Archive for July 18th, 2008

18th July 2008

Friday, July 18th, 2008

End of Year Reports Today

The end of year reports will be handed out today. Make sure you or your child collects it before leaving at the end of the day.

Y5 children on Meridian Tonight

Last week a group of children from Year 5 joined Mr Collins and I to take part in an interview with Meridian TV. They interviewed us about the successful work we have carried out on challenging homophobic language in the school. The interview forms part of a larger presentation on homophobic bullying in schools. The interview should be aired this evening on Meridian Tonight at 6.00 pm.

Y5 Child Wins Competition

Grace Owers in Year 5 is the regional winner of the TAC energy impact competition. Grace created a poster that was designed to encourage friends and parents to think about the impact of conserving energy. Grace has been entered into the national final, which will take place in October. Well done Grace and good luck!

On-Time Teds

The winners of the On-Time Teds this week are Year 2 and Year 6. Well done all of you for being so punctual all week!

Class Photos Last Day

Today is the last day to purchase your child’s class photo. Photos are on sale at the office.

Year 6 Bowling

Year 6 had a fabulous time bowling on Wednesday afternoon. The bowling trip was a special celebratory leavers treat funded by the School Association. Year 6 children would like to say a big THANK YOU to the School Association.

Open Afternoon and a Cup of Tea

Parents and Carers enjoyed looking through their child’s work this afternoon. They were then able to join other parents and carers for a cup of tea and cake in the hall. The Afternoon Tea was put on for us all by the School Association. Many thanks to Izzy Mackender for a delicious spread.

Clear Pegs and Lost Property

Please remove all your child’s clothing etc from their peg today. Please also check lost property as everything left will be bagged up and donated to charity.

School Dinners Next Term

The cost of a school dinner increases to £1.90 a day and £9.50 per week.

Deep Learning

You may have been aware that teachers have been working with the children in a slightly different way this term. Children have been exploring the curriculum through ‘Learning Journeys’. This is a cross-curricular approach to learning and aims to make learning irresistible to the children. The learning is themed and involves using visits, visitors, artefacts and much more to inspire and engage children. We are developing this way of working next term and I look forward to telling you more about it in September.

Nick Sharratt Appearing at Waterstones

Nick Sharratt would love Middle Street children to join him at Waterstones bookshop tomorrow at 12.00 noon. He will be reading from his book ‘More Pants’. Pop in for a chat and maybe buy a copy of ‘More Pants’ and ask Nick to sign it for you.

Chinese Festival for Children and Families

On Sunday 24th August from 1.00 till 5.00 the Royal Pavilion and Museum will be holding a Chinese Festival in the Pavilion Gardens. There will be a variety of performances, demonstrations and have- a- go activities led by the local Chinese community for all to enjoy. The event is free. Pick up a leaflet for more information from the table in the school foyer.

Congratulations to…

Felix Sheppard achieved his Green Belt in Nimpo Ti Jitsu on Tuesday evening. Well done Felix!

Ollie Hancock in Year 5 won 3 Gold and 2 Bronze medals in a Kung Fu and Tai Chi competition last Sunday. Well done Ollie!

Goodbye and Good Luck

Goodbye and good luck to Ms Sheldrick and Ms James who have both completed their teacher training with us. Goodbye and good luck to Mrs George, who has been a Teaching Assistant with us for 10 Years. Goodbye and good luck to Mr Dawson, who replaced Ms Stewart for the Year. We are sad to see you go. Thank you to all of the above for everything they have done for the school. We shall miss you all!

I would like to say on behalf of everyone at Middle Street a fond farewell and good luck to those children leaving us to move abroad or attend a school closer to home. Finally goodbye and good luck to all the Year 6 children, who are moving on to their secondary schools. You have been a fabulous Year 6 well done and thank you! Xx

End of Term

We close for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July and re-open on Monday 8th September. Nursery Re-opens on Monday 15th September (Please note change of date from previous Friday News

Have a wonderful summer break everyone and we look forward to seeing you all in September.