Archive for October, 2012

26th October 2012

Friday, October 26th, 2012


It’s been a long, busy and wet half term. Hopefully we will have some nice weather for the week’s break. Today we are saying goodbye and good luck to Mrs Coelho who is leaving to have her baby and we are also saying goodbye and thank you to Ms Slacksmith who has covered Mrs Busby’s absence. Mrs Busby is looking forward to returning after the half term break. We’re all looking forward to next half term and all the Christmas celebrations.

Our school choir will be singing at the Brighton and Hove schools carol concert which takes place on Monday    3rd December at the Brighton Centre. The Christmas dinner takes place on Wednesday 12th December and our Christmas performances take place at the Sallis Benny theatre on Tuesday 18th December. Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 children perform at 1.15 and Key Stage 2 children perform at 2.15. We will send home more information nearer the time.

Fly Away

Years 1 and 2 visited Shoreham airport today as part of their Learning Journey ‘Up, Up and Away’ They went along to find out more about flight and the history of flying. The children had a tour of the airport and had an opportunity to ask questions.

Year 2 Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings

Just a little reminder for year 2 parents and carers of your consultation evenings after half term. They take place on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November. You should know by now your appointment time. If you do not have one please contact the school and they will book one in for you.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 4 with 2 late marks. Well done to both classes for being punctual.

Congratulations to..

Eve, Charlie and Dolly Roc in Year 3 who have successfully completed lunchtime Buddy training. Well done Eve, Charlie and Dolly Roc!

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break today.  Children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.
We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.

Winter Break

We finish for the Winter break on Thursday 20th December and return to school on Tuesday 8th January.
Nursery children return to school on Thursday 10th January.

19th October 2012

Friday, October 19th, 2012

All at Sea with Year 5

This morning Year 5 sang to us and told us all sorts of interesting facts about sea creatures and how a submarine works. Thank you Year 5 for a fabulous and interesting assembly.

The Real Stars of the Show

On Sunday evening when you were at home watching ‘Songs of Praise’ members of the children’s Middle Street Choir along with Mr Brazil, Mrs Denyer and myself performed on stage at the Theatre Royal with the Drifters. How cool (and very exciting) was that!  We have been beside ourselves with joy since being invited to perform with the Drifters. The only school in Brighton and Hove invited to do so. Michael Williams from the Drifters visited us in school earlier in the term He asked us to sing two songs and to practice them before the show. On the night we performed those songs which are a couple of old favourites: ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ and ‘Stand by Me’. Everyone was up out of their seats and dancing in the aisles while we sang.  So Middle Street children really were the stars of the show!

PTA Halloween Disco and Film

Thank you so much to the three or four parents and carers who organised two nights of Halloween fun for the children of Middle Street. You did a brilliant job and raised over £300 for the school. Organising such events is quite a challenge. So please if you wish for such lovely fund raising events to continue for your school please do your best to contribute and help where you can.
Do remember that the organisers of these events are not responsible for managing the behaviour of the children so another way to help the organisers is to ensure your child is enjoying themselves but doing so sensibly. The events themselves are a treat but in addition to that our children benefit from the money raised long term. At the moment funds raised by the PTA are going towards playground equipment, gardens and other playground developments over time.
Thank you once again to the team and to those parents who pitched in at the end of the event and helped to clear up.

Parent Carer Consultation Evenings

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Parent/Carer consultation evenings this week. If you were not able to make it we will be in touch to arrange another time for you to meet with your child’s teacher.

Christmas Card Competition

Children can enter a Christmas Competition being run by our school kitchen. All they need to do is have a school dinner and ask for the entry form. The prize is 50 professionally printed Christmas cards designed by the winner.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 3 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 5 late marks. Well done to both classes for being punctual.

Mrs Coelho Says Goodbye

Mrs Coelho is saying goodbye for a while on Friday next week when she finishes for her maternity leave. Mrs Coelho’s baby is due to arrive in December so she will be putting her feet up and watching a bit of daytime telly in the meantime while she waits for baby. Good luck Mrs Coelho we are all looking forward to meeting baby after the winter break.
Mr Liam Brosnan will take over from Mrs Coelho after half term teaching in Year 4.

Albion Launch Shirt Amnesty.

The club has launched a shirt amnesty which will give supporters the opportunity to purchase a half price under 10s Albion replica shirt. Fans can hand over to the club old football shirts, regardless of size, age or club they represent and in return will be offered 50% off a new under 10s Albion shirt. The old shirts collected by the club will be donated to Albion in the Community’s charity shop Sports Dreams or sent around the world to underprivileged players involved in AITC’s global projects. Take your old shirts to the Seagulls Superstore located at the Amex stadium or to the Seagulls store in Queens’s road between Saturday 15th September and Saturday 17th November excluding match days.

Congratulations to….

Sam and Sophie from Year 6 who have both achieved their 1500 metres swimming certificate, which means they have both swum 60 lengths!!! Well done to Sam and Sophie!

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October (next week) and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

12th October 2012

Friday, October 12th, 2012

Cheerleading Assembly

Monday’s assembly features a cheerleading performance by the Brighton and Hove Albion’s cheerleading team. Children can find out what’s involved in cheer leading and consider whether they may like to join a cheerleading club which will hopefully run in school very soon.

Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 will be performing in next Friday’s assembly. Year 5 parents and carers are welcome to join us for the assembly which starts at 9.10

Parent Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October (next week). Letters have been sent home. If you did not receive one please ask at the office. Year 2 consultation evenings take place after half term on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November.

Parent and Carer Group

The new Middle Street parent and carer group met for the first time on Wednesday. We discussed many aspects of the school and will be meeting again next half term to decide on a project to investigate and work on. You may be approached in the future by members of the group requesting your views and ideas on a school improvement issue. Thank you to those parents and carers who came along your thoughtful insights are very much appreciated. Once we are fully up and running we will be able to give you more information on group members etc.

Warm and Dry Clothes Please

Children at Middle Street go out to play whatever the weather. So please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes rather than trainers. Wellingtons to change into on a wet day are always a good idea. Please ensure everything is clearly named.

School Opening Times

The Middle Street side gate opens at 8.30 and the main gate opens at 8.45. The school building is open from 8.45. Children should not be in the school building itself until 8.45. If children arrive before 8.45 and they are not attending breakfast club they should please wait in the playground until 8.45. Thank you


Please, please do not send your child to school with nuts in any form. We have several children with nut allergies and for some this is life threatening. Please remember that even spreads such as Nutella and peanut butter are dangerous to allergy sufferers.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 1 late mark. Well done to both classes for being punctual.

Diary Date Update

The Middle Street Christmas show will now take place on Tuesday 18th December. The infants perform at 1.15 and the juniors perform at 2.15. Please amend your diaries.

Comic Book Club

Next week comic book club takes place on Tuesday 16th October due to parent consultation evenings taking place later in the week.

Community Compost Scheme

150 litres of compost were donated to the school by the North Laine Community Compost scheme. The compost is for our raised beds. Anyone interested in joining the community compost scheme can find out more from the Food Partnership on 01273 431700. The Disney group who built our raised beds were so impressed by our gardens they held a fund raiser and raised £60 for the school to buy fruit trees. Thank you so much to the Disney Penguin Team and a special thank you to Paley O’ Connor who even though she is an ex parent of the school is still working with Mrs Purdy and Mr Daly on our gardens and building up links with various gardening community projects with our gardening club

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.


5th October 2012

Friday, October 5th, 2012

It’s Another BABY!

I am delighted to announce the safe arrival of Sonny. Yes Ms Moriarty has had her baby! Sonny was born on 27th September weighing 8lbs 7oz. He is of course very beautiful and we are all looking forward to meeting him.

Middle Street Adult Choir

The Middle Street choir is still singing on a Thursday 5.15 to 6.15. We would love to have some new members join us. If you are interested come along for a free trial run on any Thursday of your choice. If you would like to know more before coming along to sing pop in for a chat with me first. Don’t worry if you think you can’t sing it really doesn’t matter. So go on have a go you know you want to!

Friday Morning Sing-a-long

Lots of children and parents and carers are joining us for a sing-a-long with Mr Brazil on Friday mornings. This week we sang a song which involved several different languages spoken in the school. Do come and join us in the hall from about 8.30 Friday mornings.

Albion Players Visit

Andrea Orlandi along with Theo Jones and Courtney Richards will be in school again next Thursday. During this visit they will link with a class each and work on an activity with the children in that class.

Walk to School Week

Next week is walk to school week. So get those walking shoes on (and your waterproofs) and start walking. Most of you do already but if you do drive in please park your car away from school and walk the last part of the journey. I believe there are stickers to be collected for those that walk (or cycle and scoot).

Cycle Training

During October and the half term break there are a number of cycle training activities taking place at Preston Park and Hove park ranging from Level 1 to Level 3 training. Take a look at the posters on the notice board in the school foyer or telephone Emily Tester the cycle training manager on 293847 to find out more. There is a session tomorrow at Hove Park for 11 – 14 year olds Level 3 training

Brighton Rugby Club Sessions

Brighton Rugby club are inviting children and their families to join them at their Rugby Club Mini and Youth’s section to take part in their structured rugby sessions. Children will learn how to play rugby and learn about sportsman ship and teamwork. Please turn over to find out more. Alternatively information can be found on the notice board in the school foyer.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation take place on Wednesday 17th October and Thursday 18th October. You will receive more details and information next week.

Year 2 consultation evenings take place after half term on Tuesday 6th November and Thursday 8th November.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 4 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 3 late marks each. Well done to both classes for being punctual.


Maia in year 5 has lost her bag. It’s grey ‘plether’ with silver studs. Her book bag is inside. If you find it please hand in to the school office or to Maia.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.

We are also closed on 15th  November as we are being used as a polling station  for the Police Commissioner elections.