Snakes and Slithery Things
Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a morning with the ‘reptile’ man as the stunning start for their learning journey. He came in with bags of snakes of all sizes and colours and the children were able to hold the snakes and ask questions to help them with their learning journey projects.
Family SEAL
We are very pleased to announce that this term we will be offering parents and carers another opportunity to take part in the Family SEAL programme. The programme is designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to support children in developing their social and emotional skills. The course runs over 6 weeks, takes place in school on Tuesdays and is led by our learning mentors: Tim Owers and Alan Meadows. An introductory session for interested parents and carers is being held on Tuesday 2nd October. We ran a course last year which was very successful so I do hope you will come along and find out more.
Come and Meet Your Child’s Teacher
You are invited to come along for a short meeting with your class teacher and TA on the following dates: Reception: Monday 24th September, Years 1 and 2 on Monday 17th September, Years 3 and 4 on Wednesday 19th Years 5 and 6 held their meeting last week. This is your chance to find out about the year ahead and ask any questions. Meetings start at 9.10 and finish at 9.30.
After School Clubs
We have almost finalised clubs for this half term. A letter will arrive home early next week.
Gardening Club Plant Sale
Middle Street gardening club are holding a plant and produce sale on Tuesday 18th at 3.15 in the main playground.
Scooter Security Bars
Please do not park scooters in school. You may ask for a security bar (£1 deposit) from the office which enables you to secure your scooter to the scooter rack. You will need your own padlock to secure the security bar.
New Albion Player Coming to School
Middle Street is taking part in the Albion’s Young Seagulls Schools project. I am delighted to inform you that Andrea Orlandi is our first team link player and he will be visiting the school regularly over the coming year. Andrea will bring with him another 2 players from the Development squad and they are: Theo Jones and Courtney Richards. Their first visit is on Thursday 27th September. We have an Albion board in the corridor leading to the main playground where we display information on our players and other Albion information. There are lots of exciting opportunities coming our way so keep an eye on the board. More information about the Young Seagulls Schools Project can be found on the reverse of the Friday News.
Free Taster Sessions Brighton Hockey Club
Brighton Hockey club are offering free taster sessions every Friday from 4.00 till 5.00 at Blatchington Mill School. Children from the age of 3 to 16 years are welcome.
Free Swimming Available
Children under the age of 16 can register to swim for free in the Brighton and Hove swimming pools. If you would like to register your child for free entry into the swimming pool then please ask for an application form from the office. You can obtain information on pool opening times and free swimming sessions from the Brighton and Hove Council website.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 0 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 3, 4 and 5 with 1 late mark each. Well done to all classes for being so very punctual.
Grace in year 2 has lost her school book bag. It is named and has a photo of her class in a key ring attached to the bag. If you find it please return to Year 2 or the school office.
Congratulations to…
Felix in Year 6 who won the under 10 cup for player of the season at Brighton and Hove Cricket Club. Well done Felix!
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break on Friday 26th October and children return to school on Tuesday 6th November.
We are also closed on 15th November as we are being used as a polling station for the Police Commissioner elections.