Reach for the Stars!
As part of their learning journey, Years 5 and 6 are visiting the science centre and observatory at Herstmonceux for the day on Thursday 13th October.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are year 1 with 1 late mark. In Key Stage 2, the winners are year 3 with 0 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.
Parent Consultation Evenings
Parent consultation evenings take place on Wednesday 19th October and Thursday 20th October. You will receive a letter with more information next week.
Fundraising Meeting
Nic Ramsey, a parent of a Year 1 child, is interested in leading the Parents fundraising group. She would love to meet anyone who would like to be involved and carry on the good work begun by Mandy O Sullivan and the team who previously led on fundraising. Nic is holding a coffee morning at her home on Thursday 20th October at 9.15 to discuss ideas for the future. Please contact Nic on: 07932704411
Nic lives close to the school at 19 Middle Street (Regency Cottage). Nic would love to meet new and past members of the group.
Voluntary Contributions
Our creative curriculum involves several visits and activities off site which unfortunately there is a charge for. We appreciate that the costs of these trips can be a financial challenge for some families in our school. We do ask for a voluntary contribution from each child as the visits and activities would not go ahead. We do try and subsidise some of the trips to make them a bit cheaper for everyone and where possible we organise visits and activities which are free or low cost. Activities offsite contribute greatly to children’s leaning and broadening of experience which is why we value them so highly. If you have difficulty with paying the voluntary contribution please come and discuss the issue with me confidentially rather than simply not paying the contribution as I may be able to help.
Please Close the Gate
Please could I remind everyone entering or exiting the school at times other than the beginning or end of the day to please close the gate behind you. Thank you.
Congratulations to…
Robyn in Year 3 who has successfully completed her lunchtime hall buddy training. Well done Robyn!
Half Term
We finish for the half term on Friday 21st October and return on Tuesday 1st November.