Archive for May, 2011

27th May 2011

Friday, May 27th, 2011

Year 1 Assembly

We all enjoyed Year 1‘s fabulous ‘Oh I do like to Be beside the Seaside’ assembly this morning. Well done and thank you Year 1! Excellent performances by all!

Gaveston Hall Residential

Year 4 are off on their residential trip at Gaveston Hall after the half term holidays. They leave for their trip on Wednesday 8Tth June for lots of fun and adventures.

Book Week

Book week begins on Monday 13th June. Throughout the week there will be lots of book related activities, workshops and storytelling. There will also be a book fair with books on sale. The book fair helps raise funds for the school as we receive commission on the sale of books.

Sports Day Info

Sports day is almost upon us and further information will arrive home soon. I would like to remind everyone about a few safety rules we have on the day which supports staff in keeping children safe and ensures the smooth running of the morning. Parents, carers and relatives sit in the seating block nearest the finish line. We ask that everyone remains in their seat and remain there until the event ends. Do not go on to the track, sit with your child or take your child away from their seat. If we need your assistance we will ask you. This year we hope to have 2 sports day stewards who will guide you to your seats and who can answer any questions etc you may have during the morning. We love having our sports day at Withdean as it makes it really special for us all but it can be a health and safety challenge if parents, carers etc do not follow our simple rules. Scooters and Bikes

Please could you ensure you take your scooters and bikes home at the end of today? Do not leave any here over the holiday. We are still having problems with a small group of young teenage boys coming on to school property. The police are aware and have been in contact with us about the problem. The police have said it would be helpful if parents of children whose scooters have been stolen could contact them on 08456070999 quoting crime reference number: 0829250511.

On Time Teds

The winners this week are in the Infants; Reception with 1 late mark and in the Juniors years 3 and 4 with 1  late mark each. Exceptionally well done to all three classes for being so punctual!

Dates to Remember

Sports Day:

Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The event takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime. Children are free to go home at the end of the event.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.

Congratulations to…

Matilda Bampini in Year 2 for gaining a distinction in her ballet exam. Well done Matilda!

Half Term Hols

We finish today for the half term break. We look forward to seing you all again on Monday 6th June.

 Have a good week!

20th May 2011

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Chess Tournament

A group of children attended a chess tournament this week at Fairlight Primary School. I am pleased to announce that our team came fourth! Well done team! We are hoping to hold or own chess tournament here at Middle Street in the near future.

Class Photos (not individual photos)

Please accept my apologies for the error in last week’s Friday News. The photographs taken on Thursday were class photos and not individual children.

Class Assembly

Year 1 are performing in their class assembly next Friday. Year 1 parents are invited along to this event.

On Time Teds

The winners this week are in the Infants; Year 1 with 0 late marks and in the Juniors year 4 with 0 late mark. Exceptionally well done to both classes for being so punctual!

Stolen Bicycles

This week we have had some issues with stolen bicycles and scooters. The police have been informed and descriptions of the young people involved given. Our advice is to; if at all possible use a cycle lock to secure the bicycle to the rack, do not leave bicycles or scooters at school overnight. and very importantly please could everyone ensure the school gate is closed behind them other than at the beginning or end of the school day. Thank you.

Mobile Phones etc

Please could I remind everyone that mobile phones, DS’ etc are all brought in to school at the owners risk. We strongly advise that children hand in phones and other gadgets to the school office.

Great Cake Competition

A call to all cake makers amongst us to enter the Great Cake competition hosted by the Brighton Belles WI at the St Ann’s Wells Spring Festival on Saturday 21st May. There are 3 categories: traditional Victoria sponge, freestyle and under 12s (with a goody bag for all entrants. All submissions must be registered in the WI marquee on the main green before midday on the day. Judging will be carried out by Margurite Patten CBE and a guest panel of judges

Dates to Remember

Sports Day: Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The day takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.

Half Term Hols

We finish for the half term break on Friday 27th May and return for the final half term on Monday 6th June.

Don’t Forget School is closed on Monday next week (23rd May) for whole staff training

13th May 2011

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Art Exhibition

I hope you all managed to come along and view the children’s art work on display in the hall on Tuesday afternoon. The quality of the work exhibited was truly amazing. I bought 7 pieces to display at school. It was a difficult decision choosing which pictures to buy and I wished I could have bought every single one. So please don’t feel disappointed if I didn’t buy your picture. All the pictures were equally brilliant but Mrs Brill (she holds the purse strings) would be very cross with me if I spent too much money.

Phew! SATs are done!

The Year 6 children have completed their tests this week. They have all worked extremely hard and deserve a big hug. We are very proud of them and their mature attitude during this rather stressful time. Thank you Mr Smart, all the staff who supported, all the parents who made sure the children arrived on time for school each morning but most of all thank you to all you lovely children!

 Chess Tournament

A group of children from Middle Street will be taking part in a chess tournament at Fairlight Primary School. The tournament takes place in the afternoon  on Wednesday 18th May.

Individual Photographs

Children will have their school photograph taken on Thursday 19th May. So don’t forget to look your best on Thursday.

Book Week

We have a book week planned for the week beginning 13th June. During that week there will be a book fair with books on sale for all ages. We will also have a book character dressing up day. So plenty of time to start planning your costume.

On Time Teds

The winners this week are in the Infants; Years 1 and 2  with 2 late marks and in the Juniors  year 4 with 1 late mark. Well done to all three classes for being so punctual.

New Reception Visit Days

Children joining Reception in September have three special afternoons planned to help them prepare for ‘big’ school. Children are invited to spend the afternoon with their new classmates on Wednesday 22nd June, Wednesday 29th June and Wednesday 6th July. The children will also meet their teacher; Mrs Yvie Gotel and teaching assistant; Mrs Jane Goldsmith.

Nursery Places Available

We have places available in our Nursery from September. Please contact the school office if you would like a place for your child. We would also appreciate it if you could pass on this information to friends and families of nursery age children.


Devon Olney has lost her monkey in the playground on Tuesday or Wednesday. The monkey is grey and white wearing a necklace with a bell. It also has Velcro on its hands. If you see him hanging around somewhere please capture him and hand him in at the office.

Louie Hughes in Year 1 is missing his scooter. Please can you help to find it? It’s a brand new, blue Razor scooter defined by a silver bell in between the handlebars.

Measles Alert!

I have been asked by the Health Protection Agency to make you aware of the current increased risk of measles in Sussex. Symptoms are similar to a nasty cold but with a rash and small white spots in the mouth. If your child has had two MMR vaccinations there is no action you need to take. If your child is well but has not been vaccinated you may wish to rectify this soon with a visit to your Practice Nurse at your GP surgery.

More Important Dates

Inset Day School Closure:

The school will be closed to children on Monday 23rd May for staff training.

Sports Day:

Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The day takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.

Great Cake Competition

A call to all cake makers amongst us to enter the Great Cake competition hosted by the Brighton Belles WI at the St Ann’s Wells Spring Festival on Saturday 21st May. There are 3 categories: traditional Victoria sponge, freestyle and under 12s (with a goody bag for all entrants. All submissions must be registered in the WI marquee on the main green before midday on the day. Judging will be carried out by Margurite Patten CBE and a guest panel of judges

Half Term Hols

We finish for the half term break on Friday 27th May and return for the final half term on Monday 6th June.

6th May 2011

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Welcome Back

Welcome back to a new term and sunny days. One or two new children have joined the school this term so a warm welcome to them and their families from us all at Middle Street. Learning Journey booklets should be coming home to you soon.

Royal Wedding

I hope you have all viewed the recent children’s interview with Fred Dinnage talking about the Royal Wedding. If you missed it on TV you can watch both interviews on our web site. The children’s comments are brilliant and very amusing. They were all very confident in front of the camera. So we are, of course, very proud of them!

Origami for Japan

Take a look at the children’s origami on display in the school entrance. Each piece of origami contains a special message for those who have suffered during the recent tsunami in Japan. We have also raised a small sum of money to send to the Red Cross to help victims

Children’s Festival Parade

The Middle Street Samba band is representing the school in this year’s children’s parade. Band members should meet at 10.00 in Sydney Streetunder flag number 29. The emergency contact number is: 07762772555

Unfortunately parents and carers cannot join the band to march with the parade. The band will be playing with other bands at the parade finale in Madeira Drive at between 12.30 and 1.30 (This is a guess!)

Hello Workshops

Children from Chailey Heritage Special School joined children from years 2, 3 and 4 today for workshops on different methods of communicating.

On Time Teds

The winners of last terms £25 are in the Infants; Year 2 and in the Juniors year 6. Well done to both classes for being so very punctual on such a regular basis!

Children’s Art Exhibition

Each child in the school has produced some art work for a special exhibition to be held next Tuesday 10th May. Parents and carers can view the exhibition in the hall from 3.00pm and will have the opportunity to purchase framed artwork.

Festival Children’s Rights Art Trail

You may have noticed 2 artworks on the walls of the school. One can be found in Middle Street the other is on the wall in Boyce’s street. The art works are part of an art trail around the city featuring the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. The art work has been created by the artist Claire Hackney

Missing Scooters

Mae Bohannon in Year 5 has lost her scooter. It’s black and silver and has a black coat hook on the handle.

Grace Potterton in Reception has also lost her scooter which is pink and has Grace’s name on a green sticker. Please check your child’s scooter to ensure you have the correct one.

Little Canada Payments

Please could we have the final payments for this year’s Year 6 trip to Little Canada?

Congratulations to…

Daniel Hoser in Year 3 who has achieved his blue belt in Karate. Well done Daniel!

More Important Dates

Inset Day School Closure:

The school will be closed to children on Monday 23rd May for staff training.

Sports Day:

Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The day takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime.

More information to follow soon.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.

Half Term Hols

Oh my goodness another holiday! We finish for the half term break on Friday 27th May and return for the final half term on Monday 6th June.