Archive for May, 2005

27th May 2005

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Year 4 Cricket Tournament

A group of children from Year 4 competed in a Cricket Tournament on Thursday, organised by Blatchington Mill School. They played so well together that they reached the semi-final of their group, and were only narrowly beaten to a place in the final! They thoroughly enjoyed the day, and Ms Busby was delighted with their superb attitude and excellent behaviour.

Year 6 at Fabrica

The children in Year 6 had a fascinating insight into the art on show at Fabrica on Tuesday, and were able to create their own artwork based on the exhibits during a special workshop.


We have two children who have gained their swimming certificates and they are both in Year 1. Congratulations to Finley Bartelds who has his 5 metres award, and to Joe Foot for gaining his 25 metres award.

Summer Clothing

As the weather is warming up, this is a good time to remind parents and carers that, although we do not have a formal uniform, we do have guidelines for suitable clothing for school that must be adhered to by all children.
All children must wear tops that cover their shoulders and do not expose bare tummies and backs.
Clothes should not be see- through, and should be suitably modest for children’s wear at school.
Shoes and sandals must have back straps and must not have high heels.
Sun hats and caps are recommended for outside use, but must not be worn inside the building.
Jewellery is not permitted, except for stud earrings and a watch.
All clothing should be robust enough to withstand a busy, active and sometimes messy day at school.
Fasteners and footwear should be of the type that children can mange themselves.
Clothing, especially PE kit, should be named to avoid confusion and minimise lost property.

Playground Developments

After a lot of hard work and organisation, the MSSA has raised the magnificent sum of £1,500 to be spent on developing the playground. The school is adding this to £7,000 from our building development budget so that we can have some superb new adventure play equipment along the small playground outside of the Years 1 and 2 classrooms.
This phase of our playground development will see the back playground completed first, including some additional planting along the wall outside Reception class. There are further ideas for developing the main playground and this area will be the focus for the next stage of fundraising, starting with the Bugsy Malone Film Night.
It will be so good to see the ideas of the staff, children, and parents on the playground working party and the MSSA all coming together to benefit all of the children. Thank you to everyone who has been involved so far.

It’s Holiday Time!

I hope that you all have a very pleasant half term holiday. Please remember that children return to school on Tuesday 7th June, as the Monday is a staff training day.

The school year ends on Friday 22nd July.

20th May 2005

Friday, May 20th, 2005

Arundel Wetlands

The children in Year 4 had a lovely day in Arundel on Wednesday. They were able to feed some birds and do lots exploring and finding out activities. The day was enjoyed by all and they were very lucky with the weather.

Meet the Author

On Thursday morning Years 5 and 6 had a fabulous time at the Old Market Arts Centre. The morning started with a musical recital and some musical games by two members of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The above was then followed by the author Michael Cox reading some of his material and sharing his skills as a writer. The children were also treated to a buffet lunch before returning to school.
The children have been writing e-mails to Michael Cox. You can read the Children’s and Michael’s e-mails and the replies on the school web site.

Murderous Maths

This morning the children in Year 6 were once again at the Old Market Arts Centre, along with the children from year 4. They were there for a wonderful performance from the best selling author and maths magician Kjartan Poskitt writer of the excellent Murderous Maths series.

Dentist Visit

Year 3 had a very interesting visit to a local dental surgery this afternoon learning all about dental hygiene and how a dental practise works. All the children were very well behaved (no fillings were required.) Ms Busby was very proud of them all.

Withdean Stadium

Year 5 & 6 were the first two classes to go to Withdean this week for their P.E. lessons. All the children in KS2 will be taking it in turns to go to Withdean. Next week it will be the turn of years 4 & 5 so please make sure your child has their P.E kit in school with suitable footwear and a light weight coat in case of rain.

Guided Reading Books

We are in the process of organising our guided reading books. Please check your bookcases at home for any books with the Middle Street stamp inside. Please send any you find into school. In future, group reading books will have a special guided reading sticker inside the front cover.


To Dillon and Roman both in year 2 who have gained their 100 metre swimming certificate. Sophie, Ruby and Fabienne also in year 2 have passed their 25 metres swimming award. Well done to you all, what fantastic swimmers we have in year 2.

Playground Development

There will be a meeting after school at 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday 25th May. This is an opportunity to discuss plans for the playground. Anyone interested is welcome. The meeting will be held in the Library.

Tuck shop

We have a selection of fruit for sale each morning at break time. Bottles of water will be available for purchase after half term.

School Milk

We would like to know your views on milk being available for purchase from the tuck shop. Please let us know what you think.

13th May 2005

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Festival Parade

The sun shone on us, and the rain (mostly) held off on Saturday. We had a lovely day on the Festival Parade with all of the other schools in the city. The Samba Band was excellent, and kept us going for the entire parade. The props were fantastic, well worth all the hours spent making them. The parents who gave up so much time to make the Jungle Book props deserve everyone’s thanks – it made our entry so colourful and vibrant. Did you see all of the photographs of Middle Street in the Argus this week?

Out and About Next Week

Year 4 are looking forward to their visit to Arundel Wetland and Wildfowl centre on Wednesday.
Year 5 and 6 children are going to Old Market Theatre on Thursday for an orchestral recital followed by a workshop with our “adopted” author from the Brighton Festival. This is being fully funded by our participation in the Excellence in Cities group.
On Friday, Years 4 and 6 are going to the Old Market Theatre for a “Murderous Maths” show, as part of the Brighton Festival.
Year 3 are also out on Friday, they are visiting a local dentist surgery, as part of National Smile Week. This links very well with the Year 3 mini topic on Healthy Teeth.


Children in Year 6 have completed their National tests today. They all tried their best and approached their tests in a very sensible way. Well done to you all.

Year 2 children are still working on their SATs, as these are spread out over several weeks, and take place within their normal class routines.

PE Kit

Please look through your child’s PE kit, as there are a lot of children with bits of their kit missing. Please also check that all kit is named. As it all looks the same, it is essential that your child’s kit is clearly named to prevent it getting mixed up with other children’s. Thank you.

Bay Blades

Unfortunately, there has been an accident on the playground involving Bay Blades. We feel that, in the circumstances, they will no longer be allowed in school.
A reminder that Pokemon and other collecting cards are not allowed in school.

Chicken Pox

There has been a case of Chicken Pox in Reception class. You are, therefore, advised to look out for cold-like symptoms, high temperature, and a blister like rash. Children who have Chicken Pox must be kept off school until the rash has completely dried up.

There is a national problem with mumps, mainly with teenagers, but it is also affecting younger children. Symptoms start with swollen glands and general malaise.

Middle Street School Association News

The next MSSA meeting will be held next Thursday 19th May at 9 a.m. in Starbucks Western Road. All class reps and anyone else who is interested are welcome.

This is advanced notice of the next big event being planned for children and parents. On Friday 17th June from 6.00 – 8.30 p.m., there will be a fantastic film show here at the school. The film will be Bugsy Malone, and there will be a licensed bar for adults!
Look out for posters and flyers coming home soon.

Mr Brazil is starting to teach the children some of the songs from the show, so it could turn into a real “sing-along”.

6th May 2005

Friday, May 6th, 2005

New Headteacher for Middle Street Primary School
Please see the letter attached to find out who it is…….

End of Key Stage SATs

The children in Year 2 are continuing very sensibly and calmly with their assessments for their end of Key Stage 1 SATs. Year 6 children will be sitting their national SATs test next week. We are confident that they will all do their very best, and will rise to the challenge.

Events Next Week

There are lots of events and activities planned for next week. On Monday, Year 2 are visiting the Booth Museum in the afternoon. Year 5 are having and art workshop at school.
On Tuesday, Nursery children will be treated to a Music Workshop, kindly funded by Family Investments. Year 5 are going to Fabrica Art Gallery for a workshop.
On Wednesday Year 5 children are off to Foredown Tower to find out about the planets, and to look at the countryside via the wonderful camera obscura.
Thursday sees Year 5 off to Brighton Museum and then Preston Manor for their Victorian role-play. Children in Years 3 and 4 are starting to make some models as part of the historical display at Brighton Museum to celebrate our bi-centenary. Year 1 children will be treated to a handling session of Victorian household artefacts.
On Friday, Year 5 are having an art workshop. Children in Years 3 and 4 will continue with their clay model making.

Festival Parade Tomorrow

Everything is ready for the parade. Props, masks and costumes are finished and Mr Brazil and the Band are ready to Samba. Our school will be meeting at point 39 in Pelham Square at 10 a.m. The Samba Band should arrive earlier at 9.30 a.m. Please remember that staff will not take responsibility for any children before, during or after the parade. It looks like the weather will be fine, and hopefully everyone will wear costumes to match the Jungle Book theme– jungle animal colours or traditional Indian costume for children and adults.
The props are absolutely magnificent and represent a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication by a relatively small group of parents and carers. Thank you so much to those who have worked away for hours on end, your perseverance and amazing dedication is really appreciated. It will all be worth it on the day!

“Low Tide” Event

After the parade, from 12 noon to 5p.m., there will be lots of family centred, free activities on Rottingdean Beach.

National Awards

I am very proud to report that the school has recently achieved two prestigious awards in recognition of excellent teaching and learning. We have achieved an extension to our Active Mark Gold Award, which recognises that the provision for PE and Games throughout the school is of the highest quality. We are one of only 72 schools throughout the country to be assessed at this highest level for the second time.

We have also been re-assessed for the Basic Skills Quality Mark, signifying that the provision for the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy throughout the school continues to be of a very high standard.

Julie Aldous to be the new Headteacher (attached letter)

I am delighted to inform you that following a lengthy and thorough selection process overseen by advisors from the Local Education Authority, the governors have appointed Mrs Julie Aldous to be the new Headteacher of Middle Street Primary School from September 2005. There was a very strong field of applicants for the post, as there were several highly qualified and very experienced candidates who wished to become Headteacher of this school.
As you know, Julie Aldous is currently Deputy Headteacher and SENCo at the school, and I am sure that you will all be as delighted as the whole staff group and the children are that she will take over as Head of the school next year. Julie has proved herself to be an exceptional Deputy Headteacher, and I am more than confident that she will lead Middle Street Primary on to even greater things in the future. I know that she is extremely happy to have been appointed, and is looking forward to working in even closer partnership with all of you in the future as Headteacher.

On a personal note, I could not have been happier that the governors have chosen Julie. It will be very difficult for me to leave Middle Street Primary, however, leaving will now be much easier as I have every confidence that Julie will be a superb Headteacher. Not only is she an outstanding teacher and Deputy Headteacher, but I know that she has the best interests of the children, the staff and the whole school at heart. She has a real passion for her work, and is highly dedicated and committed to making Middle Street the best school that it can be for all of the children here. I could not have passed on the leadership of this wonderful school to anyone better.

I am sure that you will all join me in congratulating Julie on this wonderful news, and wishing her well as she takes over the reigns from September.

Gina Hutchins