tissues for the Year 6 leavers’ assembly which takes place on Tuesday the 23rd of July at 1.30

Summer Break

Our last day of the school year is Wednesday the 24th of July and will re-open for the new academic year on Thursday the 5th of September. Nursery will open on Monday the 10th of September.

24th June 2013

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Get Caught Reading Winners
The winners of our ‘get caught reading’ competition are:  Zain in Reception,  Milly in Year 1 and Lily in Year 5. We added an additional prize to be share by Ingo and Otis who were caught reading some very challenging books: Catch 22 and Crime and Punishment! I knew our readers at school were good but those two are amazing!!!!

Book Fair

Children and their parents/carers have enjoyed browsing through the lovely book fair this week. Ms Davies has raised quite a lot of money so far. I’m not sure we have achieved Ms Davies target of a £1000 but we have certainly raised a few hundred pounds which have yet to be counted. Thank you to everyone for supporting the book fair. The money raised will go towards buying more books for the school.

Year 5 Pizza Express

Year 5 enjoyed a visit to Pizza Express on Tuesday. They especially enjoyed eating the pizza they had created!

Soundmakers performance

Year 5 have been developing their musical skills over the last few weeks. They have all learnt to play an instrument and are ready to perform for their parents and carers on Thursday morning at 10 am.

Full Governors Meeting

Last night we held our final full governors meeting for this academic year. Minutes of the meeting will be available in the new term. Meeting minutes always have to be agreed at the following meeting which is why it takes a while for them to reach the governors notice board.

Friday Morning Sing-a-long

Do come and join us in the hall for a sing-a-long with Mr Brazil on Friday mornings before school. No special singing skills are required other than an urge to have a bit of fun. Everyone is welcome just come in through the hall doors from the playground.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

PTA Summer Fair

The PTA summer fair will take place on Saturday 20th July 12.00 till 4.00. So do put that date in your diary. The fair was originally booked for Thursday 18th July so make sure you rub that out in your diary.

Open Afternoon

Our open afternoon takes place from 2.00 pm on Thursday 18th July. This is an opportunity to look through all of your child’s work for this year and some of it you will get to take home with you.

Sports Day Survey

Thank you to everyone who has returned the sports day survey. We have yet to fully analyse the response but the overwhelming majority of you enjoy sports day at the Withdean Stadium. The ideas and suggestions for improvements we now need to be look at and consider in more depth so that our sports day is even more fun in the future.

Congratulations to…

Safia in Year 3 is now the proud owner of a fabulous pink violin. Safia was the highest bidder for the silent auction at Nursery clothes sale. She will be trying out her new violin in her school violin lessons with Mrs Dansoh. Well done Safia!

Free Parenting Talks – Positive Parenting

Upcoming talks for parents of children under 12:

Raising Confident, Competent Children

The building blocks for success

Thursday 20th June, 5.30 – 7pm.  Brighton Town Hall

Raising Resilient Children

Helping children cope with the difficulties that life throws up

Wednesday 10th July, 5.30 – 7pm.  Friend’s Meeting House, Ship Street

Saturday 13th July, 10 – 11.30am.  Tarner Children’s Centre

For parents of teenagers:

Raising Responsible Teenagers

Helping your teenager become more independent

Tuesday 18th June, 5.30 – 7pm.  Brighton Town Hall, Committee Room

Raising Competent Teenagers

Developing problem solving skills in your teenager

Saturday 6th July, 10 – 11.30am.  Cornerstone Community Centre, Hove

For more details about these and talks taking place at Children’s Centres for parents of children
under 5, please visit our webpages:

To book a place email or call 01273 294471

Summer Break

Our last day of the school year is Wednesday 24th July and will re-open for the new academic year on Thursday 5thSeptember. Nursery will open on Monday 10th September.

14th June 2013

Friday, June 14th, 2013


The summer has finally arrived! Thank goodness. I hope you all enjoyed half term and welcome back to the final half term of the academic year.

Sports Day Results

Once again we had an amazing sports day event at the Withdean stadium. Thank you so much for joining us and cheering the children on. It is such an exciting and special event each year. I have said previously that this year would be the last sports day at Withdean, but I received such a positive response from so many of you as you left on Friday, that I am reconsidering this decision. To help us at school make an informed decision we have sent home questionnaire for you to complete and return to school.
The results of this year’s sports day are as follows:

1st: Red     Joint 2nd: Yellow and White      4th: Blue       Joint 5th: Purple and Green


Mr Brazil was unable to join us for Sports day as he was with a group of year 6 children playing in a cricket tournament. The team won 2 out of their first 3 games and so got as far as the quarter finals. Well done team!


Ms Busby took a group of Year 3 children along to Preston Park on Tuesday 4th to take part in ‘The Road to Eastbourne’ mini-tennis tournament. Well done to all these children who represented the school really well.

Year 4 Gaveston Hall Residential

Year 4 arrived safely back at school on Wednesday 5th June after their residential trip to Gaveston Hall. They had a wonderful time with days packed full of a wide variety of fun activities. The children really made the most of their trip and were a credit to Middle Street. Well done Year 4 and thank you to all the staff who worked hard to make this trip such a success.

Book Fair and Competition

Ms Davies from Year 3, who is also our lead teacher in Literacy, is holding a book fair next week. She has set herself a rather challenging target of raising £1000 to spend on new books for the school. The fair will be open at the end of every school day next week, and every £1 that is spent will give £1 towards books in school. If you are unable to take your child to the fair after school, they can buy a book when they visit during school. Reception, Y3, Y4 and Y5 will go on Monday 17th and Y1, Y2 and Y6 will go on Tuesday 18th June. Please send money for books in a labelled envelope.
There is a competition running for this event. Children (or a pet) should be ‘caught’ reading in unusual places. A photograph should then be taken of the reader and sent into school either by email or  handed in at the office. Please make sure the photo is clearly marked with the child’s name and year group. There are book token prizes for competition winners. To celebrate the end of our book fair week, please come to school dressed as a favourite book character on Friday 21st June.

Polite Reminder

Please leave the school grounds promptly after collecting your child at the end of the day and after clubs. If you have a child attending an after school club, please leave the school grounds and return to collect your child at the end of the club. Please do not wait in the front playground or allow your child to play on the climbing equipment at the end of the day. This causes disruption for the after school clubs that may be running in that area. We need the school to be vacated to allow it to be properly cleaned and to avoid disturbing the teachers who are working in their classrooms preparing lessons etc for the next day. Thank you.

Nursery Sale

Thank you to all who donated and bought from the sale. We raised £180 to go towards buying new outdoor equipment for our Nursery.

On-Time Teds

Last week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 5 and 6.
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 4. Well done to all these classes for being on time for school!

Lost Property

Calum in Y4 has lost his sleeping bag – did anyone take it by mistake from Gaveston Hall? Also missing are his dark blue B & H Albion training coat and black zipped fleece. Thank you!

Summer Break

Our last day of the school year is Wednesday 24th July and will re-open for the new academic year on Thursday 5th September. Nursery will open on Monday 10th September.