Archive for May 13th, 2005

13th May 2005

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Festival Parade

The sun shone on us, and the rain (mostly) held off on Saturday. We had a lovely day on the Festival Parade with all of the other schools in the city. The Samba Band was excellent, and kept us going for the entire parade. The props were fantastic, well worth all the hours spent making them. The parents who gave up so much time to make the Jungle Book props deserve everyone’s thanks – it made our entry so colourful and vibrant. Did you see all of the photographs of Middle Street in the Argus this week?

Out and About Next Week

Year 4 are looking forward to their visit to Arundel Wetland and Wildfowl centre on Wednesday.
Year 5 and 6 children are going to Old Market Theatre on Thursday for an orchestral recital followed by a workshop with our “adopted” author from the Brighton Festival. This is being fully funded by our participation in the Excellence in Cities group.
On Friday, Years 4 and 6 are going to the Old Market Theatre for a “Murderous Maths” show, as part of the Brighton Festival.
Year 3 are also out on Friday, they are visiting a local dentist surgery, as part of National Smile Week. This links very well with the Year 3 mini topic on Healthy Teeth.


Children in Year 6 have completed their National tests today. They all tried their best and approached their tests in a very sensible way. Well done to you all.

Year 2 children are still working on their SATs, as these are spread out over several weeks, and take place within their normal class routines.

PE Kit

Please look through your child’s PE kit, as there are a lot of children with bits of their kit missing. Please also check that all kit is named. As it all looks the same, it is essential that your child’s kit is clearly named to prevent it getting mixed up with other children’s. Thank you.

Bay Blades

Unfortunately, there has been an accident on the playground involving Bay Blades. We feel that, in the circumstances, they will no longer be allowed in school.
A reminder that Pokemon and other collecting cards are not allowed in school.

Chicken Pox

There has been a case of Chicken Pox in Reception class. You are, therefore, advised to look out for cold-like symptoms, high temperature, and a blister like rash. Children who have Chicken Pox must be kept off school until the rash has completely dried up.

There is a national problem with mumps, mainly with teenagers, but it is also affecting younger children. Symptoms start with swollen glands and general malaise.

Middle Street School Association News

The next MSSA meeting will be held next Thursday 19th May at 9 a.m. in Starbucks Western Road. All class reps and anyone else who is interested are welcome.

This is advanced notice of the next big event being planned for children and parents. On Friday 17th June from 6.00 – 8.30 p.m., there will be a fantastic film show here at the school. The film will be Bugsy Malone, and there will be a licensed bar for adults!
Look out for posters and flyers coming home soon.

Mr Brazil is starting to teach the children some of the songs from the show, so it could turn into a real “sing-along”.