Archive for January, 2008

25th January 2008

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Congratulations to Middle Street Footballers and Athletes

Middle Street football team received medals in assembly today as runners up in last Friday’s tournament. Some of our excellent athletes took part in an indoor athletics event at Portslade Community College on Wednesday this week. They had a great time and in assembly today were awarded certificates for their efforts

Year 4 Enjoy a Visit from Father Gareth

Father Gareth, dressed in his full regalia, visited Year 4 and talked to them about Christian leaders and his role in the church.

Councillor Vanessa Brown Visits Middle Street

The Brighton and Hove lead for children’s services Councillor Vanessa Brown visited Middle Street today. She enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful things that make Middle Street extra special but most of all she enjoyed meeting and chatting with the children. Councillor Brown who has taken over from Pat Hawkes is on a mission to visit all the Brighton and Hove schools.

School Association AGM

The School Association are holding their first AGM on Thursday the 31st of January at 7.00 pm in the school library.

School Association Coffee Morning

The School Association are holding their regular monthly Coffee Morning on Wednesday the 6th of February at 9.00 am in the Family room. Our school nurse, Ingar will also be there for a general chat with you all. See below if you would like a one to one chat with Ingar.

School Nurse Drop In

Middle Street school nurse Ingar Griffiths is running a drop in session for parents/carers on Thursday the 14th of February 9.00 till 10.30. If you have any health related issues on which you would like to get informal advice – please drop in between the above times. You will find Ingar in the Meeting room situated next to my office.

Park Your Scooters Safely Please

Please could all children who come to school on their scooters park them by the bicycle racks, rather than against or on the seating in that area.

Plastic Film Canisters Wanted

Mr Dyer would like your empty plastic film canisters please. He needs them for some exciting activities during our investigations week beginning Monday 11th February. Please hand in your canisters to the office.

Half Term Break

We finish for half term on Friday the 15th of February and the children return on Tuesday the 26th of February (the Monday is a training day for staff)

Easter Holidays

The school is closed for a long weekend on Good Friday, the 21st of March and Easter Monday, the 24th of March then is open again until we finish for 2 weeks on Friday the 4th of April. We reopen on Monday the 21st of April.

18th January 2008

Friday, January 18th, 2008

Anti Homophobic Language and Bullying

At Middle Street we are very proud of our wonderfully diverse community and we work hard through the PSHE curriculum to ensure children are respectful and positive about diversity. The staff at Middle Street therefore recently attended a workshop on addressing the use of homophobic language and bullying in schools. We feel very strongly at Middle Street that we are not prepared to tolerate homophobic language and bullying of any sort. Our policy is that when children use homophobic language they will be challenged in an age appropriate manner.

Police Schools Liaison Officer Visits Classes

WPC Lesley Owen is in school again on Monday working in classes across the school exploring rights and responsibilities with the children.

Football Tournament

Ms Busby and the Middle Street football team are playing in a tournament after school at Brighton College. Obviously Ms Busby will be cheering from the sidelines rather than actually kicking the ball around! Good luck team!

Indoor Athletics Event

Ms Busby must be so fit! Here she is again this time taking a group of athletic children to an indoor athletics event at Portslade Community College. Thank you Ms Busby for taking the children along to all these events.

Board Games Please

Do you have any old complete board games at home that you don’t play anymore? If you do and you would like to donate them to the school our Learning Mentors would love to have them for the Quiet room. Drop off any you wish to donate at the office.

Help With Research Request

The University of Sussex are conducting a study of parents’ beliefs about vaccinations. They asking if any parents/carers would be kind enough to complete a research questionnaire either on line by following the link: or if you would prefer a paper copy please contact Richard: 01273 876585.
The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Lead for Children’s Services Visitor

Next Friday morning Vanessa Brown the new Brighton and Hove councillor who has taken the lead for Children’s Services will be visiting the school with Assistant director Jo Lyons. A great opportunity to show off our fabulous school and amazing children!

Holiday On Ice Ticket Won By..

The winner of the Holiday on Ice tickets is Ruby Don from the Nursery and her mum Hannah.

School Association – New Members Please

We need enthusiastic volunteers to fill the School Association roles of Chair, Secretary, treasurer, fundraiser and events co-ordinator at the School Association’s AGM on 31st January. If you interested please contact David Natha-Gregory via the school office or collect a nomination form and return it via the MSSA post box in the foyer. Closing date 24th January.

Coffee Morning

The next school Association coffee morning takes place in the Family room at 9.00 am on 6th February.

School Nurse Drop In

Our lovely school nurse Ingar Griffiths is running a drop in session for parents/carers on Thursday 14th February 9.00 till 10.30. If you have any health related issues on which you would like to get informal advice on please drop in between the above times. You will find Ingar in the Meeting room situated next to my office.

11th January 2008

Friday, January 11th, 2008

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school after the Christmas holidays. I hope you all had a great time and received lots of wonderful presents. We have several new children joining us this term so an extra special welcome to them all and their families.

Year 4 Visit to Argus

One half of Year 4 visited the Argus newspaper offices on Thursday. They received many compliments for their excellent behaviour. Even the bus driver on the number 26 bus complimented them. Well done to Billy Mitchell who is the only child in 3 years who knew where the Argus name originates. I must ask him. The rest of the class will visit the Argus offices next Thursday.

Police Liaison Officer Visit

Leslie Owen our Police Schools Liaison officer will be leading an assembly and visiting classes on Monday 14th January. Leslie has been working in our school and other local schools for many years covering some areas of the PSHE and Citizenship curriculum.

Football Tournament

Our football team are playing in a local tournament at Brighton College on Friday 18th January.

School Association Meeting

The Middle Street School Association met on Wednesday afternoon to discuss future events and to prepare for their AGM, which takes place on 31st January at 7.00pm. The meeting will be held in the school library. Everyone is welcome so do come along and join us.

Please see the attached letter from the School Association for an opportunity to win tickets to Holiday on Ice.

Parenting Group Coffee Morning

If you are interested in attending parenting group sessions run by Triple P and would like to know more please come along to their coffee morning on Wednesday 16th January at 9.30 in the Family room. The next series of sessions will be focused on supporting your teenage children.

Lost Property

Please could you name your child’s clothing as this will go some way to helping us deal with the large amount of lost property we seem to collect on a daily basis.

Attendance Improvements

Our attendance figures have improved greatly over the last few months. Our Education Welfare Officer smiles more often these days when she visits us. She is now very eager for us to maintain the improved attendance and punctuality so please keep up the excellent time keeping (lateness affects the figures as well as absence) and attendance.

Congratulations to..

Georgia Ousley in Year 6 who has been nominated by her fellow Kudos Martial Arts students as ‘Female Student of the Year’ and ‘Most Improved Student’ of the year and has been awarded certificates in these categories. Well done Georgia!