Thank you
What a wonderful afternoon tea and summer fair! Thank you to everyone who came along and joined in the fun. Lots of parents joined their children during early afternoon to look at the children’s work and end of learning journey celebrations before taking part in the afternoon tea. It is always such a special feeling to look round and see how well supported the school is by parents, carers and families. We are also extremely grateful for the team of parents from the PTA who all work so hard to put on these events for us. Sadly there are a few of the team leaving the school now after many years and to them (you know who you are) a tearful, but special, thank you for all you have done for us over the years including the laughter and friendship. We will miss you.
PTA Raffle
We have 2 raffles on the go at the moment. One for the usual luxury prizes and another for the prize of an iPad 2 and a set of decoupage chairs and a table. Raffle tickets are still on sale at the school office. The draw will take place on Tuesday.
African Eco-craft Fair
Year 5 raised £203 at their eco fair yesterday. The children made a variety of items for the fair to help raise funds for those suffering following the drought in Africa. The money will go to Save the Children fund for the East Africa Drought appeal.
Another Thank You
The Nursery cake sale and raffle raised £308 for the Nursery. Thank you to Candy for organising the event and to Friends for Leather, Body Shop and Kathmandu for donations to the raffle.
On Time Teds
The winners this week are in the Infants; Year 1 with 1 late mark and in the Juniors, Year 5 with 3 late marks. Well done to both classes for being so punctual!
The overall winners this term for punctuality are in the infants: Year 1 and in the Juniors Year 4. Congratulations to both classes who each win the grand sum of £25 to spend however they wish.
Tutu and Wig Day
For no reason what so ever other than it’s the end of term and our last day will be a dressing up day with everyone wearing a tutu and a wig. Why a tutu and a wig you may be asking, well I have no idea other than this is Middle Street and what else would you expect.
Lost Property, PE Bags and Everything Else
Please could you check lost property, take PE bags and other items from children’s pegs and drawers home on Monday. Please don’t forget lunch boxes too. Anything left will either go to charity or be thrown away.
Tables Anyone?
Year 1 and Year 6 are having new tables in their classrooms which means we need to dispose of the old ones. If you would like a table or two to have at home please let us know.
Middle Street Adult Choir
I hope you enjoyed the Middle Street choir performance at the summer fair, we certainly had great fun performing for you all. If you would like to join the Middle Street Adult choir or know someone else who may be interested please read the information on the reverse of the Friday News.
Parent Governor Elections
Here’s something for you to think about over the summer holidays; there will be parent governor vacancies on the Middle Street Governing body coming up next term. This may be a role you are interested in taking on; if so, look out for a letter at the beginning of next term with more information.
Brighton Football Academy
If your child is interested in booking a place on the Brighton Football Academy summer holiday course, please collect an application form from the table in the foyer by the parents’ notice board. For more information read the poster on the notice board.
Summer Holidays
We finish for the summer holidays on Thursday 21st July and return to the new school year on Tuesday 6th September.
Nursery children return on Monday 12th September.
This is the last Friday News, so good luck and goodbye to those of you moving on to pastures new and we look forward to seeing everyone else again in September for more fun and laughter. Have a fantastic sunny summer holiday!