Archive for November 24th, 2006

24th November 2006

Friday, November 24th, 2006

Christmas Performances

Our Christmas performances are taking place this year on: Thursday 7th December. Infants at 1.15pm and Juniors at 2.15pm.
Friday 8th December. Infants at 9.30 am and Juniors at 10.30am. Tickets will be available from the office from Tuesday 28th November

Year 5 Assembly

On Tuesday we all enjoyed a fantastic assembly put on for us by Year 5. The children produced their own script and play based on the story Perseus and the Gorgon Slayer. Well done Year 5, a great performance!

Head Lice Alert

We have had recent sightings of those pesky head lice. Please check your child’s and the rest of the family’s hair as soon as possible. If you do have continuing problems with head lice we are able to put you in touch with the school nurse who can advise you on the best course of action.

Kitchen Equipment Needed

If you have any spare kitchen utensils, in good condition that you would like to donate to the school we would be very grateful.

Cabinets and Pods

There will be no Cabinets and Pods on Tuesday next week. Mr Dyer sends his apologies. Monday’s Cabinets and Pods will take place as usual.

Book Order to Be Collected

We still have an uncollected book ordered from the Blue Green Book Club in the office. Could the parent/carer who ordered it please collect it from the office.

Christmas Raffle

We will be selling raffle tickets at the office from Tuesday 28th November. The prize will be a Christmas Hamper made up of donations of Christmas goodies from the staff. The draw will take place at the School Associations Christmas Afternoon Tea.

School Association Afternoon Christmas Tea

Another wonderful opportunity to enjoy some delicious food and a cup of tea or mulled wine organised by the School Association on Thursday 14th December from 3.00pm in the hall.

Congratulations to…

Ruby Smith, Katy Shirley, Sam Allsop and Ariel Matsui-Le Roy from Year 4. Ruby, Katy, Sam and Ariel have all had poems selected for publication after entering the ‘Young Writers’ competition organised by Forward Press. The poems will feature in ‘A Pocketful of Rhyme East and West Sussex Verses’ due for publication on 28th February 2007. Well done Ruby, Katy, Sam and Ariel.