Archive for July, 2010

16th July 2010

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Afternoon Tea and Talent Contest

Once again we had a brilliant end of year celebration organised for us by the Middle Street PTA. We really appreciate everything they do for the school and how hard they work to put on such brilliant events for us all. It is a small team who organise and prepare everything so I would like to say on behalf of the children, staff and parents an enormous, gigantic thank you! Well done to all the children who entered the talent contest. What shining bright stars you all are. Thank you to the adult choir for their performance.  They seem to be popping up all over the place! You can listen to them again on August 1st at a festival to be held on the Level. Finally a big old thank you and hug for Mark Williams who once again compeered the talent show for us.

Raffle tickets are still on sale at 25p for one or a £1 for strip of 5. Some of the prizes are as follows, Lego set, large cuddly Pooh bear and a set of books. For the more luxury prizes raffle tickets are on sale at £1 a ticket or £4 a strip of 5.  Some of the top luxury prizes are an  Ipod Nano and an X Box. There is as of course much more. The draw will take place on Tuesday next week.

Lost Hand Bag Please Help

A parent lost their handbag during yesterday’s talent show. It is a brown leather envelope style bag and was down by the stage. Someone may have mistakenly picked it up during the adult choir’s performance. If you discover the bag please could you hand it in to the office.

Open Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who came in for the open afternoon which is this terms Learning Journey celebration. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying looking at your child’s work and taking part in other exciting activities. Years 3 and 6 are having their Learning Journey celebrations next week on Tuesday.

Meet the New Teacher

Children left assembly today with their new teacher. They spent the morning in their new classes enjoying activities in preparation for their new term and new adventures in September.

Book Fair Success

The book fair has ended and has been very successful in raising lots of money (which will buy new books) for the school. Thank you to everyone who came along and bought books.

Year 5 Make Donation to Charity

Year 5 have decided to donate the money they raised during their 60s bash to ‘Village Service Trust’. This is a charity that works with Indian communities. Gabriel’s Gran put the children in touch with the charity. Thank you Gabriel’s Gran!

Parent Governor

Chetana Parmar one of our parent governors is coming to the end of her 4 year term. Chetana is happy to continue for the next 4 years unless there is another parent who would like to stand for election. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor please come in for more information from Mrs Brill

Parent to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Chetana Parmar is trekking up Mount Kilimanjaro hoping to reach the summit on 7th August. Chetana is doing the trek to raise money for The Lily Foundation charity. If you would like to donate please go to:

Good luck Chetana I know you will get to the top on or before the 7th!

School Improvements

During the school holidays the children’s toilets in years 5 and 6 will be refurbished. Adults toilets will be improved with an accessible toilet, Gents toilet and visitors toilet all being refurbished. A new block of staff toilets and a medical area will be created.

St Nicholas Green Spaces Get Together

St Nicholas Green Spaces Association are organising a get together in the rest garden opposite St Nicholas church in Dyke road. It’s like a street party but in a park and without a royal wedding! Bring a picnic and join everyone on Sunday 18th July at 12.00. There will be entertainment and other activities.

Do You Want a Childs Bike?

Anna Rubinstein has grown out of her bike and would like to give it away. If you want it it can be found in the cycle racks with a label on it. Take it if you want it.

Congratulations to…..

Zeke Huguenet in Year4 who has achieved his 200 meters swimming badge. Well done Zeke!


Faye Stout has lost her smallish, skinny white bunny with long legs. It has a pink jacket and boots. It’s Faye’s first very special toy and she misses it very much. Please send bunny back if you find her.


Children’s reports are out today. If you have not received yours please contact the office. If you wish to discuss your child’s report with the teacher please arrange a time via the school office.

Summer Holidays

School closes for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Thursday 22nd July

We open again for the new academic year on Monday 6th September.

Nursery opens a few days later on Monday 13th September.

This is the last Friday News for this academic year. Thank you all for another fabulous year at Middle Street. You are all truly brilliant! Have a very lovely fun break and I look forward to seeing you all again in September.

PS: please remember the changes to the end of the school day in the new term. Infant day ends at 3.10 and the Junior day ends at 3.15.

9th July 2010

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Performing Arts Day

Children sang, made music and danced their way through the day yesterday. We had a constant flow of parents and carers dropping in to watch children perform during our Middle Street Performing Arts day. It was, of course absolutely amazing!  The day ended with the adult choir surprising everyone with a stunning performance and a fabulous and loud session with the samba band. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to all the staff and Mr Brazil for ensuring the day was a big hit and ran smoothly. Thank you to all those, and there were lots of you through the day, who turned up to support and enjoy the performances.

Mini Olympics

A group of children from Key Stage 1 joined Ms Busby at BAHSVIC to take part in a fun day of sporting activities at the Mini Olympics. The activities included gymnastics, bocchia, netball, trampolining and athletics. Ms Busby was very impressed by the children’s talents and how beautifully behaved they were. Well done children!

Lost! Please Help.

Sol in Year 3 has lost his scooter. It has blue handles and clear wheels, lightening strikes on sides and a broken bit of black plastic at the back of the right base. Maybe someone has taken it by mistake. Please check your scooter if it is similar.

Mimi in Year 2 has lost a special pink littlest pet shop cat. She has lost one before because it was stolen by a seagull!  Please return it to school if you find it.

Book Fair

On Monday and for the rest of the week we have a book fair selling books in the library. If we sell over £300 worth of books we get a 100% commission for the school. Any funds we raise will be spent on new books for the school.

Year 6 Worlds Arts Day at Blatchington Mill

Year 6 are off to Blatchington Mill secondary school next Thursday for a day of creative arts workshops.

Hawaiian Dress Up Day

Children and adults can help on Wednesday 14th July  raise money to support the ‘surfers against sewage’ by coming to school dressed in an Hawaiian style and make a contribution to the cause at the office. Jock Paterson spoke in assembly to the children explaining why the cause is important and describe his (and his teams) successful fundraising attempt to paddle on his surfboard across the English Channel. Jock also features in the Guinness book of world records for breaking the world record for paddle boarding across the English Channel in record time.

On Time Teds

This week the winners in Key Stage 1 are 1 with 3 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5  with 6 late marks. Well done to both classes!

Dates to Remember

Book Fair WB: 12th July

Children meet their new teacher: Friday 16th July

Year 6 special treat: 14th July.

Year 6 Leavers assembly: Wednesday 21st July (1.30)

Open Afternoon

Afternoon Tea and Talent Contest

The PTA members in collaboration with the school are holding a summer afternoon tea and celebration on Thursday 15th July following the open afternoon. There will also be a talent contest. Please see attached sheet for further information.

Summer Holidays

School closes for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Thursday 22nd July

We open again for the new academic year on Monday 6th September.

Nursery opens a few days later on Monday 13th September.

2nd July 2010

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Performing Arts Day: Thursday 8th July

Middle Street performing arts day takes place on Thursday 8th July. Throughout the day children will be performing across the range of performing arts. Parents and carers are invited to come in at any time to watch events. Events will take place either in the hall or on the playground. Please see reverse of Friday News for the timetable of events.

Year 6 Transition Picnic

Yesterday Year 6 met up with children from other city centre schools for a picnic. The children were grouped into their secondary school placements. They were able to begin forming friendships with their new school mates and enjoy a variety of activities together. The picnic is part of the transition arrangements to ensure a smooth and happy transfer to secondary school

Kent Heads Visit the School

On Tuesday Katie Jones and I welcomed a group of Heads from Kent to the school. The Heads joined us to find out about our curriculum and our pastoral support among many other things. They were very impressed and were especially amazed at how articulate, knowledgeable and passionate Middle Street children are about their school.

Double Yellow Lines and Road Safety

Unfortunately I have received a complaint from the Parking Contract Officer at the council. Apparently Civil Enforcement Officers were abused by parents outside of school when recently asked to move off the double yellow lines. I will be writing to apologise. We should abide by the road safety laws particularly around our school as dangerous parking puts our children at risk. Apparently the officers stated that they were there at the request of the school. This request was made many months ago because of the complaints received from local businesses. As far as I am concerned they are simply doing their job and should be allowed to do so without being abused and as a result damaging the reputation of the school.

Afternoon Tea and Talent Contest

The PTA in collaboration with the school are holding a summer afternoon tea and celebration on Thursday 15th July following the open afternoon. There will also be a talent contest. More information to follow very shortly

On Time Teds

This week the winners in Key Stage 1 are Reception with 2 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 6 late marks. Well done to both classes!

Dates to Remember

Book Fair WB: 12th July

Children meet their new teacher: Friday 16th July

Year 6 special treat: 14th July.

Year 6 Leavers assembly: Wednesday 21st July (1.30)

Teachers and Year Groups for Next Year

Nursery: Ms Megan Glyn Wright and Mrs Vanessa Denyer. Reception: Ms  Freya Hawes. Year 1: Miss Mary Anne Howells. Year 2: Ms Karen Busby. Year 3: Ms Moriarty. Year 4: Mr James Cappiccini. Year 5: Ms Maddie Bryant. Year 6: Mr Dominic Smart.

Congratulations to …

Tom Morrison in Year 1 for riding his bike seven times during bike week, a distance of 24 kilometres. Well done Tom!

Summer Holidays

School closes for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Thursday 22nd July

We open again for the new academic year on Monday 6th September.