Archive for June, 2008

27th June 2008

Friday, June 27th, 2008

Sports Day

Fantastic! Another fabulous, sunny Middle Street Sports Day. Every year we are stunned at how many talented athletes we have in the school. Well done to all the children who took part and a special mention to Gabriel Archibald in Year 6 who took part in many events to cover the absence of others in his team. Thank you to all you lovely parents and carers who came and cheered every one on.

School Summer Fair

I am sure you all enjoyed the rather marvellous Summer Fair this year. Thank you to everyone who came along to join in the fun and an extra special round of applause to Mark Williams who compered the Talent Show. Well done to all the members of the School Association.

Athletic Championships

Ms Busby and a large group of Key Stage 2 children attended the Brighton and Hove’s Athletic Championships at Withdean stadium on Tuesday. As always the children representing Middle Street were brilliant and did very well. Between them they won 10 bronze medals, 8 silver medals and 8 gold medals. Well done to all who went along and thank you to the parents who kindly helped on the day.

Smugglers Adventure

Year 3 are off today on an adventure exploring the smugglers caves in Hastings. They are finding out about pirates and smugglers as part of their learning journey.

Blackberry Farm

Nursery and Reception children are spending today at Blackberry Farm. I’m sure they are having a wonderful time exploring and petting the animals.

Little Canada

Year 6 are on their way to the Isle of Wight to enjoy a fun packed weekend of adventures at ‘Little Canada’. They are joined by Mr Dawson, Ms Sinclaire, Mr Collins and I will be joining them later today.

Library Book Amnesty

Please could you check at home for Middle Street library books that need returning to our library. Do not worry if you have had them for some time we won’t be charging an over due fee or scowling at you. We will just be pleased to have the books returned.

School Association Coffee Morning

The next School Association coffee morning takes place on Wednesday 2nd July at 9.00.

Musical Celebration

Unfortunately we will not be able to invite parents and carers in for our end of year musical celebrations. This is, as you have probably guessed due to fire safety regulations, which limit the number of people we can have in the hall. It wasn’t possible to find another venue although we tried very hard to do so. The children will still take part in a musical celebration before the end of term. The highlights will be on the web site for you to enjoy.

Water Works Road Closure

Southern water will be carrying out improvements to the water works in Boyces Street. It is anticipated the work will begin on Monday June 30th. Boyces Street will be closed to traffic for approximately 3 weeks from that date. The school may be without a water supply for periods of time. Hopefully this will not cause any serious problems to the running of the school.

Congratulations to…

Robbie Clancy in year 1 who has achieved his Ninppo grade and been awarded his Green belt. Well done Robbie!

End of Term

We close for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July and re-open on Monday 8th September.

Nursery Re-opens on Monday 15th September

20th June 2008

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Summer Fair

We are all looking forward to the Summer Fair tomorrow and hope that the weather will be glorious for us. The fun starts at midday and continues until 3.00pm and includes a great many different stalls, a raffle with some fantastic prizes and the highlight of the event – ‘Middle Street’s Got Talent’. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to show off their talents. So bring lots of money and we’ll see you there to join in the fun.

Year 2 Assembly

On Tuesday Year 2 showed off their sporting skills during their assembly. They have been working on a multi-skills programme led by Dorothy Stringer Sports College during the last two terms. They were awarded certificates during the assembly for all of their hard work.

Arts Mark Awards

On Thursday Sivan and Ella from Year 6 joined Mrs Aldous and Miss Moriarty at the Corn Exchange in order to receive our Artsmark Gold Award. We are extremely pleased to receive this award for our continued commitment to the arts as we value all of the creative work that we do at Middle Street. It is great for us to receive this recognition for the hard work that we do.

On Time Teds

The winners of the On Time Teds for this week are Year 2 and Year 3. Congratulations to those two classes.

Year 4 Trip

On Thursday Year 4 enjoyed their trip to the Fishing Museum on Brighton seafront. This visit was related to their learning journey on shipwrecks.

Year 5 Learning Journey

Year 5 have been learning all about rivers and water for their learning journey over the past two weeks. During this time they have visited Cuckmere Haven and visited the Jubilee Library in order to research the topic even further. They learnt even more with a visit from Southern Water on Monday, where the emphasis was on water conservation.

Class teachers for The Next Academic Year

Here are the teachers and year groups for next year. As you can see there are a few changes.

Reception – Mrs Denyer

Year 1 – Mrs Noble

Year 2 – Miss Busby

Year 3 – Miss Moriarty

Year 4 – Miss Layzell

Miss Hawes

Year 5 – Miss Stewart

Year 6 – Miss Whiting

The teachers are all very excited about meeting their new classes for the morning on Monday the 14th of July.


Congratulations to Roman Stewart who has had two articles printed in the June edition of the Mosaic newsletter. In one article he interviews the CBBC presenter Sid Sloane and in another he gives instructions on how to make a jumper monkey. A career in journalism beckons.

Sports Day Reminder
You should have received a letter about sports day yesterday giving you all of the information you need. Sports day is next Thursday, the 26th June. If you haven’t, for whatever reason, received your letter then please call in at the office for a copy.

Boyces Street Road Closure

Southern water will be carrying out important maintenance work in Boyces Street at the end of this month. The street will be closed to traffic from Monday the 30th of June for 3 weeks during weekdays.

13th June 2008

Friday, June 13th, 2008

School Association Summer Fair

We are looking forward to seeing you all here for the Summer Fair on Saturday 21st June. There’s lots going on to thrill and excite you. This year we have managed to have Boyces Street closed off to traffic so events will take place in Boyces Street as well as in the hall and playground. We know you are all very talented so we’ll be expecting some wonderful performances from you in the Talent Contest. Raffle tickets are on sale at the school office. The raffle prizes are fantastic and have been donated by local shops and businesses. The School Association would also like donations of cakes, books, DVDs etc.

Year 5 Visit Cuckmere Haven

Year 5 enjoyed their trip to Cuckmere Haven yesterday despite the weather! They explored the riverbank and the countryside and had a soggy picnic.

On-Time Teds

The winners of the On-Time Teds, this week, are: Year 1 with only 4 late marks in the register and Year 3 with only 3 late marks. Well done to both classes!

Summer Clothing

Children need to wear appropriate clothing for school. We don’t have a school uniform but we would like children to avoid wearing strappy tops (tops that have very thin straps). This to avoid sunburn on exposed shoulders at playtimes. Also very strappy tops are not appropriate clothing for school. Very short skirts should also be avoided as it can cause embarrassing moments for the child when sitting on the carpet or running around the playground. Shorts are fine.

Footwear should be secure (not flopping around and loose) on the feet with a slingback if they are sandals. Flip flops are dangerous and children have had nasty accidents in the past when they have worn them.

Bring a Bear Show You Care

Paddington Bear is 50 this month. To help him celebrate please bring your favourite bear to school on Friday 20th June and give a £1 to Action Medical Research to help sick babies. Please hand your donation to the school office. Thank you.

Governors School Profile

The Governors have completed the School Profile for this year. This as you know replaces the Governors Annual General Meeting with parents and carers. You can read the report online at

Lila is Very Happy!

Lila is very pleased to have her missing DS and games returned following the plea for help in last weeks Friday News.

Events Coming Up:

Summer Fair Saturday 21st June.

Sports Day on 26th June.

Nursery and Reception are holding their sports day on 8th July.

Children meeting their new teacher and visiting new classroom on 14th July.

Open afternoon to view children’s work on 17th July. This event is followed by the School Association’s Afternoon Tea.

End of term is Tuesday 22nd July.

We close for the Summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July.

6th June 2008

Friday, June 6th, 2008

Artsmark Award!

I am very proud to share with you that we have been awarded the Arts Council’s Artsmark Gold Award for our outstanding work in the creative arts. 2 members of staff will be attending an awards ceremony at the Corn Exchange on 19th June to receive the award. The school will be listed in local and national press along with other schools who have been awarded the Artsmark.

On Time Teds

The winners of the On-Time Teds this week are Year 2 and Year 3. Both these Year groups win regularly, well done to them!

Keyboards Performance

The children who have been learning the keyboard this year are performing to the rest of the school on Monday afternoon.

Bike It News

Ben our Bike It co-ordinator will be talking in assembly on Monday about a virtual bike race competition. The race starts the week beginning 16th June. 12 schools are taking part and the winning school gets to challenge Ben to ride from Lands End to Brighton. Find out more in Monday’s assembly.

Go-go Figures

As cute as they are the Go-go figures are causing a few problems in school mainly because children are swapping etc. To avoid any further upset children are now only allowed to have Go-go figures in school on a Friday and can only play with them during Golden Time. The figures should not be in school on any other day.

Lost Property and Cloakroom Untidiness

Please could parent/carers check their child’s cloakroom area for clothing, footwear, PE kits, swimming kit etc. There is so much spare unnamed clothing lying around the cloakrooms that must belong to some of you which is making the cloakrooms difficult to keep tidy. For example there is a pair of green wellington boots that have stood around the junior cloakroom area for months. Please check and take away what’s yours and please, please name PE kit and plimsolls. It is ridiculous the amount of unclaimed clothing that ends up going to charity shops.


Lila in Year 6 is very sad. Her Nintendo DS has gone missing, as has some money from her purse. Please could everyone check they haven’t taken the DS or the money by mistake. We have searched in school but to no avail.

Oscar in Year 4 is also missing his bag of Go-go figures so please could everyone check they haven’t taken Oscar’s figures home by mistake. If any of these items are found please return them to the office and we will pass them on. All children have been spoken to about respecting each other’s property and keeping their property safe.

Keeping Things Safe

Our advice to all children is to avoid bringing precious items into school. If they have to or want to then they must hand whatever it is to the school office for safekeeping. Children should avoid carrying money with them in school. If they do have to bring money into school it should be placed in a named purse or container and handed in to the office.

School Association Summer Fair

The School Association would appreciate donations of the following items for the School Fair to be held on 21st June: unused toys,

Bottles of wine, olive oil etc, sweets and chocolates, books, DVDs, CDs videos and cakes.

Sports Day

Our Sports Day this year is on Thursday 26th June in the morning. It will, as usual take place at Withdean Stadium. More details to follow

Summer Holidays

We close for the Summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July.