Archive for January 29th, 2010

29th January 2010

Friday, January 29th, 2010

School Uniform Day for Haiti

What a strange place Middle Street has been today with everyone dressed in school uniform of one sort or another. Some of the grown- ups interpretations were interesting! Lots of freckles and pigtails!

As always it has been impressive to see all the children making such an effort to benefit others. Thank you for all the generous donations. I am not sure yet how much we have raised to help the survivors of the Haiti earthquake but I know the donations have been very generous.

Year 6 Assembly

We all enjoyed a fabulous assembly performed for us by Year 6. Their theme was space. The assembly was packed with facts about space and wonderful poems written by the children. Well done Year 6! May the force be with you!

Year 5 and Billy Liar

On Wednesday Year 5 took part in a drama workshop with students from Blatchington Mill School. The children explored the play ‘Billy Liar’. They became characters in the play and learnt more about the story in preparation for the visit to the Blatchington Mill Windmill theatre next Wednesday, to watch the play being performed.

Home Computer Grant

You may or may not be aware that the Government has set up a programme that helps eligible low-income families to buy a computer and Internet access. I have attached a letter which provides more information including how to obtain a grant application pack.

Middle Street Jumble!

As always the lost property is building up again so please check if any of your child’s clothing is there. Please could you name your child’s clothing especially the PE kit. Could I also ask you to check that your child has a PE bag which is named and is equipped to hang on the coat peg. Some PE bags have lost their cords and are left on the floor.

Please help us to keep the school as tidy as possible by regularly checking the cloakrooms, lost property and lunchbox trolley for items that your child may have forgotten about.

Subsidised Afterschool Care Club Fees

Starfish Kids Club who collect children from Middle Street are able to offer subsidised afterschool care places. They can offer a reduced fee from £9.45 per session to £3.00 per session. If your child is eligible for free school meals then they are eligible for the reduced rate sessions. Places are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis. For bookings and further information contact Dale Maloney on 01273 719520.

Thunder Kids

Thunder Kids is a Saturday morning club for children, dads and male carers which has been running at Middle Street. The club is free and is ideal for children aged 5 to 10. The children get to have a go at a variety of activities with their dads and carers with some time built in for the men to get together for some grown up chat. The third session runs at Middle Street on Saturday February 6th starting at 9.00 and ending at 12.00. Drop in for the morning if you are interested.


Could children be reminded to hand in their mobile phones and other electronic gadgets to the school office for safe keeping.

Congratulations to….

Ben Spooner in Year 2 who has achieved his orange belt at Soo Bahk Do and also moved up to the Junior class! Well done Ben!