Archive for October, 2007

19th October 2007

Friday, October 19th, 2007

Charles the Lion

Charles the Lion (you will find him on our website) would like you to send him your stories. He will then read them aloud to you. If you would like Charles to read your story please email it to Charles tells me there is a small prize for the best story.

Girls Football Tournament

Our girl’s football team played at Waterhall on Monday afternoon. They did very well winning two games drew three and were very close to making it into the next round. Well done girls!

The Simpsons and Happy Feet

Children from Key Stage 1 enjoyed the film ‘Happy Feet’ today at the Odeon cinema. Key Stage 2 children visited the cinema yesterday and enjoyed ‘The Simpsons Movie’. The children as always were a credit to you and to the school.

Year 3 at Bignor Villa

Year 3 visited Bignor Villa today as part of their topic work studying the Romans.

Halloween Disco

Don’t forget your Halloween disco ticket, which can be purchased from the office. Please remember all children; from Nursery to Year2 should be accompanied by an adult. There will be a quiet room in the Nursery for those younger children who wish to dress up and have fun but find the disco a bit scary and noisy.

Make us an Offer

We have a large step ladder surplus to requirements. If you would like it please make us an offer we can’t refuse and it’s yours!
There must be someone out there that wants a shiny new ladder.

Lost Property

We have finally removed our lost property mountain from the hall and are determined to get control of those pesky lost items of clothing. We will now collect lost property in the office so please ask there if you have lost something.

Lunch Boxes

Several children are bringing their packed lunches in carrier bags and some lunch boxes do not fasten securely Which means food spills out when the lunch box trolleys are moved. Please could you ensure your child’s packed lunch is in a clean lunch box, which is secure and preferably contains an ice block to keep the food cool. Sandwiches etc in carrier bags sweat and can become unpleasant.
We have a healthy food policy at Middle Street and as I am sure you are aware healthy eating is a government priority. Please ensure your child’s lunch box contains a healthy balance of fruit, sandwiches, healthy drinks etc. Try and avoid processed foods containing E numbers. Our only rules regarding packed lunches is that they do not contain sweets or bars of chocolate.

Walk to School Week

Walk to School week will continue into the week following half term. So will in fact be walk to school two weeks!

Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings

Thank you for coming along to our parent/carer consultation evening. Thank you also for all of your very positive and supportive comments, which were much appreciated by the class teachers. All the staff at Middle Street work exceptionally hard to ensure that every child is at the centre of everything we do and are happy and learning. It is always good to know that the care and hard work is recognised.
Do remember too that you do not have to wait until parent/carer consultation evening to discuss any worries or concerns you may have. Teachers are always ready to listen and help with any worries or issues you or your child may have.

Half Term Holiday

School finishes today for half term and reopens again on Tuesday 30th October

12th October 2007

Friday, October 12th, 2007

Middle Street Closure

We have been informed that from 7.30am on Wednesday 17th October Brighton and Hove Council will be closing the bottom half of Middle Street to traffic until further notice. This will mean that anyone who usually drives up Middle Street will need to take the bus lane up West Street and turn off into Boyces Street where the traffic will be redirected. We will give you any further information as we receive it.

NSPCC fundraiser

A big thank you to you all for the sponsor money. We managed to raise over £500. The children will be thanked in a special assembly on Monday.

Parents Evening

Just to remind you about the Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings which take place on Tuesday 16th October and Thursday 18th October. You should have received a letter at the beginning of this week with further details. If you haven’t received one please ask at the office or the class teacher.

Music Workshops

We are very privileged and excited to be the first school in Brighton to take part in the Brighton Early Music Festival. Mr Brazil has organised for two workshops run by a baroque music ensemble to take place next Thursday for years 2 and 3. The musicians will be playing and talking about instruments which are at least 200 years old.

Late Arrivals

If for any reason you ring your child into school late, please could you make sure that you report to the office before sending them up to class so that they can be marked in the register and a dinner can be ordered if necessary.

Cinema Trip

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been invited to the cinema to watch ‘The Simpsons’ film on Thursday 18th October. Key Stage 1 children will be watching ‘Happy Feet’ at the cinema on Friday 19th October.

Halloween Disco

The School Association have kindly organised a Halloween Disco for all children after school on 31st October. All children from Nursery to Year 2 who wish to join in, must be accompanied by an adult.
Please ask at the office for further information.

CRB Clearance

If you have received CRB clearance could you please bring your certificate into the office so that we can photocopy it and keep it on file. Anyone helping out in school does need to be CRB checked so if you would like to help out please come to the office for a form.

Step-ladder For Sale

We have a step-ladder for sale. The ladder is brand new. If you are interested please ask at the office. It’s on sale for £25 (RRP £90).

Year 5 Assembly Postponed

Year 5 are postponing their assembly presentation due to take place on Tuesday, to later in the year.

Congratulations to..

Roman Waters Stewart who has had an article published in ‘The Truth’ which is the Young People’s News Letter published by Mosaic. In his article of ‘Helpful Tips’ he gives some advice on what people could do if they felt that they were being bullied. Well done Roman.

Half Term

School finishes on Friday 19th October for half term and reopens again on Tuesday 30th October as we have a training day on Monday 29th October.

5th October 2007

Friday, October 5th, 2007

NSPCC Fundraising

All sponsor money for our NSPCC fundraising event should be in today or Monday morning at the very latest. All children from Nursery to Year 6 took part on Monday and completed a circuit of PE activities.

Tag Rugby Tournament

Our Tag Rugby team of ten players competed at a Tag Rugby tournament held at the Brighton Rugby club. They played on Tuesday after school and won a game, drew a game and lost a game so experienced a mixture of emotions. Well done to the team and thank you to Ms Whiting for accompanying the children.

Year 6 Art Walk

Mr Dawson and Year 6 will be exploring Brighton next Tuesday looking for areas of interest to photograph and sketch in preparation for their art topic. Mr Dawson would like more parent/carer helpers to come along. Please let him know if you are able to assist him and the children.

Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings

Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings will take place on Tuesday 16th October and Thursday 18th October. A letter should arrive home very soon with further details.

Parent Governor

A reminder that today is the closing date for Parent Governor applications.

School Association Halloween Disco

The School Association have kindly organised a Halloween Disco for all children after school on 31st October. All children from Nursery to Year 2 who wish to join in, must be accompanied by an adult.
Tickets will be on sale from the office very soon.

New School Nurse

We have a new school nurse who is taking over from Cherry Kahil. Cherry’s replacement is Inger Griffiths.

Please Close the Gate

May I remind you to ensure the school gate is closed if you are exiting the school at lunchtimes (part time Reception parent/carers) or other times in the day other than beginning and end of the school day. To unlock the gate, please ensure you press the black button in the white box in the top right hand corner of the wall by the gate.

Lost Watch

Max Coates in Year 1 is very sad he has lost his watch. If you find a watch with racing cars on the front please return it to the office or Mrs Denyer to pass on.

Half Term

School finishes on Friday 19th October for half term and reopens again on Tuesday 30th October as we have a training day on Monday 29th October.