Archive for May 17th, 2013

17th May 2013

Friday, May 17th, 2013

Emil and the Detectives Competition

The winners of the Emil and the Detective competition are: Caitlin and Eliot from Year 4, Maya, Tia, Kai and Flo from Year 5, Lillie, Phin, Jody, Daisy, Sadie, Sol and Jalil from Year 6. The children will have the opportunity to meet the author and guest director of this year’s Brighton Festival; Michael Rosen at the Theatre Royal next Friday. Congratulations and well done to all those children.

Book Fair and Competition

Ms Davies from Year 3 who is also our lead teacher on Literacy is holding a book fair in June. She has set herself a rather challenging target of raising £1000 to spend on new books for the school. The school gets 100% commission on any books sold during the book fair. The book fair will take place over the week beginning 17th June.

Parent/Carer Governor Elections

Do remember the closing date for voting is Friday 24th May. The ballot box can be found at the school office.

Space Invaders Competition Event

Cocoa ‘s film entry has reached the Under 11s finals of the Space Invaders competition run by the University of Sussex. Cocoa will be attending the screening of competition finalists on May 20th at the Sallis Benny theatre. Everyone is invited along to the event. The winners will be announced at the end of the evening. During the event there will also be a public debate about young people and their use of social media, online gaming and other new technologies. There will be youth friendly refreshments available. The event is free and I am sure will be of interest to many of you.

Class Photos

The photographer will be in school on Thursday 23rd May photographing each class.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 4. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

 Congratulations to…

Calum in Year 4 who took part in the English Primary Schools Chess Association under 11s tournament last Saturday. Calum was part of the Sussex team which won the tournament! I received a letter from the Sussex Junior chess ambassador praising the major contribution Calum made to their success winning all his three games. Well Done Calum! See more details at

Louie from Year 1 who entered a design competition for the Windows 8 phone. Louie had an idea for what he wished the phone could do. His design was for characters on the phone to be able to zap enemies. His artwork was sent to New York and he won the chance to have the famous artist -Dave Devries re-create his artwork and Louie’s design is now on the Windows 8 phone app (turn over to see Louie’s original design)! Well done Louie!

The winners of a competition to win tickets for a puppet show: Woodland at the new Theatre Emporium are Jay, Mannie, Jools, Betsy and Barnaby. All entries for the competition are on display at The Emporium. Well Done!


Victoria from Year 1 has lost her green jacket. It went missing on Tuesday. Please check to see if you have taken it by mistake.

Felix from Year 4 has lost a black sports bag with his trainers and tracksuit.

Friday News On line

Next week is the last week the Friday News will be handed out in class. After half term you will need to access the Friday News via our website:

We will have a few paper copies each week for those of you without easy access to the internet. Paper copies will be available from the office.

Comic Book Club News

There will be no comic book club on Wednesday 5th June.

Half Term Break

School finishes for the half term break on Friday 24th May and begins again on Monday 3rd June.

Summer Break

Our last day of the school year is Wednesday 24th July.